
  • 网络Lake Como;Lago di Como;Como Lake
  1. 但科莫湖(LakeComo)和马焦雷湖(Maggiore)真正的明星是几个世纪以来由这一地区真正的贵族打理形成的岛屿花园。

    But Lake Como and Maggiore 's real stars are the island gardens developed over centuries by the region 's actual aristocracy .

  2. 香港的电脑编程师斯图尔特金厄姆(stuartkingham)通过ultissimo房产公司在科莫湖购置了一套房子。

    This was the case for Stuart Kingham , a Hong Kong-based computer programmer , who bought a second home in Lake Como through ultissimo .

  3. 到了40年代,它在帕斯科县的科莫湖(LakeComo)地区生根发芽。当时一个门诺派部长的儿子埃弗里·韦弗·布鲁巴科(AveryWeaverBrubaker)和他的妻子一起创立了佛罗里达体育健康协会。

    It took root in the Lake Como area of Pasco County in the1940s , when Avery Weaver Brubaker , the son of a Mennonite minister , founded the Florida Athletic and Health Association with his wife .

  4. 这对好莱坞明星夫妇在哈里夫妇在5月结婚以后邀请他们乘坐私人飞机来到乔治位于科莫湖的豪华府邸,在那里哈里夫妇见到了乔治夫妇1岁大的双胞胎Ella和Alexander上了新手爸妈的速成班。

    The Hollywood glamour pair flew Meghan and Harry via private jet to George 's luxury residence on Lake Como after their May nuptials , where they received a crash course in parenting after meeting the pair 's one-year-old twins , Ella and Alexander .

  5. 科莫湖周围的别墅价格昂贵,名人大多都住在这。其中,克鲁尼的“邻居”之一便是范思哲。

    Lake Como is known for its expensive celebrity homes and one of Clooney 's neighbours is celebrity fashion designer Donatella Versace .

  6. 据报道,哈里王子和新婚妻子梅根与乔治·克鲁尼夫妇在意大利科莫湖享受了一段秘密假期。

    Prince Harry and bride Meghan Markle have reportedly enjoyed a secret getaway with George and Amal Clooney at A-list couple 's exclusive Italian retreat on Lake Como .

  7. 这对夫妇几天前被拍到在墨西哥浪漫的晚餐约会,据说二人正计划在秋天举行婚礼,婚礼地点可能定在他在意大利科莫湖的家中。

    The couple , pictured on a romantic dinner date in Mexico just a few days ago , are said to be planning an autumn wedding which will reportedly take place at his Lake Como home in Italy .