
  • 网络krishnamurti;Jiddu Krishnamurti
  1. 当前文章是1984年克里希那穆提和学校全体教师对原文做的修订。

    It was revised by Krishnamurti and the school staff in1984 to its present form .

  2. 在他的余生中克里希那穆提一直坚拒他人尝试强加于他的印度教宗师的地位。

    For the rest of his life Krishnamurti insistently rejected the guru status that others tried to foist upon him .

  3. 原文由J。克里希那穆提写于1975年橡树林学校成立之时。

    The original Intent was written by J.Krishnamurti in1975 when Oak Grove School was founded .

  4. 在这样的时代背景中,庄子和克里希那穆提的人格美学思想对我们具有重大的启示意义。

    In this background , character aesthetics thought raised by Chuang Tzu and Krishnamurti has a great enlightening significance for us .

  5. 学校不会提供关于克里希那穆提著作的正规课程,学生也不会被要求必须对克里希那穆提感兴趣。

    There is no formal curriculum for presenting Krishnamurti 's work , and no student is required to " be interested " in Krishnamurti .

  6. 克里希那穆提(以下简称“克”):先注意听听这个问题,因为了解问题而不空等答案是很重要的。

    Krishnamurti : Listen to the question first , because it is very important to understand the question and not just wait for an answer .

  7. 克里希那穆提在北美创办的唯一学校,姊妹学校包括印度的印度瑞希山谷学校和英国布洛克伍德学校。

    The only Krishnamurti school in North America , with sister schools that include India 's Rishi Valley and the UK 's Brockwood Park schools .

  8. 克里希那穆提描述他走向成就与完美的漫长的旅程,最终进入那解脱与幸福的海洋,即生命的圆满。

    Krishnamurti describes his long journey towards attainment and perfection and of finally entering into that sea of liberation and happiness which is the fulfillment of life .

  9. 我相信在不远的将来,我们将能谈论及理解至高意识,那是一种没有卷入的生命状态。(克里希那穆提称之为无选择的觉知)

    I believe in near future we will be able to talk & understand about the Supreme consciousness ; which is the state of being without involvement . ( J Krishnamurti called it Choice less awareness . )