
kē pǔ zhī shi
  • popular science knowledge
  1. 加强科普知识宣传,阻断幽门螺旋杆菌传播途径,及时治疗幽门螺旋杆菌感染的患儿等有关措施。

    To strengthen the promotion of popular science knowledge , to block routes of transmission of Helicobacter pylori , the timely treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection in children , and other measures .

  2. 由于上到大学了,自己有了电脑,我经常看关于我喜爱的东西,让我能更加的了解一些科普知识。

    The university , to have a computer , I often see about my favorite thing , let I can understand some of the more popular science knowledge .

  3. 我国甲型H1N1流感防控工作面临的挑战与对策组织开展禽流感防控新技术的普及工作,做好群众防控科普知识宣传。

    Challenges and Countermeasures in the Prevention and Control of Influenza A ( H1N1 ) in China Besides , we should publicize new techniques and know-how for AI prevention and control .

  4. 地震科学科普知识宣传小记

    A wrap-up of propagandizing the popularization knowledge of seismic science

  5. 试试下面的科普知识小测验,看看你是否懂得多一点。

    Try the small science quiz below to see if you know any better .

  6. 兰州市中学生卫生科普知识基线调查

    Baseline Survey on Health Knowledge among Middle School Students in Lanzhou City , Gansu Province

  7. 做好赤潮科普知识的宣传教育与培训工作;

    Conducting the propaganda work and the training of the know-how about the red tide ;

  8. 例如,在她所在的社区,只有她一人组织活动,推广大众科普知识。

    For example , she was the only one to organize an event promoting popular science in her community .

  9. 沈阳市社区卫生科普知识传播中电视媒体利用状况调查

    Survey on utilization situation of television medium in the spread of popular health knowledge in community health service in Shenyang City

  10. 结果误诊原因与医师采集病史不仔细、对低血糖昏迷认识不足、诊断思维局限、科普知识宣传不到位等因素有关。

    The20 hypoglycaemia coma patients was analysed , including cause of disease , clinical characteristics and the cause of mistaken diagnosis .

  11. 现在,请允许我就艾滋病相关的科普知识,和我认识的一些艾滋病人的故事,给诸位爱心捐款人进行汇报!

    Now , allow me to AIDS-related scientific knowledge , and I know some of the AIDS story , you love to donors reporting !

  12. 简介现代数控刀具科普知识和近几年来在刀具材料、结构科技领域里的现状及发展趋势。

    The paper briefly introduces scientific knowledge of modern NC cutting tools and presents a review of NC tools ' material and structure in recent years .

  13. 因此,研究和思考高校体育专业大学生医学科普知识教育,对于深化高校体育专业教育的改革和提高体育专业大学生的综合素质具有重要的现实意义和深远的历史意义。

    Therefore , researching and thinking on medical popular science education of university PE students is of momentous current significance and far-reaching historical importance as well .

  14. 江西省弋阳县中华秋沙鸭保护协会的「在弋阳县主要中小学校、幼稚园普及保护中华秋沙鸭的科普知识及宣传教育」(人民币8804.4)

    Promoting the conservation of Scaly-sided Merganser in kindergartens , primary and secondary schools in Yiyang County by the Yiyang Scaly-sided Merganser Conservation Society ( RMB8,804.4 )

  15. 公众对地震预报仍抱有较大的期望,大学生和农民的防震减灾科普知识水平较低;

    It shows that the public still possesses a high expectation of earthquake prediction ; University students and farmers have a low level of scientific knowledge of earthquake disaster mitigation ;

  16. 科普知识的宣传,深入社区进行新生儿访视并展开病历讨论,通过问诊观察泌乳过程是实习的重要步骤。

    During the teaching course , students propagandize the general scientific knowledge of breast-feeding , visit the neonates , understand the lactating process and discuss the case in detail on the spot .

  17. 其涉及到的内容也非常广泛,大到科普知识、人文地理、历史知识,小到小故事、小幽默,无所不有。

    Its contents are also involved in a wide range of popular science knowledge to the great , human geography , history , the small stories of small , small humor , there is not nothing .

  18. 实验一的结果表明,潜伏组解决问题明显好于控制组,读故事的潜伏组解决问题好于读科普知识的潜伏组,但差异不显著;

    Experiment 1 showed that the incubation group solved significantly better than the control group , and the incubation group reading a story solved better than the group reading scientific knowledge , but with no significance .

  19. 重点开展奥运知识产权和奥运知识普及宣传;出版奥运科普知识系列丛书;科普社区建设;科普组织网络建设等。

    We shall popularize and propagate the Olympic intellectual property and the Olympic knowledge , publish a series of books of the Olympic scientific popular knowledge and build a community of popular science and science popularization system etc.

  20. 在前面理论分析和技术支持的基础上,对恐龙科普知识展示系统进行系统功能设计,在Homura3.0游戏引擎的基础上进行开发。

    Summarizes the combination of scientific knowledge of dinosaurs and games . ( 3 ) Design the system function of the display system of dinosaur science knowledge on the base of analysis the theoretical foundation and technical support .

  21. 对政府而言,应加强监管体系建设,改善市场环境;加大支持,发展冷鲜猪肉产业;大力宣传冷鲜猪肉科普知识,正确引导消费需求。

    The government , should strengthen the supervision system , improve the market environment , make big support to the development of chilled pork industry , strengthen publicity the science knowledge of chilled pork to guide consumption demand correctly .

  22. 对恐龙相关的科普知识进行了分类,并阐述了科普知识游戏化展示的理论基础和技术支持,总结了恐龙科普知识和游戏的结合点。

    Sum up the inadequacies of-the developments in the field of domestic education games . ( 2 ) Have a classification of dinosaur-related scientific knowledge , and described the theoretical foundation and technical support of scientific knowledge of the game show .

  23. 这些基本问题主要有三个:游戏如何选取人体健康科普知识,人体健康科普知识如何与游戏融合;人体健康科普知识游戏展品如何设计。

    The three main basic problems are as follows : how is the game to select the human health science knowledge ; how to fuse the human health science knowledge into science game ; how to design human health science knowledge game exhibition .

  24. 通过对学习理论和网络游戏技术的分析,总结出恐龙科普知识和游戏的结合点,最后利用游戏引擎技术实现恐龙科普知识展示系统。

    Explore the point of integration for the scientific knowledge of dinosaurs and games on the base of analyzing the scientific knowledge of dinosaurs and games . Finally , use the game engine technology to achieve the scientific knowledge of dinosaurs display system .

  25. 在常规治疗的基础上,教育组在院期间及出院后4a内给予健康教育处方结合口头卫生宣教及科普板报知识等经常性的健康教育活动,而对照组不予健康教育。

    On the base of the routing treatment , the health education group was given kinds of health education in hospital and after discharge for four years .

  26. 其核心是强调亲自参与、亲身感受,它改变了传统科普单向传播科技知识的模式,实现公众与科技知识的互动,是推动我国科普进步的有效方式。

    With an emphasis on personal participation and personal feeling , it has changed the traditional way of spreading scientific knowledge and brought about the desirable interaction between the public and scientific knowledge .

  27. 科普旅游是将科技建设、科学实验、科普知识讲座与旅游者的广泛参与融为一体的一种新型旅游形式。

    Popular science tour is a kind of new tourist style melted into a whole with scientific and technical building , scientific experiment , lecture of scientific knowledge and tourist participating in extensively .

  28. 科普展示中多媒体系统的运用可以极大的丰富展示的形式,对提高科普展示的知识传递效率、参观者学习兴趣上具有重要作用。

    Multimedia system in science exhibitions not only can greatly enrich the display forms but also has a great effect on transmission efficiency of knowledge and interest .

  29. 该装置以科普展览为目的,具有直观、明了的特点,其设计旨在促进青少年学生对地震科普知识的兴趣,增加防震减灾知识。

    Aimed to inspire the interest of callan students to seismological knowledge in scientific exhibition , the device is featured with intuitionistic characteristic .

  30. 近年来数字科普在我国发展迅速,但仍需不断提高,要对受众进行认真分析,正确把握科普知识的需求,以免造成科普资源的浪费。

    However , the analysis of audience should be taken into account seriously to grasp their need for popular science knowledge with the least waste of science popularization resources .