
  • 网络Knut;canute;KNUTH;D.Knuth;Donald E. Knuth
  1. 克努特国王周围的高官显贵总是在不停地颂扬他。

    Like many leaders and men of power , Canute was surrounded by people who were always praising him .

  2. 接着另一个则说:“伟大的克努特,世界上没有任何事物敢违抗您。”

    Then another would say ," Great Canute , there is nothing inthe world that dares to disobey you . "

  3. 回顾与展望&克努特教授访谈录(英文)

    Retrospect and Prospect : An Interview with Professor Knut Brynhildsvoll ;

  4. 而克努特却坚持活了下来,让动物园的医师们大为惊讶。

    But Knut amazed medical staff at the zoo by clinging to life .

  5. 前真人秀节目明星帕丽斯·希尔顿也是克努特的众多明星粉丝之一。

    Former reality TV star Paris Hilton was among Knut 's many famous fans .

  6. (德国柏林动物园的明星)北极熊“克努特”(在3月19日下午)突然死亡,它曾经与著名影星莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥上过《名利场》杂志封面。

    Knut the polar bear , who shared a Vanity Fair cover with Leonardo DiCaprio , has died .

  7. 但克努特和乔万之间没有发生浪漫的事,雌熊是从慕尼黑动物园借来的。

    But there is no romance between Knut and Giovanna who is on loan from a Munich zoo .

  8. 当“克努特”吃上用煮熟的大米、香蕉和葡萄干做成的生日蛋糕时,高兴的观众纷纷鼓掌喝彩。

    The cheerful crowd applauded when Knut was given his birthday cake made of boiled rice , bananas and raisins .

  9. “克努特”已不再是当年那只爱玩足球的可爱的小泰迪熊,而变成了245磅重的食肉机器。

    Knut was no longer the cuddly little teddy bear romping with a soccer ball , but a245-pound eating machine .

  10. 科洛斯说,周一会对克努特进行验尸,以查明它的死因。

    A post mortem will be conducted on Monday to try pinpoint his cause of death , bear keeper Kloes said .

  11. 这张上周一摄于德国柏林动物园,是放置在克努特圈地上被鲜花围绕的克努特画像。

    A drawing of Knut is placed amidst flowers at the bear enclosure at the Berlin Zoo in Germany last Monday .

  12. 大家观察到,在它深爱的主人、形影不离的伴侣死后的几周里,克努特显得非常沮丧消沉。

    Observers noted that the bear appeared to suffer from depression in the weeks after his beloved keeper and constant companion died .

  13. 埃塞尔雷德死后没有留下有实力的撒克逊继承人,于是贤人会议选择了丹麦首领克努特为国王。

    When ethebred 's death left no strong Saxon successor , the Witan chose Canute the Danish leader , as king in .

  14. 专家们早先曾警告说,克努特正向着一个太过依赖人类的精神病患者发展。

    Experts had earlier warned that the Knut was developing into a ' psychopath ' who was too dependent on human contact .

  15. 当年三岁的北极熊克努特,去年一月八日在德国的柏林动物园内的雪地上小歇。

    Then three-year-old polar bear Knut rests in the snow in his enclosure at the Berlin Zoo in Germany on Jan.8 last year .

  16. 英国国王(1035-1040年),克努特的私生子,在他父亲死后继承了英国王位。

    King of England ( 1035-1040 ) . The illegitimate son of Canute , Harold claimed the English throne after his father 's death .

  17. 但是在2008年克努特两岁生日到来之前,悲剧再次降临,多夫莱突发心脏病身亡,年仅44岁。

    But tragedy struck again before Knut 's second birthday in2008 , when Mr Dorflein died of a sudden heart attack at the age of44 .

  18. 他们的军队由来自斯堪的纳维亚半岛不同地方的战士组成,他们是奥拉夫、斯韦恩、索克尔或克努特的追随者。

    Their armies comprised warriors from different parts of Scandinavia , and they were the followers of Olaf , Svein , Thorkel , or Cnut .

  19. 克努特?汉姆生是20世纪挪威著名作家,也是1920年的诺贝尔文学奖得主。他的小说表达了极其强烈的土地意识。

    Knut Hamsun is a famous writer from Norway in the 20th century , and the winner of The Nobel Prize in Literature in 1920.His novels show strong soil awareness .

  20. 克努特教授以易卜生的戏剧为例,不仅讨论了易卜生戏剧中的伦理道德问题,而且还就文学伦理学发表了自己的重要意见。

    Professor Knut takes Ibsen ′ s plays for example to discuss not only the moralities in Ibsen ′ s plays , but also the necessity and importance of literary ethical criticism .

  21. 挪威诺贝尔文学奖获得者克努特·哈姆生被一些人奉为“现代小说之父”,在欧美文学界有较大影响,但在中国几乎没有被研究过。

    Knut Hamsun , a Nobel Prize winner in literature ( 1920 ), is sometimes worshiped as " father of modern fiction " , but , in China , he seldom attracted scholars'attention .

  22. 最后,在11世纪,因各格兰与挪威、北德一起,成了丹麦克努特大帝国的一部分,连独立的最后痕迹也丧失了。

    Finally in the Eleventh century , england , together with Norway and northern Germany became part of the large Danish empire of Canute the great and the last vestiges of independence disapperared .

  23. 在博山姆,国王克努特向他的顾问们表明,他的权力阻止不了潮汐。

    Karl said they looked like soldiers in long black boots . It was at Bosham that King Cnut had shown his advisers that his powers did not extend to stemming the tide .

  24. 2006年12月,刚出生的克努特就遭母亲抛弃,后来由饲养员人工喂食抚养长大,成为了当时的头条新闻。而今这头闻名世界的北极熊在自己的饲养场所里猝死。

    The world-famous polar bear , who made headlines when he was hand-raised by zoo keepers after being rejected by his mother at birth in December 2006 , died in his compound at a Berlin zoo .