
zhāi yào
  • abstract;digest;excerpt;minute;remark;resume;roundup;make a summary;precis
摘要 [zhāi yào]
  • (1) [make a summary]∶摘取精要

  • 摘要引证

  • (2) [roundup;abstract]∶指摘录的要点

  • 本年度财政新闻摘要

摘要[zhāi yào]
  1. 现在正是泡杯茶,作一下摘要的时候了。

    It is time to take a break and to make a summary .

  2. 观众看见他主持一个5分钟的地方新闻摘要节目。

    Viewers saw him anchoring a five-minute summary of regional news .

  3. 休息之后我们会摘要报道今天其他的新闻。

    We 'll be back after the break with a round-up of today 's other stories .

  4. 首先来看今天的新闻摘要。

    First , we have this roundup of the day 's news

  5. 该组织定期出版一份环境统计数据摘要。

    The organization publishes a regular digest of environmental statistics .

  6. 我们还有从纽约街头到威尼托大街带来的有关选举的新闻摘要。

    We 'll also have an election roundup from the streets of New York to the Via Veneto .

  7. 请写一份这本书〔这篇论文〕的摘要。

    Please write an abstract of this article 〔 thesis 〕 .

  8. 摘要分析了2种应用于测量扬声器阻抗曲线的功率放大器。

    Two types of power amplifier for measuring speaker impedance curve were analysed .

  9. 他把那些论文都读了一遍并做了内容摘要。

    He read through the papers and made an abstract of their contents .

  10. 我只读过这本小说的摘要。

    I read only this digest of the novel .

  11. 他对每条消息都作了摘要。

    He gave every piece of information a sumup .

  12. 他对讲话做了摘要。

    He has abstracted the speech .

  13. 请给这篇科学论文做摘要。

    Please abstract this scientific article .

  14. 提交你的论文初稿,表演剧本,或文件摘要。

    Submit a first draft of your essay , performance script , or documentary highlights .

  15. 摘要根据齿轮啮合原理,建立了轮齿的精确齿形。

    Exact modeling of gear teeth is based on meshing theory .

  16. 后来我们收到她讲话的摘要

    Later we received resumes of what she had said .

  17. 摘要构建和谐家庭,离不开构建和谐的夫妻关系、亲子关系

    The harmonious family is inseparable from harmonious connubiality , and harmonious parenthood .

  18. 他对一篇长文章做了摘要。

    He made an abstract of a long article .

  19. 摘要色彩是产品包装设计的重要元素,论述了色彩的心理象征性和民俗象征性的重要作用和意义

    The important function and meaning of colors-psychological and folk-custom symbolization were discussed .

  20. 摘要卢梭认为,公意就是人类自由意志的升华

    Luleng deems that public will is a sublimation of human 's free volitions .

  21. 摘要〕目的:研究瓷贴面复合体应力分布规律

    Objective : To study the stress tooth preparation with two kinds of porcelains . 〔

  22. 把纲要放在订正或植物志前面作为内容摘要。

    Synopses appear in the front of revisions or Flovas as a summary of contents .

  23. 摘要在柱状零件计算机视觉检测的应用中,经常需要对其进行垂直度的检测。

    The verticality of cylinder is often inspected in the application of computer vision inspection .

  24. 书也可请人去读,事后取其读书摘要。

    Some book also may be read by deputy , and extracts made of them by others .

  25. 用信息-摘要算法提高Web信息检索效率的研究

    Using Message-Digest Algorithm for Improving Efficiency of Web Information Searching

  26. 单击Next按钮到达安装摘要界面。

    Click the Next button to the installation summary screen .

  27. 查看此实例的摘要并单击Next。

    View a summary of the instance and click Next .

  28. 检查摘要页面,然后单击Create。

    Review the summary page and click Create .

  29. C类论文为指示性摘要>报道指示性摘要>报道性摘要。

    In C category articles , indicated abstract > reported indicated abstract > reported abstract .

  30. 检查摘要,如果没有问题,则单击Finish。

    Review the summary and if everything is as expected , click Finish .