
  • 网络the Clyde;River Clyde;The Clyde River
  1. 往日的格拉斯哥,因其重型工程主要中心的地位,尤其是克莱德河上的造船业,而备受崇敬。

    Glasgow was once revered as a leading centre of heavy engineering , most notably shipbuilding on the River Clyde .

  2. 英国最长的河流是赛文河,最重要的河流是泰晤士河。克莱德河是苏格兰最重要的河流。

    The longest river in Britain is the Severn River . The most important river is Thames River . River Clyde is the most important river in Scotland .

  3. 大卫·伊卡克拉鲁是加拿大北边克莱德河村的因纽特人

    David Iqaqrialu is an Inuit from the village of Clyde River in the Canadian Far North .

  4. 如果格拉斯哥人能拿到伦敦的工资,那当然很好,如果克莱德(Clyde)河继续繁荣下去,这种情况或许会成为现实,但它不可能通过强制规定格拉斯哥每小时最低工资为100英镑就得以实现。

    It would be nice if Glaswegians earned London wages , and perhaps they will if the Clyde continues to boom . But that will not happen by imposing a minimum wage in Glasgow of ? 100 an hour .