
kē jì dà xué
  • university of science and technology
  1. 辽宁科技大学管网GIS系统的建立

    Establishment of pipe network GIS system in University of Science and Technology Liaoning

  2. 韩国浦项科技大学(PohangUniversityofScienceandTechnology)名列榜首。

    South Korea 's Pohang University of Science and Technology came out on top .

  3. DPFS(DistributedandParallelFileSystem)是电子科技大学8010研究室自主开发的分布式并行文件系统。

    DPFS is a Distributed and Parallel File System developed by 8010 research lab .

  4. 维也纳科技大学(ViennaUniversityofTechnology)的一个研究小组最近宣布了一种看待树木的睡眠的新角度。

    A team of researchers from the Vienna University of Technology recently announced another perspective on arboreal repose .

  5. 中南林业科技大学地理信息系统本科专业于2003年开始招生,地理信息系统(GIS)是这一专业的核心课程。

    Geographic Information System specialty of Central South Forestry University was established in 2003 , and GIS is the core curriculum .

  6. 在一个典型案件中,原本划给澳门科技大学(macauuniversityofscienceandtechnology)的11.3公顷的土地被转给了一家赌场开发商。

    In one typical case , a 11.3-hectare site originally granted to the Macau University of science and technology was given to a casino developer .

  7. 文章围绕由华中科技大学信息存储系统实验室研制的对等存储系统穴HustdAtastoragesystemlabPeer-to-PeerstoragesYstem熏HAPPY雪,对其系统结构、工作原理、扩展性、容错性进行了介绍。

    This paper surrounds Hust data storage system lab Peer-to-Peer storage system , introduces its archi-tecture , work theory , scalability and fault tolerant .

  8. 一个富有创意的例子发生在美国的密苏里科技大学(MissouriUniversityofScienceandTechnology),这里有一堂生物课正在把旧iPhone改装成显微镜来使用。

    One creative example : At the Missouri University of Science and Technology , a biology class is making old iPhones into microscopes .

  9. 本文以西安电子科技大学电路CAD研究所科研项目电源管理类集成电路关键技术理论研究与设计为背景,对单片高效电压模同步升降压型DC/DC转换器的工作原理和电路设计作了全面深入的研究。

    The paper is based on the project of Research Institute of Electronic CAD , Theoretical Research and Design of Key Technique for Power Management IC .

  10. 仪器分析CAI的研究与开发,河北科技大学教学立项,项目主持。

    Project funded by Hebei University of Science and Technology " Instrumental Analysis Research and Development of CAI ", principle Investigator .

  11. 二者的整合过程就是对信息流、物流、资金流、目标市场和服务电子科技大学MB人硕士论文等核心要素进行整合协调,以期达到效率和市场覆盖率的最大化,同时避免冲突失控。

    The integration process of two channels is to integrate and harmonize the core element include information stream . Logistics streams .

  12. 通过在山东科技大学教务管理系统B/S子系统的开发实践对设计模式框架的应用,表明应用上述设计模式框架可以大大提高Web应用系统的开发速度,改善系统质量。

    With the application of the framework used to develop the Shandong University of Science and Technology education administrator information system , it is proved that the framework can quicken the development and improve the quality of web application system .

  13. 文中介绍了华中科技大学开发的HRP系列数字化制模技术的原理及制模工艺。

    This paper introduces the principle and technology of the HRP series of digital pattern making system exploited by Huazhong University of Science and Technology .

  14. 在过去两次的排名中均居第二的新加坡南洋理工大学(NanyangTechnologicalUniversity,简称N.T.U.)超过香港科技大学,拔得头筹。

    Nanyang Technological University in Singapore , second in the past two editions , overtook Hong Kong University of Science and Technology to secure the top spot .

  15. 凯洛格与香港科技大学的EMBA项目从2009年至2014年一直位居该排行榜榜首,但2014年输给Trium项目,2015年又败给清华大学(Tsinghua)与欧洲工商管理学院(InseadUniversity)合办的EMBA项目。

    Kellogg / HKUST dominated this ranking from 2009 to 2014 but lost out to Trium in 2014 and to Tsinghua University / Insead in 2015 .

  16. 本文结合电子科技大学承担的项目“高速数据发生器”,围绕“GPIB程控电路设计”这一课题展开研究。

    The dissertation carries out research on the subject & design of GPIB circuit which is the sub-project of High Speed Data Generator taken on by UESTC .

  17. FT-Matrix处理器是国防科技大学设计的一款高性能DSP,主要面向3GPP-LTE无线通信基带处理领域。

    FT-Matrix is a high performance DSP designed by NUDT . It is mainly used for 3GPP-LTE baseband wireless communication .

  18. 方法利用中国科技大学研究生院认知实验室设计的整体与局部认知功能检查软件对30例PD患者和31例对照进行检查。

    Methods The visual cognitive software , which was devised by the Cognition Laboratory of National Science and Technology University , was used and 30 PD patients and 31 normal controls ( NC ) were enrolled in the study .

  19. Trium跃升3名,击败由凯洛格管理学院(KelloggSchoolofManagement)与香港科技大学(HKUST)联合推出的课程,后者多年来一直高居排行榜榜首。

    Trium jumped three places to overtake the joint programme taught by Kellogg School of Management near Chicago and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology , which had been top of the ranking for five years .

  20. 接着我们通过华中科技大学交通图,研究了DCN网络的权重对DCN网络稳定性的影响。

    Then the influence of the weight of DCN networks on the stabilities of DCN networks are studies by use of the traffic map of Huazhong University of Science and Technology .

  21. 文章分析了磁盘参数的描述,针对华中科技大学研制的磁盘阵列,利用排队论分析并计算带Cache磁盘阵列I/O响应时间及吞吐量,得出了提高I/O平均响应时间及最大吞吐量的方法。

    This paper analyzes the description of disk parame-ters . Aiming at HUST-RAID , this paper analyzes and calculates I / O response time and throughput of RAID with cache , then provides a method to improve I / O average response time and maximal throughout .

  22. 介绍了华中科技大学开发的HRPSⅡ型选择性激光烧结设备的体系结构,根据选择性激光烧结的工作原理并结合该系统的硬件结构开发了基于NT操作系统下的控制软件。

    The architecture of HRPS ⅱ and its key technology were introduced . The principle of working process was described and the software for control system based on Windows NT was designed .

  23. 依照西安电子科技大学立式MOCVD原型建立立式反应室模型,并模拟了反应室中流场、温度场分布和生长速率分布。

    Secondly , model for the vertical MOCVD reactor of XiDian University was set up . On the foundation of the model , the flow field , temperature field and growth rate velocity distribution can be simulated .

  24. 澳大利亚昆士兰科技大学AusSun研究实验室主任MichaelGkimlin教授将宣传运动的成功归于强有力的政府和社区支持。

    Professor Michael G Kimlin , director of the AusSun Research Lab , Queensland University of Technology , Australia , attributes the success of the campaigns to strong government and community support .

  25. 其中,华中科技大学倡导的基地创新实践、创业教育的开展和Dian团队的成立为本科教育注入了动力,培养了具有创新精神的本科人才。

    Among them , Huazhong University of Science and Technology initiates the base innovation practice , carry out enterprise education and establish Dian team , these measures impetus the undergraduate education and foster the undergraduate innovative talents .

  26. 文中以河南科技大学为例进行研究,通过实行立体化教学、校企合作加强实践基地建设、应用ERP沙盘模拟实训以及加强师资队伍建设等措施,在学科建设和人才培养方面取得了良好的效果。

    This article takes Henan University of Science and Technology as an example which achieved good results through carrying out stereoscopic teaching , cooperation between school and enterprises to strengthen practice base construction , applying ERP model table to simulate training of IE specialty and strengthening team construction of teachers .

  27. 2002年lO月26日-27日,《中国社会科学》杂志和华中科技大学在武汉联合举办了创新时代的哲学社会科学高层论坛。

    Editor 's note : On October 27,2002 , a high grade forum of " Philosophy and Social Sciences in the Era of Innovation " was convened by Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and Huazhong University of Science and Technology in Wuhan .

  28. 这项由澳洲斯威本科技大学的博士申请人MartinaAbirgo发起的卓越的发明,尚处初始阶段。

    The brilliant technology that is still in the early stages of development is being spearheaded by Martina Abirgo , a Ph.D. candidate at the Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne , Australia .

  29. 此外,高效混合电子科技大学博士论文滤波器组ADC系统的量化噪声研究结果表明其有效分辨率比其ADC提高在基本放大器近似为单向有源网络的前提下,求得了四种反馈放大器的简洁条件。

    By simplifying the ADC system , a specific kind of high effective hybrid filter banks ADC system is proposed too . Under the circumstances that the basic amplifier is approximately a one-way active network , the simplifying conditions of four basic types of feedback amplifiers are derived .

  30. 本文的研究基于我们和香港科技大学合作研制的KD-2000并联原型机床,但不限于此。

    Our research work on based a parallel machine tool prototype , named KD-2000 . But not confined to it .