
  • 网络hyperboloid of two sheet;biparted hyperboloid
  1. 为此,给出了两相干点源空间干涉的精确解,该解是以两点源s1和s2为公焦点,以s1s2为转轴的回转双叶双曲面族。

    This paper presents the accurate solution for the interference of two coherent point sources , which is a family of hyperboloid .

  2. 定量讨论了置于椭圆与双曲线焦点上的两个相干波源在椭圆、旋转椭球面、双曲线以及旋转双叶双曲面上产生相长干涉与相消干涉的条件与分布。

    This paper discusses the conditions and distributions of constructive interferences and destructive interferences when two interference wave sources on the focuses of an ellipse , a rotation ellipsoid , a hyperbola or a rotation hyperboloid .