
zì rán fǎ xué shuō
  • natural law theory
  1. 西方自然法学说具有悠久的历史和丰富的内涵。

    Western natural law theory has a long history and rich content .

  2. 正文的第一章是关于斯宾诺莎自然法学说的来源问题。

    Chapter 1 of text is concerning the source of the natural law theory of the Spinoza of .

  3. 论自然法学说在美国宪法解释中的作用

    Explain the Function of Natural Jurisprudence in American Constitution

  4. 自然法学说中正义观念的历史变迁

    The Historical Changes In the Concept of " Justice " In Theory of Natural Law

  5. 自古希腊开始,自然法学说一直是西方政治思想史上独具特色的内容。

    Since the ancient Greece , the natural law theory was always a characteristic content in the history of west political thought .

  6. 西方社会向近代化转型时期,自然法学说开始复兴,16-17世纪被赋予近代意义。

    It began reviving and got its modern interpretation in the modernization of western countries in the 16th and the 17th centuries .

  7. 自然法学说在北美的兴起并非偶然,而是历史与逻辑的必然统一。

    The rise of Natural Law Theory in North America was not accidental , but an inevitable unity of logic and history .

  8. 在古典自然法学说和理性主义思潮的影响下,人的理性与价值得以在实在法中成为人格的基础,财产要素在人格基础上被摒除。

    Affected by doctrine of classical natural law and rationalistic thoughts , the basis of personality on positive law is not property but reasoning value of person .

  9. 自然法学说认为,每一条法律,都具有道德价值,法律之所以是规范,因为它们在道德上有效。

    The natural law jurisprudence thinks that each principle of law has the value of moral . The law becomes the standard because it has the moral validity .

  10. 虽然这些作家都认为他们所说的法律是“政策科学”,不应该归类于自然法学说,这样的一种描述不应该出现完全的不对称。

    Although both of these authors hold that their legal " policy-science " should not be classified as natural-law doctrine , such a characterization would not appear to be wholly inappropriate .

  11. 在自然法的学说之中,财产权是一种神圣不可侵犯的权利。

    In the words of natural law , property right is exempted from infringing .