
  • 网络Christopher;Christophe
  1. 噢,克里斯多福,这是谁对你干的?

    Oh , christopher , who did this to you ?

  2. 我们会保留原画,因为它们是她最后碰过的东西,但我们会出售复制品,收入将捐给圣克里斯多福临终关怀医院。

    We are keeping the original artworks , since they were among the last things she touched , but are selling reproductions , with the profits going to St Christopher 's.

  3. 在克里斯多福·梅利安号上,我一边用餐,一边在河流上漂越三个国家。

    On board Christoph Merian , I dine while floating along the borders between three nations .