
kē xué shè huì xué
  • Sociology of science
  1. 通过对科学社会学与技术社会学进路的分析,可以看出建构主义的STS是社会学进路STS研究的趋势,在此基础上,分析了建构主义的产生以及对STS研究带来的影响。

    The result of the study in the sociology of science and the sociology of technology is that Constructivism is the trend of the study in STS of sociology . On the basis , it leads to the rise of Constructivism and its impact on STS .

  2. 科学社会学诞生的历史回顾

    A historical review of the rise of the sociology of science

  3. 本文认为,科技与社会既与科学社会学迥然相异,也与STS界限分明。

    The author argues that Science , Technology and Society is totally different from Scientific Sociology and the so called " STS " .

  4. 这是因为,除了科技哲学的内在要求外,这是与科学社会学和STS相区别从而保持其特点的需要,也是保障自身理论研究深度的需要。

    Besides the inner need of philosophy of science and technology , It is needed to differentiate it from the scientific sociology and STS , to keep its own characteristics and to keep its own theoretical depth .

  5. 第一部分论述SSK形成的历史条件。阐明了传统知识社会学、默顿学派的科学社会学是SSK的思想渊源;

    The first part is to demonstrate historical condition of the forming of SSK : Traditional sociology of knowledge and Merton 's school are the ideological resource of SSK ;

  6. 默顿及其学派对SSK的批判作出了回应,他们一方面承认建构主义进路的科学社会学变得越来越有影响了,同时批判SSK的极端相对主义立场片面夸大了社会因素的作用。

    Merton school had responded to criticism from the SSK . On the one hand , they recognized constructivism Sociology of Science had become increasingly influential . Simultaneously they criticized that the extreme relativism position of SSK exaggerated the role of social factors .

  7. 贝尔纳科学社会学思想再认识

    Rethinking about the thoughts of Bernal on sociology of science

  8. 另眼看默顿科学社会学

    A New Approach to the Sociology of Science of Merton

  9. 科学社会学视野中的科技传播和知识创新

    ST Communication and Knowledge Innovatio In the Science Sociology View

  10. 科学社会学脱胎于科学哲学。

    Sociology of Science comes from Philosophy of Science .

  11. 贝尔纳与默顿:科学社会学同基异构现象的社会形成

    Bernal and Merton : Social Formation of Base Alloisomerism of Sociology of Science

  12. 科学社会学视野中的科学与社会的关系

    The Relationship of Science and Society in the Perspective of Sociology of Science

  13. 论默顿科学社会学理论中的科学

    The Research on the Science in the Sociology of Science of Robert King Merton

  14. 马克思主义的科学社会学确实需要修正和纯化吗?&评来自伯纳德·巴伯的责难

    Marxist Scientific Needs Amendment and Purification ? ── Refutation of Censure from Bernard Barber

  15. 默顿科学社会学述评

    A Review of Merton 's Sociology of Science

  16. 守护默顿与超越默顿&伯纳德·巴伯的科学社会学理论评析

    Stick to Merton and Surpass Him & Bernard Barber 's Sociology of Science Theory

  17. 默顿与波拉尼:科学社会学的研究纲领比较

    Merton versus Polanyi : comparison between their research programs of the sociology of sciences

  18. 默顿科学社会学思想发展的阶段特征

    On the Stage and Features of the Development of Merton 's Sociology of Science

  19. 科学社会学是本研究的主要理论背景。

    Science sociology is the main theoretical context .

  20. 本文主要论述的是默顿科学社会学理论中的科学。

    This thesis mainly discusses the science in the Sociology of Science of Robert King Merton .

  21. 大学生体育行为的社会学探析闽籍化学家人才群落形成的科学社会学探析

    Research on sports behavior of students Study of sociology of science on the chemists in Fujian province

  22. 科学社会学的张力&默顿与贝尔纳研究传统的比较

    The Tension of Sociology of Science : Comparison between Bernal 's and Merton 's Research Methods on Tradition

  23. 科学社会学的开山鼻祖默顿发现了科学研究中的马太效应,他的研究很快引起了科学社会学家的广泛关注。

    Merton discovered the Matthew effect , in the scientific research ; he soon attracted the widespread concern of the scientific sociologist .

  24. 科学社会学引进中国已经多年,但在该学科的许多基本理论问题上仍然若明若暗。

    Though scientific Sociology has been introduced into China for many years , there are still many theoretical issues we are unclear about .

  25. 科学社会学的研究有助于弥补这种局限性,而且也为科学学的研究开辟了广阔的前景;

    The study of the sociology of science is beneficial to make up this limitation , and also developed the vast foreground for science of science ;

  26. 在科学社会学这个学科里,一个最基本的观点就是:科学最基本的功能就是普遍造福于人类与社会。

    In the field of science sociology , there is a fundament point : " the basic function of science servers the mankind and society " .

  27. 本文基于默顿传统的科学社会学视域,以诺贝尔奖对科学建制的影响为主要研究对象。

    In view of the traditional sociology of science of Merton , the article studies on the influences that the Nobel Prize has made on scientific institution .

  28. 指出在上述两个方面,贝尔纳的科学社会学也存在明显缺陷,而且对马克思主义哲学有某些误读,其中,对经济需要与科学发展关系上的机械理解即是典型的一例。

    However , the school has misunderstood some of Marxism philosophy , among which mechanical understanding of the relation between economical requirement and the development of science is typical .

  29. 科学社会学不能取代科学学的研究,两者应该按照互相利用对方研究成果及组织联合研究的方针发展。

    The science sociology can 't replace science of science research , both should develop according to make use of mutual study fruit and organizes in association with investigative way .

  30. 本文是在辩证唯物主义的指导下,运用科学社会学的理论和方法,通过典型的案例分析,透过现象分析其产生的根源。

    This article is in materialist dialectics guiding ideology , from the perspectives of sociology of science , through the typical case analysis , analysis of the causes of phenomena behind .