
zhèng dǎng
  • party;political party
政党 [zhèng dǎng]
  • [party] 代表某一阶级、阶层或集团进行政治活动的组织

政党[zhèng dǎng]
  1. 该团体不隶属任何政党。

    The group is not affiliated to any political party .

  2. 他们正在考虑建立自己的政党。

    They are considering the launch of their own political party .

  3. 那次罢工选择在召开政党大会的同一时间举行。

    The strike was timed to coincide with the party conference .

  4. 他们声称自己是重视治安问题的政党。

    They claim to be the party of law and order .

  5. 委员会由来自不同政党的成员组成。

    There are people of different political colours on the committee .

  6. 每个主要政党都选派出300多名候选人。

    Each of the main parties fielded more than 300 candidates .

  7. 没有任何政党可望获得绝对多数。

    No one party is expected to gain an outright majority .

  8. 这个政党尽力吸引社会各阶层人士。

    The party tries to appeal to all classes of society .

  9. 这个政党与大企业的关系疏远了。

    The party has loosened its links with big business .

  10. 政党领袖与该党党员在这个问题上产生了分歧。

    The leaders clashed with party members on the issue .

  11. 其中一个较小的政党差一点就获胜了。

    One of the smaller parties came a close second .

  12. 各政党都在许诺增加医疗开支。

    All parties are promising to increase spending on health .

  13. 两个政党设法弥合了在这个问题上的分歧。

    The two parties managed to overcome their differences on the issue .

  14. 当时这个政党在其支持者中正遭受信任危机。

    The party was suffering a crisis of confidence among its supporters .

  15. 没有一个政党在选举中连续四次获胜。

    No party has won an election four times running .

  16. 这一政党显然没有达到自己的目标。

    The party has manifestly failed to achieve its goal .

  17. 这个政党是在上次大选中当选执政的。

    The party came to power at the last election .

  18. 这一政党重新获得了这个地区的控制权。

    The party has regained control of the region .

  19. 他因所属政党的关系而被捕。

    He was arrested because of his political affiliation .

  20. 他是政党政治的标志性人物。

    He is the human face of party politics .

  21. 在旧政党的灰烬中会诞生出一个新的政党吗?

    Can a new party rise from the ashes of the old one ?

  22. 那位饱受指责的政党领导人被迫辞职。

    The beleaguered party leader was forced to resign .

  23. 她控制这个政党的企图受阻了。

    She was thwarted in her attempt to take control of the party .

  24. 这一政党得到了坚定的支持。

    The support for the party was rock solid .

  25. 这个政党在选举中面临着近乎全军覆灭。

    The party faces virtual wipeout in the election .

  26. 这个政党得票份额有所增长。

    The party increased their share of the vote .

  27. 这个政党已经摆脱纯工人阶级的形象。

    The party has shed its cloth cap image .

  28. 各个不同政党的拥护者都参加了这次活动。

    People of various party allegiances joined the campaign .

  29. 这个政党仍得到民众的广泛支持。

    The party still has widespread popular support .

  30. 他保证他的政党愿意倾听人民的呼声。

    He pledged that his party would listen to the voice of the people .