
zhènɡ fǔ jī ɡòu
  • government organs;governmental instrumentality;government apparatus;government instrumentality
  1. 大力推行政府机构改革,减少不合理支出;

    Carrying out the government apparatus reform vigorously to reduced unreasonable disbursement ;

  2. 基层政府机构精简难度大;

    The difficult in simplification of the basic government apparatus ;

  3. 卡林顿在政府机构身居要职。

    Carrington held a position of responsibility within the government .

  4. 政府机构在一个又一个行业中设置了障碍以阻止竞争。

    In industry after industry , government bodies have erected bars to competition .

  5. 危机已导致了许多可有可无的政府机构的关闭。

    The crisis has led to the closure of a number of non-essential government services .

  6. 他清楚有相当多的人支持他对中央政府机构加强控制的计划。

    He knows he has considerable support for his plans to tighten his grip on the machinery of central government

  7. 长期以来,健康和环保倡导者一直敦促美国政府机构限制使用报告列举的11种化学物质,呼吁对它们的长期影响进行更多研究。

    Health and environmental advocates have long urged US government agencies to tighten the use of some of the 11 chemicals the report cites and called for more studies on their long-term effects .

  8. 这就需要进行更广泛的超越政府机构和科学团体界限的,将学生、业余爱好者以及任何可能受到使用立方体卫星技术影响的人都包括在内的公共对话。

    Here 's where there needs to be a much wider public conversation that extends beyond government agencies and scientific communities to include students , hobbyists , and anyone who may potentially stand to be affected by the use of CubeSat technology .

  9. 一些学校要求学生提供社区服务,比如在养老院、幼儿托管所或是政府机构里做志愿服务。

    Some schools require students to provide community service by volunteering in a nursing home , child care center or government agency .

  10. 银行、公司和政府机构在做生意时使用秘密代码,尤其是用计算机发送信息时。

    Banks , companies , and government agencies use secret codes in doing business , especially when information is sent by computer .

  11. 不久,中国网民以及政府机构纷纷谴责“影响极坏的熊猫烧香”

    Soon Chinese Internet users , including government agencies , were decrying the ' poisonous panda .

  12. 随迁配偶多出现于军队、外交、政府机构以及私营企业等会定期轮换委派员工到不同地区的单位。

    The term is often associated with people involved in an expatriate assignment but is also used on domestic assignments . The phenomena where the employer regularly re-assigns their employees to new locations .

  13. 高校尤其会针对研究生举行这样的研讨会来让大家了解最新的研究。这些研讨会通常由学院、大学和政府机构主办,采用讲座、演示或研究人员的发言等形式,多数都是一些教授介绍他们正在进行的研究。

    In universities , especially for graduate students , brown bag seminars are often offered to update the researching community about ongoing research . Usually held by schools , universities and governmental institutions , they involve lectures , presentations , or talks by researchers , mostly professors about their ongoing research .

  14. 各种政府机构免费发布关于US经济健康状况和更改社会人口统计资料的数据。

    Various government agencies freely distribute data related to US economic health and changing social demographics .

  15. 官方出口信用机构(OfficialExportCreditAgency)是一国为促进本国商品出口、鼓励本国企业开展跨国投资经营而设立的准政府机构。

    The Official Export Credit Agency is a quasi-government financial institution , which is set up for the sake of promoting export as well as encouraging oversea investment .

  16. 这个成功大部分要归功于在这个时期州政府机构的J2EE开发技巧的迅速提高。

    This success was attributable in large part to a rapid rise in the agency 's J2EE development skills over the same period .

  17. 本文把白皮书中提出的建议和最佳实践整合在一起,帮助政府机构和各个行业顺利实现SOA。

    This article integrates both industry agnostic recommendations and best practices developed in a white paper written to aid a government agency through its SOA journey .

  18. 在世界遗产委员会的要求之下,一家名为顺化古迹保护中心(HueMonumentsConservationCenter)的政府机构正在起草一项计划,旨在更好地保护古迹。

    At the request of the World Heritage Committee , the Hue Monuments Conservation Center , a government organization , is drafting a plan to improve conservation of the sites .

  19. CN集团公司自成立以来,经过了三个发展阶段,从政府机构转为市场化经营,又实现了集团化扩张,企业规模不断扩大,实现了快速发展。

    Since CN Investment Group Company founded , after three historical stages . From public sector turn to the property market companies , Realize collectivization expansion , The enterprise scale unceasingly expands .

  20. 面对移动互联网和3G手机媒体崛起的大势,无论是媒体界,还是3G应用开发业、通信运营商、政府机构、以及使用主体的手机客户都已经显现出不同程度的响应和参与。

    In face of the booming mobile internet and 3G cell phone media , the news media , 3G application development industry , communication operators , government agencies and the main users-cell phone clients-have all manifested certain levels of responses and involvement .

  21. 上周,调研机构NPD报告称,21%的笔记本,买家是商业组织、教育机构和政府机构等机构组织。

    Last week , the NPD group reported that 21 % of all notebooks sold through resellers , which are mainly purchased by organizations like businesses , educational institutions , and government agencies .

  22. E&hing(电子学习)概念正在成为全球企业、教育机构和政府机构认真对待的新事物。E-Learning的全球发展趋势和商业化运作将成为二十一世纪重要的教育变革。

    The concept of E-learning becomes a new thing that the global corporation , educational department and government pay serious attention to the global trend and business trend of E-learning will become the most important education revolution in the 21st century .

  23. 第二项决定是,组建新的政府机构-重建与恢复委员会(BRR),负责领导整体重建工作。

    The second decision was to establish a new Government Agency , the Badan Reconstruksi dan Rehabilitasi ( BRR ), charged with leading the entire effort .

  24. 在13世纪,政府机构迁到伦敦。

    In the thirteenth century , administration was moved to london .

  25. 这是新一轮政府机构改革的核心之所在。

    This is the core of new turn government bodies realigning .

  26. 合同能源管理促进政府机构节能的作用

    Energy Performance Contracting in Promotion of Governmental Sectors Energy Efficiency Projects

  27. 论社会系统的协调和政府机构改革

    The Coordination of Social System and the Reform of Government Organization

  28. 关系运作制度化的过程分析&华东地区A县乡镇政府机构改革的个案研究

    Analysis on the Process of the Institutionalization of Social Relations Operation

  29. 以政府机构节能推动资源节约型社会建设

    Push the resources-conservation society construction forward by government agencies energy saving programmes

  30. 这可能解释了政府机构的傲慢行为。

    That might explain the Cavalier behaviour of government agencies .