
  1. 如果一个能使其周围空间发生弯曲的大质量天体改变了位形,比如在超新星坍缩时,周围的空间就将由于引力波以光速传播而发生形变。

    If a massive object that bends the space in its vicinity also changes its arrangement-for example , in the collapse of a supernova , or exploding star-surrounding space will be deformed by the propagation of gravitational ripples that travel with the speed of light .

  2. 迈克尔逊称费米望远镜还观测到许多围绕大质量黑洞的天体,称之为“活跃星系”。

    Michelson said the Fermi telescope has also discovered many of what he calls " active galaxies " centered around a massive black hole .