
lù tòu shè
  • Reuters;Reuter's News Agency
路透社[lù tòu shè]
  1. 路透社通讯员说,他看到一些示威者遭到殴打。

    A correspondent for Reuters news agency says he saw a number of demonstrators being beaten .

  2. 据路透社报道,在一段演示视频中,一男一女坐下用餐时,亮出了戴在口罩之下、绳带挂在耳后的鼻罩。

    The nose masks — worn under a full mask with similar behind-the-ears straps video where a man and woman sit down for lunch , according to Reuters .

  3. 据路透社22日报道,法国奢侈品牌香奈儿在与华为的商标纠纷中败诉,欧洲法院裁定,两个标识并不相似。4月21日,法国奢侈品牌香奈儿在与华为科技的商标纠纷中败诉,欧洲法院裁定,两个标识并不相似。

    French luxury house Chanel on Wednesday lost its trademark fight with Huawei Technologies after a top European court said their logos bear no similarity to each other .

  4. 路透社:欧洲法院裁定,香奈儿在与华为的商标纠纷中败诉这起纠纷始于2017年,当时华为曾向欧盟知识产权局申请,为其计算机硬件注册商标,图案为两个在垂直方向互联的半椭圆。

    The dispute dated to 2017 when Huawei sought approval from the EU Intellectual Property Office ( EUIPO ) , a trademark body , to register its computer hardware trademark which has two vertical interlocking semi-circles .

  5. 不过,路透社援引巴西国家空间研究所(NationalSpaceResearchInstitute)知名气候科学家安东尼奥·诺布雷(AntonioNobre)的话,称

    Yet Reuters quoted Antonio Nobre , a leading climate scientist at Brazil 's National Space Research Institute , arguing that

  6. •路透社(Reuters):《愤怒的小鸟》开发商瞄准纽约IPO

    • Reuters : Angry Birds developer takes aims at New York IPO

  7. 路透社(Reuters)的报道主管们正考虑将它重新定位为低档的小型车。

    Reuters reports executives are weighing repositioning it as a line of premium small cars .

  8. 路透社(Reuters)报道,苹果公司(Apple)首席专利律师里查德•“芯片”•小路顿即将离开公司,原因不明。

    Reuters reports that Apple chief patent counsel Richard " Chip " Lutton Junior is leaving the company for unspecified reasons .

  9. 菲利克斯•萨尔曼曾在路透社(Reuters)撰文称,拨号上网业务是私募机构的上佳选择。

    As Felix salmon notes at Reuters , the dialup business is perfect for private equity .

  10. 路透社报道,跨国公司奥多比系统(AdobeSystems)和雅虎(Yahoo)也拥有在爱尔兰注册,但登记的住所不在爱尔兰,因而不向爱尔兰纳税的子公司。

    Reuters reported that Adobe Systems and Yahoo were also among the multinationals with Irish-registered companies that were not tax residents of Ireland .

  11. 据路透社(Reuters)报道,在2014年3月结束的财年,公司仅售出了2200辆大使牌汽车。

    In the year ending March 2014 , just 2,200 Ambassadors were sold , according to Reuters .

  12. 近期接受路透社(reuters)调查的经济学家们预测,今年第一季度法国经济将微幅增长0.3%。

    A Reuters poll of economists forecast this week that first-quarter growth would be only 0.3 per cent .

  13. 路透社(Reuters)近日的一篇报道称,应该要求银行不光提交解决方案,同时还要提供复苏计划。

    A Reuters report late yesterday discussed requirements that banks submit not only resolution but also recovery plans .

  14. 路透社(Reuters)在2011年6月报道称,辛普森对德银衍生品投资组合的不当估值表示了担忧。

    Reuters reported in June 2011 that Mr Simpson had raised concerns about improper valuation of the derivatives portfolio .

  15. 一时间,从路透社(Reuters)到新闻聚合网站德拉吉报道(DrudgeReport),各大媒体纷纷链接或转载该文,《赫芬顿邮报》(HuffingtonPost)还将其作为头条大力推介。

    It became the top story on huffingtonpost , and got prominent links / rewrites everywhere from Reuters to drudge .

  16. 纽约(路透社卫生)临床试验结果表示长期使用维生素E补脉并不能提高老年女性认知能力。

    NEW YORK ( Reuters Health ) - Long-term use of vitamin E supplements does not provide cognitive benefits for older women , the results of a clinical trial indicate .

  17. 路透社(Reuters)周四的一篇报道重温了中国显然在过量购买美国国债的好时光。

    Reuters report today hearkens back to a happier time , when China was apparently buying too much Treasury debt .

  18. 上海市政府一位发言人向路透社(reuters)表示,王成明因违反“党纪”正接受调查。

    A Shanghai government spokesperson told Reuters that Wang Chengming was under investigation for violating unspecified " party rules " .

  19. 分析师告诉路透社记者,中国各大运营商竞相争取3G用户的竞争相当激烈,但向用户提供iPhone并不能保证移动运营商能提高盈利能力。

    Analysts told Reuters that the competition for3G users in China is fierce , but offering the iPhone is no guarantee of enhanced profitability .

  20. 相关购买计划的新闻最初是由路透社(Reuters)报道的。消息传出后,铝价大幅上扬。

    News of the planned purchases , which were first reported by Reuters , triggered a sharp rally in aluminium prices .

  21. UPI或者路透社发布过这条新闻吗?

    Has AP , UPI , or Reuters distributed this story ?

  22. 王建周三接受路透社(Reuters)采访时表示,中国到年底时将不得不开始下调利率。

    In an interview with Reuters on Wednesday , Wang said China would have to start cutting interest rates by the year-end .

  23. 恩德斯在接受路透社(Reuters)采访时表示:虽然欧洲航天业一直都相当成功,而穆斯克给我们带来了对它进行重整的机会。

    Musk gives us the opportunity to shake up what has been quite a successful European space industry , Enders told Reuters .

  24. 据路透社(Reuters)报道,美国贸易代表迈克尔o弗罗曼在于北京举行的亚太经合组织(Asia-PacificEconomicCooperation)峰会会议间隙表示:这对中美关系而言是令人鼓舞的消息。

    This is encouraging news for the U.S. - China relationship , Reuters quoted USTR Michael Froman as saying on the sidelines of meetings of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in Beijing .

  25. 纽约路透社报道――想通过补充维生素而提高健康的人,在取出包含维生素A、维生素E及β-胡萝卜素的片剂前应该三思而后行。

    NEW YORK ( Reuters Health ) - People seeking to improve their health with vitamin supplements may want to think twice before popping pills containing vitamin A , vitamin E , and beta-carotene .

  26. LeeAlekel博士(爱荷华州立大学营养学教授)在给路透社健康专栏的一封e-mail里这样写道。

    D.Lee Alekel , a professor of nutrition at Iowa State University in Ames , told Reuters Health in an email .

  27. 上周,沃尔沃总裁兼CEO斯特凡•雅各比向路透社(Reuters)表示,沃尔沃打算使中国成为继瑞典之后的“第二大本土市场”。

    Stefan Jacoby , President and CEO of Volvo , told Reuters this week the company intended to make China " our second home market , " after Sweden .

  28. 来自奥尔巴尼的纽约州卫生健康部的注册营养师LynnS.Edmunds告诉路透社记者说。

    Edmunds , a registered dietitian with the New York State Department of Health , Albany , told Reuters Health .

  29. 汤森路透社(ThomsonReuters)发布的初步数据显示,2012年第三季度全球并购活动同比下降了18.3%。

    Preliminary data from Thomson Reuters shows an 18.3 % decline in global M & A activity , when comparing Q3 2012 to Q3 2011 .

  30. 然而,中国经济的疲软依然在许多领域有所体现。路透社(Reuters)在本周一报道称,中国7月的外商直接投资(FDI)创造了两年来的新低。

    However , evidence of weakness still continues to come in from a number of areas , and Reuters reported Monday that foreign direct investment hit a two-year low in July .