
  • 网络Whitefish;chub;cisco
  1. 他们一边薰烤着白鲑和百吉圈,一边一页页翻看家人的照片。

    Over smoked whitefish and bagels , they paged through family photos .

  2. 北美洲和西伯利亚水域中脊背呈青铜色的白鲑。

    Bronze-backed whitefish of northern North America and Siberia .

  3. 3种白鲑线粒体细胞色素b和16SRRNA基因片段序列分析

    Sequence analysis of partial cytochrome b and 16S rRNA genes of three Coregonus species

  4. 苏格兰白鲑苏格兰的一种小型白鲑(苏格兰白鲑)

    A small whitefish ( Coregonus vandesius ) of Scotland .

  5. 生活在美国西部和加拿大西部水域的白鲑。

    Whitefish of the western United States and Canada .

  6. 英格兰白鲑英格兰湖泊地区的一种极其相近的白鲑(英格兰白鲑)

    A closely related whitefish ( C.gracilior ) of the Lake District of England .

  7. 白鲑一种鲑鱼属,主要是北美淡水食用鱼,通常具有白色或银色的色泽。

    Any of various chiefly North American freshwater food fishes of the genus coregonus , having a generally white or silvery color .

  8. 白鲑北美鱼类的一种,如白鲑属的淡水鲑或?属的海洋鱼类。

    Any of various North American fishes , such as a freshwater whitefish of the genus Coregonus or a marine fish of the genus kyphosus .

  9. 鲑鱼、斑鳟、红点鲑、爱尔兰白鲑和鳗鱼都是天然品种,其它品种如梭鱼、石斑鱼、和虹鳟鱼,则是从外海引进的。

    Salmon , brown trout , char , Pollan and eel all occur naturally and other varieties such as pike , roach and rainbow trout have been introduced from outside .

  10. 为解决高白鲑仔鱼饲育期与室外鱼池放养期不同步的矛盾,采取室内流水,集约化饲育方式,利用活饵料与人工配合饲料投喂。

    To resolve the un-corresponding period contradiction of the rearing stage and the stocking stage in outdoor pond in larval pelyad , high density culture in indoor running water was carried out .