
  • 网络Otto Fuchs;Fox USA
  1. 她在20世纪福克斯公司担任电影剪辑师。

    She worked at 20th Century Fox as a film editor .

  2. 福克斯公司也在和Vice谈判一笔交易,迪斯尼也是。

    Fox is discussing a deal with Vice , too . So is Disney .

  3. 默多克家族的信托基金控制了21世纪福克斯公司和新闻集团(NewsCorporation)将近40%拥有表决权的股份,而鲁伯特·默多克在该基金中比他的子女拥有更多的权利。

    The Murdoch family trust controls almost 40 percent of the voting shares of both 21st Century Fox and News Corporation , and Rupert Murdoch has more rights in the trust than his children .

  4. 福克斯公司(Fox)的《约会之夜》(DateNight)以1730万美元的票房名列第三。这是一部动作喜剧,由蒂娜·费(TinaFey)和史蒂夫·卡莱尔(SteveCarell)主演。

    ' Date Night ' ( Fox ), an action-comedy with Tina Fey and Steve Carell , landed in third place with $ 17.3 million .

  5. 新闻集团(NewsCorp.)旗下二十世纪福克斯公司(TwentiethCenturyFox)发行的《飓风营救2》获得了400万美元的票房,该片美国国内累计票房因此达到1.313亿美元。

    And ' Taken 2 , ' from News Corp. 's Twentieth Century Fox , brought in $ 4 million . The film 's cumulative domestic grosses now stand at $ 131.3 million .

  6. 默多克的21世纪福克斯公司拥有Vice的一小部分股份,他来布鲁克林是想见Vice的首席执行官尚恩·史密斯(ShaneSmith)。

    Mr. Murdoch 's 21st Century Fox owns a small stake in Vice , and he was visiting Brooklyn to meet with Vice 's chief executive , Shane Smith .

  7. 不到10岁的秀兰•邓波儿在长达四年的时间里一直是最有票房号召力的明星。20世纪30年代晚期,她在20世纪福克斯公司(20thCenturyFox)每部电影中的片酬达到史无前例的5万美元。

    Before the age of 10 , Shirley Temple enjoyed four years as the top box-office draw in America , earning an unprecedented $ 50 , 000 per film from 20th Century Fox in the late 1930s .

  8. 他们的议题包括这样一条谣言:Vice正在与福克斯公司竞争对手之一的时代华纳公司谈判合作,或许还要出卖一大笔股份给它。

    Among the topics at hand was a rumor that Vice was negotiating to collaborate with , and perhaps sell a large stake to , one of Fox 's competitors , Time Warner .

  9. 几名知情人士在周四表示,鲁伯特·默多克(RupertMurdoch)计划将传媒集团21世纪福克斯公司(21stCenturyFox)首席执行官的职位让与儿子詹姆斯(James)。

    Rupert Murdoch is planning to hand over the job of chief executive at the media conglomerate 21st Century Fox to his son James , multiple people briefed on the plans said on Thursday .

  10. 《法老与众神》由20世纪福克斯公司出品,之前因选用白人演员饰演主要角色而遭到批评,比如由克里斯蒂安·贝尔(ChristianBale)饰演摩西&尽管这个故事是以埃及为背景的。

    Exodus , produced by 20th Century Fox , was previously criticized for having white actors in the leading roles including Christian Bale as Moses despite being set in Egypt .

  11. 21世纪福克斯公司可能面临华纳兄弟的激烈竞争。华纳兄弟已发行了包括《霍比特人》(Hobbit)三部曲在内的米高梅公司的多部影片。

    It is likely to face fierce competition from Warner Brothers , which has distributed several MGM films including the Hobbit trilogy .

  12. 它在秋季票房榜占据统治地位,为福克斯公司获得2.35亿美元票房,导演雷利·斯科特(RidleyScott)有可能凭此片角逐奥斯卡奖。

    The film dominated the fall , taking in $ 225 million for Fox and setting up a possible Oscar run for its director , Ridley Scott .

  13. 新闻集团(NewsCorp.)旗下二十世纪福克斯公司(TwentiethCenturyFox)发行的这部影片是青少片系列《小屁孩日记》的第三部。这一系列影片根据杰夫・金尼(JeffKinney)的原作改编。

    The film , released by News Corp. 's NWSA + 1.43 % Twentieth Century Fox , is the third in the teen-oriented ' Diary of a Wimpy Kid ' series , based on books by Jeff Kinney .

  14. 科勒·卡戴珊(KhloeKardashian)将退出美国真人秀节目《X音素》。福克斯公司表示,她将不再和玛丽奥·洛佩兹(MarioLopez)联袂主持这个歌唱选秀节目的第三季。

    Khloe Kardashian is out of " The X Factor . " According to Fox , she won 't be joining Mario Lopez to host the third season of the music competition .

  15. 詹姆斯卡梅隆(JamesCameron)导演和20世纪福克斯公司计划让西格妮韦弗(SigourneyWeaver)在未来的3部《阿凡达》续集中以其他角色回归,新片的拍摄工作将于今年下半年开始。

    James Cameron and 20th Century Fox have set Sigourney Weaver to return in the director 's three Avatar sequels in a different role . The filmmaker begins production later this year .

  16. 福克斯公司本身表示没有任何消息要宣布。公司发言人纳撒尼尔·布朗(NathanielBrown)在声明中称,“接班一事包括在我们即将召开的定期董事会议的议程之中。”

    The company , for its part , said it had nothing to announce . " The matter of succession is on the agenda at our upcoming , regularly scheduled board meeting , " Nathaniel Brown , a Fox spokesman , said in a statement .

  17. 自今年一月成立以来,PreAct签下了控制着大约40%北美票房的电影公司,其中包括20世纪福克斯公司(以国内票房市场份额计算,目前它是好莱坞最大的电影公司)和索尼影业。

    Since its introduction in January , PreAct has signed up studios that control roughly 40 percent of the North American box office . Clients include 20th Century Fox currently the No. 1 movie operation in Hollywood , as measured by domestic box-office market share and Sony Pictures Entertainment .

  18. 福克斯公司老总,他们竟然敢停播“萤火虫”。

    Sheldon : He owns Fox , and they canceled Firefly .

  19. 福克斯公司还在墨西哥的罗萨里托海滨建立了一个40英亩(约240亩)的制作中心。

    Fox built a 40-acre production complex in Rosarito Beach , Mexico .

  20. 从某种程度上讲,21世纪福克斯公司正在缩减在华投资规模,而其他公司则正在扩大在华投资规模。

    To some extent 21st century fox is zigging where others are zagging .

  21. 1978年,20世纪福克斯公司购买了该公司,后改名圆石滩公司。

    In1978,20th Century Fox purchased the company and renamed it Pebble Beach Company .

  22. 他是一年中第四位离开此一广播网的福克斯公司最高层职员。

    He becomes the fourth top Fox executive within a year to leave the network .

  23. 人们还经常可以在21世纪福克斯公司在加州世纪城的电影工作室看到他。

    And he was often seen on 21st Century Fox 's Century City lot in California .

  24. 20世纪福克斯公司老总达里尔扎努克不肯把她借出去演这部1939年的经典之作。

    20th Century Fox chief Darryl Zanuck refused to lend her out for the 1939 classic .

  25. 在电影公司中,20世纪福克斯公司共获得18项提名,显然是最大赢家。

    Among film companies , 20th Century Fox was the clear winner , with 18 total nominations .

  26. 美国国家广播公司同福克斯公司并驾齐驱排在第二位。

    ABC and Fox were neck-and-neck for second place . It should become more like its corporate brethren .

  27. 因此,21世纪福克斯公司近来一直在忙于抛售在华资产,同时减持投资。

    As a result , 21st century fox ( Fox ) has been busy selling off and selling down investments .

  28. 三月份,迪士尼在签订了710亿美元(5000亿元人民币)的收购合同后获得了21世纪福克斯公司的大部分资产,其中包括好几部电影的版权。

    In March , Disney acquired most 21st Century Fox assets following a $ 71 billion deal -- including several film franchises .

  29. 《辛普森一家》将于下周揭开其第30季破纪录性的序幕,福克斯公司将用一个新的周年纪念标志来纪念这一里程碑。

    The Simpsons kicks off its record-breaking 30th season next week , and Fox is marking the milestone with a new anniversary logo .

  30. 与此同时,有消息称,休正在和20世纪福克斯公司洽谈,准备回归拍摄下一部的金刚狼系列。

    Meanwhile , it has been reported that Hugh has entered negotiations with Twentieth Century Fox about returning for another installment of The Wolverine .