
  • 网络United States Attorney General;U.S. Attorney General
  1. 今年1月,美国司法部长小埃里克·H·霍尔德(EricH.HolderJr.)表示,他的办公室正在采取行动,确保民事罚没案件在处理时,能够保证“追讨犯罪活动所得的利润,将资产还给受害者,并同时保障公民自由”。

    In January , Eric H. Holder Jr. , the United States attorney general , said his office was taking steps to make sure that civil forfeiture cases were brought in such a manner " to take the profit out of crime and return assets to victims , while safeguarding civil liberties . "

  2. 我的上司是美国司法部长。

    My boss is the United States Attorney general .

  3. 微软将美国司法部长洛蕾塔•林奇(LorettaLynch)列为被告之一。

    It names Loretta Lynch , the US Attorney General , as a defendant .

  4. 在周四下午举行的一场新闻发布会上,美国司法部长洛蕾塔·E·林奇(LorettaE.Lynch)描述了一些被联邦官员认为是腐败证据的事实。

    In a news conference on Thursday afternoon , Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch described what federal officials believe is evidence of corruption .

  5. 尽管承认了美国司法部长埃里克霍尔德(EricHolder)所说持续数十年的密集而广泛的共谋行为,但瑞信的董事和高管仍然保住了工作。

    Despite admitting to what Eric Holder , the US attorney-general , described as an extensive and wide-ranging conspiracy that spanned decades , the directors and senior executives are keeping their jobs .

  6. 奥巴马总统回避了首先是否应该收集信息这个关键问题,他也把细节问题留给美国司法部长埃里克霍尔德(EricHolder)以及美国国家情报总监詹姆斯克拉珀(JamesClapper)去解决。

    The president sidestepped the crucial question of whether the data should be gathered in the first place . He also left it to Eric Holder , the attorney-general , and James Clapper , the director of national intelligence , to work out the details .

  7. 美国司法部长洛蕾塔•林奇(LorettaLynch)称,这些行贿意在影响的决定包括:南非获得2010年世界杯主办权、2011年国际足联主席选举,以及一笔涉及赞助巴西国家足球队的交易。

    Loretta Lynch , the US attorney-general , said bribes were paid to influence the award of the 2010 World Cup to South Africa , the 2011 Fifa presidential election and in a deal involving sponsorship of Brazil 's national football team .

  8. 代理部长比尔斯因为G6部长级会议加入到美国司法部长霍尔德当中,就移民、反恐、网络安全、预防及打击跨国犯罪问题与他们的欧洲同行部长们讨论共同的目标及跨大西洋的工作。

    Acting Secretary Beers joined U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder for the G6 Ministerial Meeting , discussing with their European counterpart ministers shared goals and trans-Atlantic efforts related to migration , counterterrorism , cybersecurity , and preventing and combating transnational crime .

  9. 去年11月份,美国司法部长埃里克·霍尔德(EricHolder)宣布,包括KhalidSheikhMohammed在内的5名9.11袭击同谋将因为对纽约,华盛顿和宾夕法尼亚的袭击在纽约市联邦法庭接受审判。

    Possible Shift on US Terror Trial Alarms Human Rights Groups Last November , U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder announced that five alleged conspirators of the 9-11 attacks including Khalid Sheikh Mohammed would go on trial in a federal court in New York City in connection with the 2001 terrorist attacks on New York , Washington and Pennsylvania .

  10. 曾担任海军军法检察官及美国司法部长。

    Former Navy judge advocate and attorney general of the United states .

  11. 美国司法部长说,他将不允许死刑的延期执行。

    The United States Attorney General says he will fight any further delays in the execution .

  12. 美国司法部长梅里克·加兰在前警官德雷克·肖万被判杀害乔治·弗洛伊德罪名成立后宣布这一消息。

    U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland made the announcement after former officer Derek Chauvin was convicted for George Floyd 's killing .

  13. 美国司法部长艾瑞克·霍尔德、证券交易委员会以及联邦调查局已作出回应,展开初步调查。

    Attorney General Eric Holder , the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Federal Bureau of Investigation have responded with preliminary inquiries .

  14. 美国司法部长埃里克·霍尔德表示如果爱德华·斯诺登返回家乡受审他不会被虐待。

    US Attorney General Eric Holder says Edward Snowden will not be mistreated if he 's returned to his homeland for trial .

  15. 在赴伦敦举行《舞台生涯》首映典礼的路上,美国司法部长宣布禁止卓别林再度入境美国。

    On his way to London for its premiere [ 3 ] . The US Attorney General had forbidden Chaplin re-entry to the United States .

  16. 美国司法部长埃里克霍德最近表示日益进步的技术正在使公民和国家能更容易的攻击美国。

    America 's Attorney General Eric Holder recently said that ever - improving technology is making it easier for people and countries to strike at the United States .

  17. 当时的美国司法部长珍妮特•雷诺表示,司法部“发现有新的企业进入了这个市场”,票务市场已经有了足够的竞争性。

    Then-U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno said the Department " found that there were new enterprises coming into the arena " and that the ticketing business was sufficiently competitive .

  18. 美国司法部长威廉·巴尔表示,美国司法部并未发现任何证据证明存在能改变2020年总统大选结果的大规模选举舞弊行为。

    U.S. Attorney General William Barr says the Department of Justice has not seen evidence of widespread voter fraud that would change the outcome of the 2020 presidential election .

  19. 美国司法部长埃里克·霍尔德表示,他已经指派了联邦政府中最有经验的探员和检察官,调查一名未携带武器的青年人在密苏里州弗格森镇被一名白人警察枪杀的事件。

    Attorney General Eric Holder says he has assigned the federal government 's most experienced agents and prosecutors to look into that fatal shooting of an unarmed teenager by a white police officer in Ferguson , Missouri .

  20. 《纽约时报》引用美国司法部长洛丽塔•林奇的表述称,现在的指控“只是刚刚开始”,只是全球范围内反击国际足联腐败行动的一部分。

    US Attorney General Loretta Lynch was quoted by The New York Times as saying that the current charges are " only the beginning , " and are part of much broader global efforts to combat FIFA 's corruption .

  21. 众议院以293票对129票通过的新法案没有授予电话公司完全的司法豁免权,但是却允许法庭审阅美国司法部长提供的证明书,证明电话公司的行为是奉总统的命令。

    The new legislation , which passed the house by a vote of 293-129 , does not grant blanket immunity to the phone companies , but does provide for court review of certifications from the U.S. attorney general that companies acted under presidential orders .

  22. 美国司法部长埃里克·霍尔德致信俄罗斯有关部门,称美国不会对爱德华·斯诺登处以死刑,斯诺登是前美国国家安全局承包人,泄露了国安局监视项目的大量信息。

    U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder has sent a letter to Russian authorities , saying the United States won 't seek death penalty for Edward Snowden , the former National Security Agency ( NSA ) contractor who leaked the massive surveillance program of the agency .

  23. 她是第一位担任美国司法副部长的女性,此前也曾担任哈佛商学院院长。

    She is the first woman to serve as solicitor general of the United States and earlier , as head of Harvard Law School .

  24. 先生持有人已指示美国助理司法部长约翰达勒姆两年前审查101在海外秘密地点被拘留者的中央情报局审讯,以确定是否有任何法律被打破。

    Mr Holder had directed Assistant US Attorney John Durham two years ago to review the CIA interrogations of101 detainees at secret sites overseas to determine whether any laws were broken .

  25. 英特尔一直否认这些指控,但这些指控已经导致日本、韩国及欧盟(EU)采取了针对该公司的监管行动,上周美国纽约州司法部长安德鲁库默(AndrewCuomo)也对其提起公诉。

    Those complaints , which Intel denies , have already led to regulatory action against the company in Japan , South Korea and the European Union , and last week brought a lawsuit from Andrew Cuomo , New York attorney-general .

  26. 麦卡杜最强的对手是仍在鼓吹美国主义的司法部长A·米切尔·帕尔默。

    McAdoo 's strongest rival was the Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer , who was still beating drums for Americanism .

  27. 美国本周宣布的这个援助计划的主要支持者,美国国土安全部部长纳波利塔诺将在下个月初访问墨西哥,美国司法部长霍尔德也将同行。

    Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano , a key figure behind this week 's aid package , will visit Mexico early next month along with U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder .