
  • 网络louisiana;louisiana state;Louisiana -- LA;Louisiana--LA
  1. 奥巴马今日将走访路易斯安那州(Louisiana)海岸地区。在昨日的新闻发布会上,他试图反击批评美国政府阻止石油泄漏不力的声音,称他自己同样感到愤怒和沮丧。

    Mr Obama , who will today travel to the Louisiana coast , said he too was angry and frustrated , as he tried to counter criticism that his administration had not done enough to stop the leak .

  2. 结果是路易斯安那州原本已经被洪水淹没的bayou郡农村地区和小规模定居点数百万公顷的面积被人为的洪水淹没。应该抑制洪水还是任其爆发是长期以来一直具有争议的问题。这是爱荷华州达文波特市每个春季都要讨论的问题。

    The result was the flooding of millions of hectares of rural areas and small settlements in Louisiana 's already swampy " bayou country . " Whether to the river or let it flood is a issue on the Mississippi - one that crystallizes each spring in the city of Davenport , Iowa .

  3. 罗默最有希望给路易斯安那州带来务实高效之风。

    Roemer represented the best hope for a businesslike climate in Louisiana .

  4. 查尔斯·施瓦茨法官将给路易斯安那州60天时间来解散然后合并该州的4个高等教育委员会。

    Judge Charles Schwartz is giving the state 60 days to disband and consolidate Louisiana 's four higher education boards

  5. 石油是沿着港口Fourchon的,路易斯安那州,星期一,2010年5月31日海岸线。

    Oil is seen along the shoreline of Port Fourchon , La . , Monday , May31,2010 .

  6. 他乘坐空军一号从萨拉索塔-布雷登顿国际机场的巴克斯代尔空军基地,路易斯安那州,然后Offutt空军基地内布拉斯加州,然后返回华盛顿。

    Heflew on Air Force One from Sarasota-Bradenton International Airport toBarksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana and then to Offutt Air Force Basein Nebraska before returning to Washington .

  7. 凯布尔以路易斯安那州为背景的小说有些有点油腔滑调。

    Some of Cable 's Louisiana fiction is a little slick .

  8. 现在这些蜜蜂遍及加利福尼亚,达克萨斯和路易斯安那州。

    And now they are penetrating California , Texas , and Louisiana .

  9. 那你们是从哪里搬来的路易斯安那州

    So , um , where 'd you move from ? Louisiana .

  10. 这就是路易斯安那州的绿领们。

    That 's where Louisiana green collar come in .

  11. 布兰妮·乔安娜·斯皮尔斯生于1981年路易斯安那州。

    Britney Jean Spears was born in Louisiana in1981 .

  12. 排名第一的俄亥俄州将和第二名的路易斯安那州对决。

    Ohio State , rated number one , will play number two Louisiana State .

  13. 在你的地图集上查看路易斯安那州在哪里。

    Check where Louisiana is in your atlas .

  14. 不,我认为是路易斯安那州。

    No , I think it was Louisiana .

  15. 莱恩是路易斯安那州Negreet高中的一名泰国佛教徒。

    Lane was a Thai Buddhist student enrolled in Negreet High School , Louisiana .

  16. 小龙虾在淡水中收获,例如路易斯安那州的这片稻田。

    Crawfish is harvested in fresh water , like in this Louisiana rice field .

  17. 尽管有很多已经失传,但路易斯安那州的食品却赢得了国民的喜欢。

    Many have been lost , though , as Louisiana food has gained national appeal .

  18. 在南部的路易斯安那州,人们喜欢吃辛辣的卡真人的食品和克利奥尔人的食品。

    In the southern state of Louisiana , people enjoy spicy Cajun and Creole foods .

  19. 巴拉斯出生于路易斯安那州。

    George Ballas was born in Louisiana .

  20. 你知道该怎么做!它是阿拉巴马州,佐治亚州,路易斯安那州还是密西西比州?

    You know what to do , is it Alabama , Georgia , Louisiana or Mississippi ?

  21. 学术界最后一次对一只北美大陆象牙喙啄木鸟发布的广为认同的报告是在1944年的路易斯安那州。

    The last undisputed report of an ivory-billed woodpecker in continental North America was in Louisiana in1944 .

  22. 美国总统托马斯·杰斐逊在1803从法国那里购买了路易斯安那州。

    In 1803 the United States President , Thomas Jefferson , bought the Louisiana territory from France .

  23. 现在让我们把目光转向路易斯安那州的新奥尔良,一座被众人认为是爵士诞生地的城市。

    Now we head to New Orleans , Louisiana , the city many consider the birthplace of jazz .

  24. 但是路易斯安那州的捕鱼业占据了美国本土海产品的三分之一。

    But the fishing industry in Louisiana about a third of all seafood caught in the United States .

  25. 戴维斯出生在现在已不存在镇榉木温泉,路易斯安那州,佃农的儿子。

    Davis was born in the now-nonexistent town of Beech Springs , Louisiana , the son of sharecroppers .

  26. 另外,从阿肯色州的路易斯安那州传来了更大规模的不明原因的鸟类死亡消息。

    The reports come as other , larger bird deaths have been reported in Arkansas , Louisiana and other states .

  27. 路易斯安那州,俄克拉荷马州,特克萨斯州,佛罗里达州还有亚利桑那州都通过了法律禁止使用死去的军人的名字。

    Louisiana , Oklahoma , Texas , Florida , and Arizona passed laws prohibiting using the names of military dead .

  28. 野猫队将前往印第安纳波利斯进行下一场比赛,对手是卫冕冠军同州球队路易斯安那州州立大学。

    The Wildcats will move on to Indianapolis where they 'll play in-state rival Louisville , the defending national champion .

  29. 路透社表示,佛罗里达州、得克萨斯州和路易斯安那州上周的新增病例总数最高。

    Reuters says Florida , Texas and Louisiana were reporting the highest total number of new cases over the last week .

  30. 但是很遗憾,我却从未真正的去过路易斯安那州或者尝试过正宗的凯郡菜和克利欧菜。

    Unfortunately , I have never been to Louisiana nor have I been to any particularly impressive Cajun or Creole restaurants .