
  • 网络danegeld;danegelds;Dane geld;danegelt
  1. 该项收入则包括丹麦金、犁头税、免服兵役税、摊派税、动产税等。此外,作者还考察了中世纪英国的财税管理体制。

    The general revenue include Danegeld , carucage , scutage , tallage , movables tax etc. In addition , the author also inspected financial and tax administrative system in the medieval Britain .

  2. 作者通过对该时期编年史材料及日尔曼习惯法的梳理,总结出英国财税制度的民俗法背景,教会税收、租税、丹麦金以及财政管理体制,都能在日后的财税制度中找到其踪影。

    On the basis of organizing the chronicles and Germanic customary law these time , the author summarized the background of British folk law , in which you can trace the Catholic tax , taxation , Danegeld and fiscal administrative system .

  3. 丹麦金从10世纪至12世纪,英国为了筹措抵抗丹麦进攻的军费而课的税。

    A tax levied in England from the10th to the12th century to finance protection against Danish invasion .