
  • 网络Nobility;peerage;British peerage
  1. 首相授予他贵族爵位。

    The Prime Minister offered him a peerage

  2. 他于1993年被授予终身贵族爵位。

    He was given a life peerage in1993 .

  3. 【典型范例】英国首相传统上会被授予可世袭的贵族爵位。

    British Prime Ministers are traditionally offered hereditary peerages .

  4. 有关贵族爵位继承人可以放弃其爵位的一项新规定。

    A new principle by which an heir to a peerage may renounce his peerage .

  5. 如果抗拒政府意愿堪称效力标志的话,那么自1999年多数世袭成员被取消贵族爵位以来,未经改革的上议院可谓成绩显著。

    If resisting the government 's will is indeed a mark of effectiveness , then the unreformed Lords have been doing a fine job since most of their hereditary members were removed from the chamber in1999 .

  6. 西班牙贵族中爵位最高的成员乃是大公。

    The highest-ranking member of the spanish aristocracy is the grandee .

  7. 意大利男贵族,爵位在伯爵之上,公爵之下。

    An Italian nobleman ranking above a count and below a prince .

  8. 西班牙贵族中爵位最高的成员乃是大公

    The highest - ranking member of the spanish aristocracy be the grandee

  9. 卡里克弗格斯男爵&男爵是贵族中最低的爵位,最早男爵就是向皇室表明忠心的人。

    Baron Carrickfergus-Barons are the lowest rank of nobility , originally meaning someone who had pledged their loyalty to the king .