
  • 网络political norms;politic norms
  1. 中国传统社会政治规范中的和谐思想有很多。

    There were many harmonious thoughts in political norms of China traditional society .

  2. 既有文字的润色,艺术的提高,更有政治规范的影响。

    It polished the text , improved the art , and made more political norms .

  3. 第三节是政治规范到学科规范。

    Thirdly , it is the range of from political regulations to subject ones .

  4. 第四媒体集多种特点于一身,已经成为宣传社会政治规范和社会价值观不可缺少的重要阵地。

    The fourth medium assembling many traits are becoming a important field that publicize society 's political standards and social values .

  5. 从政治规范和教科书的文学史书写两个方面,分析了鸳鸯蝴蝶派被政治书写的原因;第三章是重识到升华。

    From the two perspectives of political regulations and literary history in the textbooks , the reason is analyzed that the school is politicized .

  6. 历史环境、政治规范、编码主体、世俗取向及媒介都在影响着从芗剧到京剧转变中的《龙江颂》。

    Historical environments , political standards , code subject , secular values and medias made influences to Longjiang Song 's shift from Xiang Opera to Peking Opera .

  7. 前法治社会里的新闻规范是政治规范、经济规范、文化规范、法律规范等构成的总和,它是新闻自治和新闻法治的规范事实。

    The press norms of pre-law-governing society were made up of political norms , economic norms cultural norms and legal norms concerned . They were parts of the normative facts of press autonomy and press governed by law .

  8. 正是通过描写婚变的现代转型,十七年农村小说切入政治规范道德评价主体建构三者之间错综复杂的关系,揭示了这一潜隐的现代性命题的丰富内涵。

    Just by depicting the modern change of divorce , the country novels of seventeen-years cut in the complex relation among political criterion , moral judgment and human construct , discover the rich meaning of this latent modernity topic .

  9. 最终,英国通过将中世纪司法机构的议会改造成近代立法机构的议会,来实施对国王行政权力的政治规范和约束,并完成了代议制型宪政模式建构。

    Finally , Britain controlled the king 's administrative authority politically through the transformation from the judicature organization parliament in the Middle Ages to the modern legislation institution parliament , and finished establishing the constitutional government pattern with the representative system .

  10. 略论国家公务员的政治行为规范与职业道德行为规范

    Discussion on Norms of Behavior in Politics and Professional Ethics of State Civil Servants

  11. 社会主义政治道德规范构建与和谐社会建设

    Socialist Political Morality Norms and Harmonious Society Construction

  12. 高校思想政治教育规范化发展的现状与路径分析

    Current Situation and Path Analysis about Standardization 's Development of Ideological and Political Education in Colleges and Universities

  13. 公务员的政治行为规范保持长期稳定,而职业道德行为规范则随着时代的发展而有所变化;

    The norms of behavior in politics always keep long-term stability the norms of behavior in professional ethics change unceasingly .

  14. 国家公务员的政治行为规范和职业道德行为规范是国家意志的体现。

    The norms of behavior in politics and professional ethics of state civil servants are concrete embodiment of state will .

  15. 同时,教育者先受教育有一个效果好坏的问题,他对社会所要求的思想政治品德规范也有一个不断学习、理解和领会的过程。

    At the same time , there is an effect of education quality issues here and have an ongoing process of studying , understanding and comprehending .

  16. 他希望通过对《毛诗》的研究,以发掘经文的微言大意,还原或部分还原古代圣贤政治体制规范,重建理想社会。

    He wanted to make clear the ideas of Odes , recover or partly recover the political system norm of ancient sage and rebuild ideal society through the research of Mao Shi Xue ;

  17. 构建社会主义政治道德规范架构是建设和谐社会的内在要求:一方面,和谐社会蕴含着社会主义道德对社会主义政治的要求;另一方面,构建社会主义政治道德规范对于建设和谐社会有着重要的价值和意义。

    It is the intrinsic requirement of harmonious society construction to establish the norms , for harmonious society contains socialist morals ' requirement of socialist politics and the establishment is of great value and significance for harmonious society construction .

  18. 政治道德规范是调整社会政治活动中各种关系应当遵循的道德行为尺度和标准,集中体现着政治道德意识和政治道德实践活动的统一,具有自律性、善恶评价和价值导向的功能。

    Political morality norms are moral behaviour rules and criteria that we must follow to coordinate all relations in social political activities , which embody the unity of political moral consciousness and practice and have functions of self-discipline , good-evil evaluation and value-orientation .

  19. 企业政治行为的规范性问题研究

    Study on the Normalization of the Political Action of Chinese Enterprises

  20. 从公民学角度来看,大学生的公民素质包括政治品格、规范认知、参与能力以及创新能力。

    From a civics perspective , citizenship quality of college students'includes political integrity , regulate cognition , participation and innovation capability .

  21. 我们可以从法律运作、政治行为的规范和社会结构的变迁等方面确证宪法程序的这些价值功能。

    We can prove the functions of constitutional process from law enforcement , the political behavioral norm and the transformation of the social structure .

  22. 政治文明要求规范权力制衡机制,权力制衡机制的完善又反映了政治文明发展的成熟度。

    So , the political civilization demands to standardize the power restriction system , perfection of the latter reflects the mature degree of the former .

  23. 当然,由于强大的政治意识形态的规范作用,画家不得不在严苛的制约之下进行绘画创作。

    Of course , as a result of a strong regulatory role of political ideology , the artist had to work under stringent constraints painting .

  24. 把道德规范同政治、法律规范相比较,明确道德的合法性在于对人们行为的规范具有非强制性,从而人们对制度化道德的合法性有质疑。

    Compared with the political and legal norms , the validity of the moral norms lies in which is non-mandatory standards for people to obey .

  25. 这导致了中国企业政治行为的规范性问题。

    There is also lack of regulations to regulate CPA in China , which results in the normalization problem of political action of Chinese enterprises .

  26. 20世纪70年代,罗尔斯《正义论》的发表,标志着西方政治哲学与规范政治理论的复兴。

    Since A Theory of Justice published in 1971 , Rawls has been recognized as a pioneer of a reborn in western modern political philosophy and theory .

  27. 在政治意识的规范下,革命历史小说缺失的是厚重审美意蕴,对人的哲学层面的观照。

    Under the control of political ideology , what are the defaults of the revolutionary historical novels are the lack of the deep-seated aesthetic purport and the philosophic lay of person .

  28. 第三部分为通过实际观察,深入实践了解到当前教学存在的极其不规范的情况,引发思考,进而进一步明确思想政治课必须规范教学。

    The third part through actual observation , in-depth practice learned this teaching very non-standard , thought-provoking , and thus to further clarify the ideological and political course must be standardized teaching .

  29. 通过分析,本文认为,这一实然性政治秩序与规范性政治秩序存在着很大程度的背离,最基本的秩序功能已丧失,更无以承担起基本性价值实现的功能。

    Through the analyzing , this text thinks , to a great extent , the real-state political order is deviated from standardizing political order . The most basic order function has already been lost .

  30. 以德治国是以社会主义的政治原则和规范、思想原则和规范、道德原则和规范去管理国家事务、经济文化事业和社会事务。

    Administering a country by morality is to administer the affairs of the state , economy , culture and society by moral principles and standards of socialistic politics , socialistic ideology and socialistic morals .