
  • 网络Indian Navy
  1. 闪电游侠印度海军T-80型特快攻击艇

    T-80 Extra-Fast Attack Craft in Indian Navy

  2. 已退休的印军将军AshokMehta称,除了美国海军,印度海军已经成为印度洋上最强大的海军力量。

    Other than the US Navy , the Indian Navy has emerged as the most formidable maritime force in the Indian Ocean , Ashok Mehta , a retired Indian Army general said .

  3. 印度海军立即下令对辛杜拉克沙克号(INSSindhurakshak)的灾难进行调查,该潜艇从俄罗斯购买,是一艘柴油推进的基洛级(Kilo)潜艇。

    The navy immediately ordered an inquiry into the disaster on the INS Sindhurakshak , one of a fleet of diesel-powered Kilo-class submarines bought from Russia .

  4. 如今,印度海军正在此地区与中国强大的海军力量进行竞争。

    It now competes for influence in the area with China 's sophisticated naval force .

  5. 同时,此举也让新兴的印度海军走上了世界的前台。

    It also puts the emerging Indian Navy front and center on the world stage .

  6. 本周,印度海军在亚丁湾击沉了一艘海盗的武装补给舰。

    This week the Indian Navy destroyed a heavily armed " mother ship " in the Gulf of Aden .

  7. 印度海军的行动发出了一个强硬的信号,那就是,他们不能逍遥法外。

    This action by the Indian Navy will send out a strong message that they cannot get away with this .

  8. 印度海军昨日称,周二夜里,在一艘海盗船威胁发动攻击之后,一艘印度护卫舰将其击沉。

    An Indian frigate sunk a pirate vessel on Tuesday night after the pirates threatened to attack , the Navy said yesterday .

  9. 不过,有记者问道有关这个星期印度海军军舰在索马里海域击沉一艘海盗船时,库什内暗示这类行动可以接受。

    But when asked about the action by an Indian navy ship to sink a pirate vessel this week off the Somali coast , he suggested such actions are acceptable .

  10. 印度海军总司令上个月表示,与日本和美国沿东亚太平洋沿岸进行的三边海上军事演习没有恶意。

    The country 's navy chief last month said there was no evil intent in trilateral naval exercises with Japan and the US along the Pacific coastline of East Asia .

  11. 霍尔茨伯格管理的沙巴德楼犹太文化中心位于纳里曼综合大楼。印度海军在突击队和狙击手发动袭击三天后冲进了大楼。

    At the Nariman House Complex , where the Holtzbergs managed the Chabad House Jewish center , Indian Navy commandos and sharpshooters stormed the building three days into the attacks .

  12. 相比而言,印度海军在运作能力上仍存在某些差距,缺乏核潜艇和潜射弹道导弹正是最明显的差距。

    The Indian Navy , in contrast , still has some gaps in its operational capabilities , with the lack of nuclear submarines or SLBM capability just being the most glaring .

  13. 一艘中国军舰7月下旬与刚刚离开越南水域的一艘印度海军登陆舰发生正面遭遇,这是中印海军在南中国海首次得到报道的遭遇。

    A Chinese warship confronted an Indian navy vessel shortly after it left Vietnamese waters in late July in the first such reported encounter between the two countries ' navies in the South China Sea .

  14. 由于担心中国越来越强硬,新德里方面寻求与中国的对手开展更多合作,并不断增强其海军实力,印度海军最近获得了第二艘交付的航空母舰。

    Worried about an increasingly assertive and stronger China , New Delhi has sought greater cooperation with Beijing 's rivals and has been bolstering its navy , which recently took delivery of its second aircraft carrier .

  15. 印俄签署的重要协议之一,是为了解决有关出售和翻新俄罗斯一艘航空母舰的一个迟迟没有解决的争议。这艘名为“戈尔什科夫海军上将号”的航空母舰计划于2012年底前交付给印度海军。

    One of the most significant agreements is intended to settle a protracted dispute over the sale and refurbishing of a Russian aircraft carrier that is to be delivered to India 's Navy by the end of 2012 .

  16. 11月11日,一支由印度三艘海军特谴部队所组成的舰队抵达了上海。

    An India naval task force made up of three warship arrived at Shanghai on November 11 .

  17. 近年来其合作面临着印度与美国等西方国家海军合作的压力,但俄罗斯对印度海军的影响将是长期的。

    In recent years , their cooperation has met with the pressure from the cooperation between India and the US and other western countries . However , Russian influence on Indian navy will last a long time .