
  • 网络research projects;Research Subjects;grants;scientific and technical problems
  1. 关于医学科研课题申报的认识与实践

    Recognition and Practice on Application for Medical Scientific Research Projects

  2. 试谈当前科研课题管理中的问题和对策

    Problems and Countermeasures of Current Management of Scientific Research Projects

  3. 随着核能应用的推广,具有x射线,γ射线和中子辐射综合屏蔽材料的研制一直被作为重要科研课题受到各国重视。

    With the promotion of nuclear energy applications , the radiation shielding materials integrated with X-ray , y-ray and neutron have been attented by various countries as an important research subject .

  4. 本文结合国家七五重点攻关科研课题《大型铸钢件铸造工艺CAD图形库》的研究,设计了一个功能齐全的SCR通用接口软件。

    Based on the research of " The casting technological CAD drawing library of large cast steel " a multifunction . SCR universal interface software is designed .

  5. 为了改变这种状况,本文提出在863科研课题管理过程中应用项目管理的思想,同时借助于Internet的所提供的远程的信息交流平台,加强对课题的管理。

    In order to change the status quo , the present thesis initiates the application of project management in the operation of 863 Program with the remote information platform provided by the Internet to enhance the topic management .

  6. 本文通过重庆工商大学计算机技术基础远程辅助教学系统重点科研课题的建设,探讨了基于B/S结构的CAI软件的设计思路和实现方法。

    The thesis discusses the design and implementation of a CAI software based on B / S structure model , through a research work & the base of computer technology .

  7. 本文结合科研课题,重点优化了基于DEM的等高线回放算法,并利用优化后的算法构建了基于等高线回放算法的DEM精度评估模型。

    Combined with the research , the focus is on the optimization of the DEM-based contour reconstruction algorithm and the foundation of a DEM accuracy evaluation model based on this algorithm .

  8. 芯片级原子钟是量子力学、波谱学、高频电路技术、MEMS技术、激光稳频技术等学科交叉的产物,是一个系统级的科研课题。

    The quantum mechanics , coherent optics , high frequency electrocircuit design , MEMS process and laser technology are necessary for the CSAC , which is a long-term , cross-subject , complicated and system level research .

  9. 采取层次分析法设计了LE-PSR生态环境评价指标,提出了评价标准与综合评价方法。以科研课题示范村谷城县堰河村为对象,进行了实证评价研究。

    In accordance with the method of AHP , designed LE-PSR ecological evaluation index system , and proposed evaluation criteria and evaluation methods . Finally , Used Yanhe village in Gucheng as the main research object , verified the feasibility of the evaluation model .

  10. 结合科研课题提高电子信息工程专业毕业设计作品质量

    Improve the Quality of Graduation Design Works Combining Scientific Research Task

  11. 关于申请科研课题的几点思考

    Reflections On How To Apply For Items of Science Research

  12. 提高地方普通高校校级科研课题结题质量探析

    On Improving the Quality of Scientific Research in the Regional Common University

  13. 计算机在农业科研课题档案管理上的应用

    Chinese Microcomputer Management System for the Archives of Agricultural Scientific Research Subject

  14. 最初布贝老师建议我选孵蛋作科研课题时

    When Mrs. Brubeck first suggested hatching eggs as my science project ...

  15. 项目管理在科研课题管理中的应用研究

    Study on the Application of Project Management to Scientific Research Project Management

  16. 结合科研课题讲授数字图像处理课程

    Teaching course of digital image processing by combing of research

  17. 试论档案信息跟踪服务在科研课题中的作用

    Discussion on the Effect of Record Information Tracking Service in Scientific Research

  18. 现代信息检索技术在科研课题中的应用研究

    An Applied Research on Modern Information Technology in Subject Study

  19. 院内临床科研课题管理方法的探讨

    Discussion on the Management of Clinic Scientific Research inside Hospital

  20. 使学生拓宽科研课题的来源。

    Third , let students expand sources of researching task .

  21. 与科研课题相结合的数据库课程体系的教学新模式

    New Teaching Model of Database Curriculum System Combining with Scientific Research Task

  22. 浅谈提高科研课题申请的质量

    On how to improve quality of research project application

  23. 湖南省重点科研课题效益研究

    A Study of the Benefit of Major Scientific Research Projects of Hunan Province

  24. 因此,薄膜厚度的测量也就成了一个热门的科研课题。

    So the measurement of the thickness has been a popular scientific research .

  25. 全程管理科研课题确保科研工作质量

    All-round administrating scientific research grants to ensure their quality

  26. 护理本科生参与课外科研课题研究的效果评价

    Evaluation of nursing undergraduates participating in extracurricular scientific project

  27. 医院科研课题中期管理的做法

    Experiences on The Middle Term Management for The Science Research Project in Hospital

  28. 高校教育科研课题质量控制之探索

    On the Quality Control on Research Projects of Educational Science of the Universities

  29. [目的]运用密切值法对医学科研课题产出的质量进行综合评价。

    To evaluate the output quality of the research projects by Close-value method .

  30. 科技档案信息在科研课题研究中的作用

    Application and Service of Science and Technical Achieves Information Exploitation in Research Project