
  1. 如今的AppleTV机顶盒提供很多频道,从Netflix、YouTube、美国消费者新闻与商业频道(CNBC)以及SkyNews等知名频道到播放日本动画片的Crunchyroll等较为小众的频道。

    Today 's Apple TV box offers an array of channels , from the well-known such as Netflix , YouTube , CNBC and Sky News to more niche content such as Crunchyroll , which shows Japanese animation .

  2. 2009年初,美国消费者新闻与商业频道(CNBC)记者里克•桑塔里站在芝加哥期货交易所(CBOT)的大厅里,大肆抨击一项联邦抵押贷款调整计划。

    In early 2009 , CNBC reporter Rick santelli stood on the floor of the Chicago Board of trade in early 2009 and ranted against a federal mortgage modification program .

  3. [美国消费者新闻与商业频道记者]许多投资者认为,今年中国经济的增长会继续放缓,会低于确定的7.5%增长目标。在不采取更多刺激政策的前提下,您所能接受的最低增速是多少?

    CNBC : Many investors believe that Chinas growth rate this year could be slower and lower than the official rate of 7.5 % . What is the slowest rate of growth you would find acceptable without stimulating the economy ?

  4. 盖特纳在美国CNBC(消费者新闻与商业频道)电视台发表的讲话中说,欧洲领导人知道他们需要采取更多行动以赢得国际社会的信心。

    In remarks to American news station CNBC , Geithner said European leaders are aware they need to do more to earn international confidence .