
bái ǎi xīng
  • white dwarf
白矮星[bái ǎi xīng]
  1. 新发现的X射线选活动星系核、白矮星和激变变星

    Discovery of X-ray Selected AGNs , a White Dwarf and a Cataclysmic Variable

  2. 剩下的开放问题是,在旋涡星系中,这些并合的白矮星是否就是Ia型超新星的主要催化剂。

    An open question remains whether these white dwarf mergers are the primary catalyst for Type1a supernovae in spiral galaxies .

  3. 他们认为这个庞大的物体是由两颗“白矮星”合并而成的,通常白矮星会以强大的超新星的形式爆炸。这颗新星被天文学家称为“白矮星”。

    The new star is what astronomers1 call a ' white dwarf2 ' .

  4. 一些白矮星的大气中几乎只有纯氢或氦,但这颗星的大气中重元素碳的含量异常高。

    Some white dwarves4 have almost pure hydrogen or helium atmospheres , but this star has an atmosphere unusually high in the heavier element , carbon .

  5. DA型和非DA型白矮星的目视表面亮度和半径的关系

    Visual surface brightness and radius of Da and non-DA white dwarfs

  6. 去年在弗吉尼亚州夏洛茨维尔,国家射电天文台(NationalRadioAstronomyObservatory)的天文学家发现了一颗脉冲星,绕着它运动的另外两颗缩小的恒星被称为白矮星,而这一现象是前所未见的。

    Last year , astronomers at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in Charlottesville , Virginia , discovered the first pulsar orbited by two other shrunken stars , called white dwarfs .

  7. 一个碳氧白矮星可以通过洛希瓣物质交流或者通过星风从其伴星吸积物质,从而增加自身质量,最终由于不稳定的热核燃烧而发生Ia型超新星爆炸。

    A carbon-oxygen white dwarf may explode as Type Ia supernova by accreting matter from its company via either Roche lobe overflow or wind .

  8. 观测结果还首次显示,白矮星在爆炸成为Ia型超新星之前,会在其周围创造一个空洞。

    The observations also show for the first time that a white dwarf can create a cavity around it before blowing up in a Type Ia event .

  9. 大多数科学家认为,当白矮星(年老恒星坍缩而成的残骸)超过质量极限,变得不稳定并爆发的时候,会产生Ia型超新星。

    Most scientists agree a Type1a supernova occurs when a white dwarf star a collapsed remnant of an elderly star exceeds its weight limit , becomes unstable and explodes .

  10. 我们在双星演化程序中加入了吸积盘不稳定性的因素,并采用最新的白矮星表面的H和He稳定燃烧的条件,以此未跟踪不同初始质量和轨道周期的白矮星双星的演化。

    We include the effect of unstable accretion disk to binary evolution code , and the latest description of H and He burning condition at the surface of white dwarfs to follow the evolution of white dwarf binaries with different initial masses and orbital periods .

  11. 但是PNES理论的基本原理和思路与原有的理论完全不同,按照原有理论,白矮星系统只是一种电子系统,氦离子系统只被视为约束电子系统的外部约束条件。

    According as the original theory has regarded the white dwarf star system is a electron system alone , the helium-ion system is only looked as a external condition that the electron system is restricted .

  12. 将一个新理论&正、负能谱(PNES)热力学理论应用于白矮星系统的力学平衡问题,对白矮星初期演化阶段的力学平衡进行了详细的分析。

    Applying the new theory-the positive and negative energy spectrum ( PNES ) thermodynamical theory to the mechanical equilibrium of white dwarf stars , the mechanical equilibrium of white dwarf star at early stage has been analysed carefully .

  13. 白矮星的平衡质量上限

    The Upper-limit of the Equilibrium Mass of the White Dwarf Star

  14. 这意味着,白矮星并合是这些星系中的主导过程。

    This implies that white dwarf mergers dominate in these galaxies .

  15. Ⅰ型超新星模型&部分燃尽白矮星

    Models for Type I Supernovae : Partially Incinerated White Dwarfs

  16. 他们发现了38个被叫做白矮星的物体。

    They said they found thirty-eight objects called @ white dwarfs @ .

  17. 它很可能是白矮星留下的残余物,白矮星核心堆积有大量的碳。

    It may be the remains of a carbon-rich white dwarf star .

  18. 它是小行星,白矮星,彗星还是类星体?

    Is it an asteroid , dwarf planet , comet or quasar ?

  19. 本?奥本海姆领导发现这些白矮星的研究小组。

    Ben Oppenheimer led the research team that discovered the white dwarfs .

  20. 这时,它被称为白矮星。

    It is then referred to as a White Dwarf .

  21. 一个实际存在的负能谱系统&白矮星

    A Practical Negative-Energy Spectrum System & The White Dwarf Star

  22. 当恒星塌陷时,它会变成白矮星或者超新星。

    When a star collapses , it will be White dwarf or Supernova .

  23. 研究人员猜想,光晕内到处有白矮星。

    The researchers suggest that there are many white dwarf stars throughout this halo .

  24. 白矮星的质量上限

    The Upper Limit of White Dwarfs ' Quality

  25. 奥本海姆先生说,大多数白矮星大约有100亿岁。

    Mister Oppenheimer says most of the white dwarfs may be about ten-thousand-million years old .

  26. 当白矮星自转时,被吸入的气柱也跟著一起转起来。

    As the white dwarf spins , the columns of infalling gas rotate with it .

  27. 收缩较慢的白矮星仍会发光几十亿年。

    As a slowly contracting dwarf the star may remain luminous for billions of years .

  28. 或者可以说在你缓慢驶过一颗白矮星时。

    Or , it seems , when you 're cruising past a white dwarf star .

  29. 瓦解的类太阳恒星可能在环绕白矮星的轨道上形成一个质量巨大的盘状物。

    The disrupted sunlike star could form a massive disk in orbit around the dwarf .

  30. 如今,研究人员已经确定了如下雨般落在两颗白矮星上的多岩石的、类似于小行星的物质。

    Now researchers have identified rocky , asteroidlike material raining down on two white dwarfs .