
  • 网络peshawar
  1. 撤离灾区涉水通过后在白沙瓦沉重的季风降雨在周六,2010年7月31日

    Evacuees wade through flooded area following heavy monsoon rains in Peshawar on Saturday , July 31 , 2010 .

  2. 巴基斯坦卫生部向世卫组织通报,在该国白沙瓦地区有8起人感染H5N1型禽流感疑似病例。

    The Ministry of Health in Pakistan has informed WHO of8 suspected human cases of H5N1 avian influenza infection in the Peshawar area of the country .

  3. 两例新的H5N1型禽流感病例已经过血清学测试得到证实,进而提供之前报告的白沙瓦地区一组家庭成员最终的H5N1感染检测结果。

    Two additional H5N1 cases were confirmed by serological testing , thus providing final H5N1 infection test results on a previously reported family cluster in Peshawar .

  4. 一天,我跟着父亲去白沙瓦上BBC的乌尔都语谈话节目,节目的主持人是知名的专栏作家瓦沙图拉•汗。

    One day my father and I went to Peshawar to appear on a BBC Urdu talk show hosted by a famous columnist called Wasatullah Khan .

  5. 马尔丹已经有好几个由联合国难民署(UNHCR)提供的白色帐篷组成的巨型营地,就像那些在白沙瓦提供给阿富汗难民住的一样。

    In Mardan there were already big camps of white UNHCR tents like those for Afghan refugees in Peshawar .

  6. 在那些暗无天日的日子里的某一天,父亲接到了一通来自他的朋友阿卜杜勒·海·卡卡尔的电话。他是一名常驻白沙瓦的BBC特派员,

    It was during one of those dark days that my father received a call from his friend Abdul Hai Kakar , a BBC radio correspondent based in Peshawar .

  7. 后来,她们家搬到白沙瓦(Peshawar),图帕凯也试着玩巴基斯坦流行的壁球。

    Then , when her family moved to Peshawar , Toorpakai tried squash too , a popular sport in Pakistan .

  8. 世界卫生组织宣布巴基斯坦城市白沙瓦(Peshawar)是世界上小儿麻痹症最猖獗的国家。

    The World Health Organization has declared the Pakistani city of Peshawar the world 's largest reservoir of endemic polio virus .

  9. 2003年,为了给女性提供教育机会,该协会在巴基斯坦的白沙瓦建立GawharShad大学。

    In two thousand three , to educate women , the institute Gawhar Shad University in Peshawar , Pakistan .

  10. 此外还将在瓜达尔修建一个机场、一座发电站以及新公路,同时升级拉合尔和西北部城市白沙瓦(Peshawar)之间的铁路基础设施。

    Also included were plans to build an airport , a power plant and new roads in Gwadar and to upgrade rail infrastructure between Lahore and the northwestern city of Peshawar , he said .

  11. 在随后到来的冷战时期,巴基斯坦是美国对抗苏联的堡垒,白沙瓦成了一个重要的军事基地。后来,白沙瓦又成了美国中央情报局(CIA)的重要行动基地,特别是在苏联占领阿富汗期间。

    During the Cold War years that followed , Pakistan was an outpost in the U.S. rivalry with the Soviet Union , and Peshawar became an important military base , and later a vital CIA base of operations , particularly during the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan .

  12. 一些人前往马尔丹,一些人去白沙瓦。

    Some people going to Mardan , some are going to Peshawar .

  13. 目前没有人表示为这次白沙瓦的袭击负责。

    No one has claimed responsibility for the Peshawar attack .

  14. 星期四中午,她就回到了白沙瓦。

    She arrived back in Peshawar at lunchtime on Thursday .

  15. 昨天,白沙瓦自杀式汽车爆炸造成至少49人死亡。

    A suicide car bomber killed at least forty-nine people yesterday in Peshawar .

  16. 更多的人正在白沙瓦整理行囊,准备离开。

    Many more are packing their bags in Peshawar , preparing to leave .

  17. 六年前,他在白沙瓦结婚。

    He got married six years ago in Peshawar .

  18. 后来到了50年代,他在白沙瓦开设了自己的书店。

    Later , in the 1950s , he opened his own bookshop in Peshawar .

  19. 很幸运,我们在白沙瓦地区确实有很多力量。

    Luckily we do idea -- we do have a large in the Peshawar .

  20. 白沙瓦的爆炸事件是今年巴基斯坦发生的最为致命的单次爆炸事件。

    The blast in Peshawar was the deadliest single attack this year in Pakistan .

  21. 白沙瓦一家国有银行和军事医院附近8人被杀。

    Eight people were killed near a state-owned bank and a military hospital in Peshawar .

  22. 巴基斯坦发生三起自杀式爆炸事件,袭击导致15人死亡,其中最致命的爆炸发生在伊斯兰堡和白沙瓦。

    The attacks killed 15 people . The deadliest , west of Islamabad and Peshawar .

  23. 当地塔利班分子声称,他们对美国驻白沙瓦领事馆发动了袭击。

    The local Taliban say they carried out the assault on the US consulate in Peshawar .

  24. 他们不明白在伊斯兰堡,甚至白沙瓦的人看来,我就会显得很落伍。

    They did not realise people from Islamabad or even Peshawar would think me very backward .

  25. 官方表示,这是白沙瓦市有史以来最为致命的恐怖袭击事件。

    Official 's saying it is the deadliest terror attack ever in the city of Peshawar .

  26. 于是几个星期前,我们在白沙瓦和负责该项目的美国录像记者亚当·艾利克见了面。

    A few weeks before , we had met the American video journalist Adam Ellick in Peshawar .

  27. 最后,因为夜晚留在白沙瓦太危险,他们当天便乘直升机离开了。

    Then they left in their helicopter because it is dangerous to be in Peshawar after dark .

  28. 最后,扎西德·汗被转送至白沙瓦动手术,父亲也回家了。

    Finally Zahid Khan was transferred to Peshawar to be operated on and my father came home .

  29. 古德森说,巴基斯坦不能忍受开伯尔部落特区和白沙瓦存在的威胁。

    Goodson says a threat to the Khyber Agency and Peshawar was too much for Pakistan to abide .

  30. 警察总监说,安全部队正集中清剿靠近白沙瓦的巴拉镇。

    The police chief says security forces are focusing on the town of Bara , which borders Peshawar .