
  • 网络political event;political affairs
  1. 两人都很早就进入了政治事件的中心:1919年,凯恩斯参与了凡尔赛和约(TreatyofVersailles)的谈判;熊彼特则是奥地利财政部长。

    Both gravitated early to the centre of political events . In 1919 , Keynes was negotiating the Treaty of Versailles ; Schumpeter was Austrian minister of finance .

  2. 瑞银集团首席执行官胡皓华(peterwuffli)警告,投资者对经济增长和政治事件的担忧可能导致集团下半年业绩放缓。

    Peter wuffli , chief executive , warned that investor concerns about economic growth and political events could prompt a slowdown in the second half .

  3. 这次会议具备了作为高度戏剧性的政治事件的一切要素。

    The meeting had all the ingredients of high political drama

  4. 很多政治事件都没有报道。

    Many political incidents go unreported .

  5. 在伊利诺斯州令人晕都转向的政治事件中,联邦机构周二于州长RodBlagojevich家中将其逮捕。

    In a stunning turn of events in Illinois politics , federal agents arrested Governor Rod Blagojevich in his home Tuesday .

  6. 他给维塔的信中很少提及政治事件。

    In his letters to Vita he rarely referred to political events .

  7. 新闻界人士无从了解这个政治事件的内幕信息。

    Journalists have no access to the inside information of this political affair .

  8. 每项政治事件他都要插手。

    He has a finger in every political pie .

  9. 但《骷髅旗》植根于调查和最近的政治事件。

    But " Crossbones " leans heavily on research and recent political events .

  10. 如果这样的话,罗马尼亚的最热点的政治事件将变为国际政治热点。

    If so , Romania 's hottest political issue will become an international one .

  11. 在这种环境下,基于阴森政治事件基础上的卡通和讽刺文学纠正了平衡。

    In such circumstances , cartoons and satirical accounts of somber political events redress .

  12. 新时期的话剧由关注重大的社会政治事件转为关注普通人及小人物,并试图挖掘他们的内心世界。话剧由问题剧转向了人本主义话剧的探索。

    Drama of the New Period turned the Problem Drama to the Humanism Drama .

  13. 地震或许是上帝所为,但向来也是政治事件。

    Earthquakes may be acts of God ; they are also always political events .

  14. 政治事件对人们考虑是否生小孩有重大影响。

    Political events weighed heavily against having children .

  15. 提到;谈及;涉及剧本涉及当时的许多政治事件。

    The play is full of references to the political events of those days .

  16. 现在让我们简要地叙述一下引起诺曼人入侵的一些政治事件。

    We now briefly follow the political events that led up to the Norman invasion .

  17. 谨慎地回顾政治事件

    A careful review of political events

  18. “酷肖”是一档英国电视节目,旨在讽刺抨击上一周发生的政治事件。

    ' spitting image'is a British television programme which satirizes the political events of the past week .

  19. 许多法律人类学家继而转向描述法律案件或者政治事件的具体过程。

    Many legal anthropologists turned to the description of the concrete process of legal cases or political events .

  20. 模拟政治事件时,给软件中的所有局中人输入优质数据的难度很大。

    But feeding software with good data on all the players involved is especially tricky for political matters .

  21. 历史包含的宽广的范围主题包括政治事件,社会改变,智力和艺术运动。

    The broad spectrum of subjects that history encompasses includes political events , social changes , intellectual and artistic movements .

  22. 然而,中国和印度非凡的经济增长,可能是我们这个时代最重要的经济和政治事件。

    Yet extraordinary economic growth in China and India is probably the most significant economic and political development of our era .

  23. 纯管理主题演变成涵盖全球金融与政治事件,包括南北关系、东西关系,还有全球贸易。

    Pure management themes grew to encompass world financial and political matters , including north-south and East-West relations and Global trade .

  24. 除非墨西哥湾出现一场大飓风,或发生一件破坏性的地缘政治事件,否则油价似乎已然见顶。

    Barring a big hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico or a disruptive geopolitical event , oil prices appear to have peaked .

  25. 上周六,一名持枪歹徒对亚利桑那州图桑市一个政治事件发动袭击,造成6人死亡,9岁的克里斯蒂娜就是受害人之一。

    Last Saturday , the nine-year-old girl was six people killed by a gunman at a political event in Tucson , Arizona .

  26. 1867年加拿大自治领的建立,是加拿大历史上的一个重要的政治事件。

    The Dominion of Canada was founded in 1867 , which was an important political event and governing principle in Canada history .

  27. 几个礼拜来,大家一味谈着这一饶有兴趣的话题,连当前重大的政治事件都搁在一边。

    FOR several weeks , in discussion of this one absorbing theme , even the momentous political topics of the day were FORgotten .

  28. 大部分铭文为神谕圣旨,内容大都与政治事件和宗教活动有关,有些则是关于天气和战争的记录。

    Most of the inscriptions are oracular , dealing mostly with political and religious events , or with weather or warfare . / /

  29. 即将到来的秋天注定会迎来一系列戏剧性的经济、金融和政治事件。而在此之前,市场一直出奇的平静。

    Markets have been surprisingly quiet ahead of an autumn that looks set to be full of dramatic economic , financial and political events .

  30. 安全防范技术研究内容主要包括对盗窃、外部侵入和蓄意破坏等违法活动以及重大文化政治事件的防控、实时监控和布防。

    Safety prevention mainly includes the prevention , real-time monitoring and protection against external invasion , theft , destructive crime activities and major political accident .