
zhènɡ qǐ fēn kāi
  • Separation of government and enterprise;separate governmental functions and enterprise management
  1. 随着我国成功加入WTO,农业银行必将改革成为一个政企分开、符合国际标准的商业银行。

    With our country successfully affiliated to WTO , agriculture bank would change to a commercial bank that is separated from government and accord with international standard .

  2. 经过政企分开、邮电分营、企业重组、开放竞争、加入WTO等举措,中国电信业已形成开放竞争局面。

    After separating the mechanism of competition , corporate restructuring , open competition , as well as the accession to the WTO , telecom firms have formed an open competitive situation .

  3. 1998年政府颁布新《肯尼亚通信法》实现政企分开、邮电分营,并成立了通信委员会(CCK)。

    According to the new Communication Act released in 1998 , Kenyan government began to push separation of governmental sector and enterprises and establishment of CCK .

  4. 政企分开改革的层次性

    The Reforming on the Two Level Separation of Government and Enterprise

  5. 政府采购莫忘政企分开

    Government Purchases Should Not Forget to Separate Administration from Enterprises

  6. 弱化政府微观经济管理职能,实现政企分开;

    Weaken the function of micro economic manages to separate government and business ;

  7. 该沃拉斯顿政企分开,激光束分成两个组件在一个固定的角度。

    The Wollaston separates the laser beam into two components at a fixed angle .

  8. 政企分开和网运分离是民营化的主要步骤。

    The major steps of privatization is separate government from enterprises and network transport separation .

  9. 在政企分开之后,中国电信业经历了飞速发展。

    The telecom industry developed very fast , after departing from the government in China .

  10. 加快铁道部职能转变,推进铁路政企分开;

    To expedite function transformation of Ministry of Railways , separate government functions from enterprise management ;

  11. 港口管理体制政企分开后,港口经营市场的行政执法水平较低。

    After the reform of port management system , the enforcement of administrative law is low .

  12. 实施政企分开、专业化经营的体制改革战略。

    The strategy of structural reform to separate government administration and enterprise management and introduce specialized management .

  13. 政企分开时政府、企业、银行三方利益均衡机制的构建分析

    Construction of Benefit Equilibrium System Among Government 、 Bank and Enterprises in the Separation from Government and Enterprises

  14. 谈国有企业改革中政企分开问题

    A Discussion on the Issue of Separation of Government Function from Enterprise Behavior in the State-owned Enterprise Reforms

  15. 随着政企分开、国家放开物流市场,邮政企业面临的竞争压力越来越大。

    With the separation of the government and enterprise , the postal enterprises are facing an increasingly fierce competition .

  16. 打破行政垄断,首先要转变政府职能,政企分开;

    To break executive monopoly , the first thing we should do is to change the government 's functions .

  17. 主要内容有以下四个方面:改革权力高度集中,实行党政、政企分开,有利于加强和改善党的领导;

    The theory consists of four aspects : reform the power distribution , seperating the Party from the government ;

  18. 在组织结构上实行分工合理、责权明确、政企分开、管理科学、经营机制灵活的组织体制;

    In organizational structure established organizational mechanism , which has the characteristic of rational division of work , specific responsibility ;

  19. 2007年邮政实现政企分开,邮政这个传统行业进入了新的发展阶段。

    Since the postal industry separated government from enterprises in 2007 , the traditional industry has entered a new stage for development .

  20. 坚持政企分开的原则,转变政府经济管理职能

    Uphold the principle of separating the functions of government from those of enterprises and alter the government 's role in economic management

  21. 经济体制转型时期,政企分开与政府职能的转变具有密切的关系。

    During transformation of economic system , separation of enterprises from the government is closely related to the transform of government functions .

  22. 以新视角解释社会主义公有制同市场经济的兼容性问题以及政企分开等问题。

    At a new viewpoint , an explanation has been made of the compatibility of public ownership with the socialist market system .

  23. 受公共行政典范革命的影响,在全球经济加速实现一体化的形势下,转变政府职能,实现政企分开;

    The global economy has been accelerated in its process of unification as a whole under the typically revolutionary influence of public administration .

  24. 实行政企分开,加强宏观调控和管理,合理配置资源;

    Separate the functions of administration from those of management , strengthen the macro-economic regulation and control and rationalize the distribution of resources ;

  25. 目前,省级通信管理机构也已按政企分开的原则于近期组建完毕。

    Up to now , the provincial telecom administrations have all completed restructuring in line with the principle of separating government and enterprise functions .

  26. 民营银行的进入方式就是民营经济自身出资组建,彻底实现政企分开。

    The way of private banks entering is the private-owned economy establishing it with self-capital , thorough realizing the separation of enterprise from administration .

  27. 多数垄断行业实现了政企分开、主体多元、绩效提升、规模扩大的改革效果。

    Most monopoly industries have achieved the reform effect with separation between enterprise and government , diversity subject , performance improvement and scale expanding .

  28. 改革开放以来,国有企业实现了政企分开、政资分开、所有权与经营权分开。

    Since the reform and opening up , the state-owned enterprises , and the separation of ownership and management of soe should , separate .

  29. 深化社会经济转型时期的管制体制改革首先是我国经济发展的必然要求,科学界定政府管制,政企分开是关键。

    To deepen the reform of government control in the period of our social and economic transition is a necessary requirement of our economic development .

  30. 与此同时,机关后勤服务社会化程度明显提高。政企分开迈出重大步伐。

    At the same time , major strides were made in promoting commercialization of logistic services for government departments and separating the government from enterprises .