
  • 网络Government Document;Government Documents SIS
  1. 尽管退出FDLP并不明显意味着放弃所有政府文献收集,但不可避免地会遗漏吊一些特定的信息。

    Though dropping FDLP status obviously does not mean giving up all government document collections , inevitably certain information will be lost .

  2. 另一方面,参与FDLP有助于确保高校法律图书馆员较好地精通政府文献研究。

    On a related note , participating in the FDLP helps to ensure that academic law librarians remain well versed in government documents research .

  3. 事实上,对于法律图书馆员来说,力争熟练使用政府文献是很基本的。

    In fact , it is essential that law librarians strive to become adept at using government documents .

  4. 网页新闻数据及政府文献中数字短语的正确翻译是统计机器翻译中一个重要的环节。

    Translate the number of phrases in web news and government documents correctly is an important part in statistical machine translation .

  5. 做法律研究和理解政府文献能力的扩散是正好是满足“知情的公民”这一理念所需要的。

    This spreading of the ability to perform legal research and understand government information is precisely what is needed if the ideal of the informed citizen is to be met .

  6. 本文运用政府文献分析法,对50年代初到90年代末消费制度的转型及其逻辑进行了宏观分析。

    Employing the method of governmental documents analysis , this paper deals with the logic underlying the transformations of consumption institutions in China from the early 1950s to the late 1990s from a macro-perspective .

  7. 美国政府与文献保护工作者在长期的保护工作实践中形成了自己鲜明的特色,其中不少理念、方法和制度值得我国的古籍保护工作者学习和借鉴。

    S.government and the conservator formed their own distinct characteristics in the long-term protection work and practice , and the conservator of China can learn from ideas , methods and systems .

  8. 该书史料的汇辑,融入了编纂者对政府档案文献、地方史志和政书典籍的广泛搜集之功,这为下一步具体组织材料、记载历史打下了良好的基础。

    The book historical repertoire , into the compilation of government documents , local records and certificates of books widely collected work , the next step for specific tissue material , recorded in history to lay a good foundation .

  9. 在中央政府的有关文献和一些省市制定的医药产业政策文本里都缺少系统表述。

    Seldom systematic formulation of the industry policy objective is found in documentaries at both central government level and provincial level .

  10. 第三部分对有关企业并购与政府干预的文献中所提及的政府作用进行了实证检验。

    In part 3 , we make empirical test of those governmental functions mentioned in related materials of M & A and governmental interference .

  11. 对如何解决个体理性和集体非理性导致的公共组织管理两难困境的研究主要形成了市场型和政府型两类文献。

    The study about how to solve the dilemma of management caused by the individual rationality and the collective non-rationality has formed two kinds of documents , which are market-like and the government-like documents .

  12. 但不可否认的是,虽然关于服务型政府理论的研究文献和实践尝试在数量上已经很可观,但对于服务型政府的深层内涵和建设路径仍没有清晰、统一的认识。

    However , it is undeniable that , despite the fact that a great deal of work has been done in theoretical research and practical experiments , the deep concept and construction path of service-oriented government is still not clear .

  13. 论文除导言外,主要分为四个部分:第一章对城市公用事业进入壁垒与政府管制相关理论文献进行综述。

    In addition to introduction , this paper is divided to four sections : Firstly , according to the need of research , chapter one makes a study on theories of barriers to entry and government regulation policy of public utilities .

  14. 研究涉及到了地方政府债务的定义、成因、影响、风险和化解防范等各个方面,不过系统性研究地方政府债务问题的文献较少,都是从其中某一个侧面进行研究。

    Research related to the definition of local government debt , causes , impacts , risks and resolve prevention and other aspects , but systematic study of local government debt issues less literature , one side of which are from the study .