
  • 网络Fox News;Fox News Channel
  1. 一名知情人士表示,身为福克斯新闻台董事长的艾尔斯将继续向老默多克汇报工作。

    Mr. Ailes , president of Fox News , will continue to report to Rupert Murdoch , one person briefed on the plans said .

  2. “他还剩24小时的行程,”,在纽约福克斯新闻台工作的英国记者乔纳森亨特说,“他仍然可能做任何事情。”

    " He 's got24 hours to go ," said Jonathan Hunt , a British journalist at the Fox News Channel in New York . " He could still do anything . "

  3. 福克斯新闻台(FoxNews)不会立即出现人员变动。这家电视台是公司的一个重要收入来源,其负责人罗杰·艾尔斯(RogerAiles)过去曾与拉克伦·默多克发生冲突。

    No imminent changes are expected at Fox News , which is a big revenue driver and whose chief , Roger Ailes , has in the past conflicted with Lachlan Murdoch .

  4. 昨天,当然是在福克斯新闻台,新闻评论员格伦·贝克说他认为奥巴马总统是个种族主义者。

    Yesterday , of course , on Fox News commentator Glenn Beck said that he believes President Obama is a racist .

  5. “对外资和美国企业不进行区别对待是这个计划的特征,”他在福克斯新闻台的采访中说道。

    " It 's a distinction without a difference whether it 's a foreign or a U.S.one ," he said in an interview with Fox News .

  6. 包括20世纪福克斯(TwentiethCenturyFox)、福克斯新闻台(FOXNEWS)和福克斯无线电视台在内的电影电视资产,仍将属于同一集团。

    Movie and TV assets , including Twentieth Century Fox , the Fox News cable channel and Fox broadcasting will remain grouped together .