
guì fēi
  • highest-ranking imperial concubine
贵妃 [guì fēi]
  • [highest-ranking imperial concubine] 古代皇帝妃嫔的称号。南朝宋孝武帝始置。位比相国,与贵嫔、贵人号称三夫人。后代多沿用其名

贵妃[guì fēi]
  1. 初长成的杨家女,是否想到,有朝一日选在君王侧,成为史页上的贵妃?

    Did the just grown-up girl of Yang 's family ever think of the day when she was chosen to become highest-ranking imperial concubine ?

  2. 《贵妃醉酒》是她的拿手好戏。

    The drunken beauty was the play she did best .

  3. 皇帝册封她为贵妃。

    The emperor bestowed on her the title of imperial concubine of the highest rank .

  4. 益生素对贵妃鸡生产性能及其肉用品质的影响

    Effect of Probiotics on Growth and Meat Quality in Royal Chicken

  5. 说:“贵妃被低估,优雅,”卡特说。

    " The chaise is understated and elegant ," Carter says .

  6. 前几天我和雪莉阿姨一起看了“贵妃醉酒”。

    I watched the " Drunken Beauty " with Aunt Shirley days ago .

  7. 贵妃红荔枝开花与落果特性研究

    Study on the Flowering and Fruit Drop Characteristics in ' Guifeihong ' Lichee

  8. 杜仲素对贵妃鸡生产性能和免疫功能的影响

    Effects of Eucommia Ulmoides Oliver on Performance and Immune Function on Royal Chickens

  9. 大蒜素对贵妃鸡生产性能及免疫功能影响的初步研究

    The Garlicin 's effect on productive capacity and the immunity organs of the royal-chicken

  10. 山楂、决明子对贵妃鸡十二指肠的组织学影响

    The Effect of Hawthorn and Cassia Seed on Duodenum of Royal - chicken in Histology

  11. 由《贵妃醉酒》来看梅兰芳表演艺术的美学特征

    From " the Drunken Royal " Look at the Aesthetic Characteristics of Mei Lanfang Performing Arts

  12. 在香港、澳门还有贵妃鸡专卖店,食客如流。

    In Hong Kong and Macao also Concubine chicken shops , diners , such as streaming .

  13. 我不是一个喜欢热闹音乐的人,但是这次大唐贵妃的音乐确实洗涤了我的耳朵。

    I 'm not usually a fan of loud music but I love this over-the-top assault on the ears .

  14. 采用现代家禽育种方法对贵妃鸡第二世代表型慢羽公鸡进行了测交试验。

    Adopt modern poultry breeding method to make a surface type slow feathering cock test crossing of the imperial concubine .

  15. 梨园内,唐明皇和杨贵妃教梨园弟子弹琴唱曲,贵妃率弟子在芙蓉花中翩翩起舞。

    In operatic garden , Emperor Tang and his beauty Yang taught operatic disciples how to perform musical instrument and sing songs .

  16. 从现代心理学看传统戏曲文化&论《贵妃醉酒》的艺术魅力

    A View of Peking Opera Culture from the Perspective of Modern Psychology : On the Artistic Charm of Imperial Concubine 's Vexation

  17. 本实验以珍禽贵妃鸡为实验动物,在饲料中添加适量的山楂、决明子,来研究山楂、决明子对十二指肠的组织学影响。

    In this experiment , the royal-chicken as the experimental animals were used to study the effect of hawthorn and cassia seed on duodenum of royal-chicken in histology .

  18. 通过试验我们获得如下结果:(1)益生菌和葡聚糖处理明显影响冷应激状态下贵妃雏鸡生理生化变化。

    The experiment results were as following : ( 1 ) The probiotics and glucan treatment significantly affect physiological and chemical indicators the royal chicks undergoing cold stress .

  19. 《贵妃醉酒》,在京剧的发展史中占据着特殊的地位,尤其是对于梅派唱腔来说,更具里程碑意义。

    The Drunken Beauty , occupies an extraordinary position in the development of Peking Opera and is of milestone significance especially to the melody of the Mei Lanfang School .

  20. 梅兰芳位居京剧四大名旦之首,代表作有《贵妃醉酒》、《霸王别姬》、《游园惊梦》等。

    Mei Lanfang ranks first among the four famous male characters in Beijing opera , whose representative works include The Drunken Beauty , Farewell My Concubine , and Dream in the Deserted Garden , etc.

  21. 结果表明,能量为11.70MJ/kg,粗蛋白为17%的日粮,对贵妃鸡日增重、日采食量、饲料转化率影响效果最好,且经济效益最大。

    The result showed that the group with metabolizable energy for 11.70 MJ / kg and crude protein for 17 % was the best feeding result of daily gain , daily intake , feed conversion rate and economic effect .

  22. 贵妃鸡是一种珍贵家禽,具有良好的养殖前景,但是有关冷应激对其生理生化及免疫功能指标的影响还未见详细报道。

    The royal chicken is a kind of precious poultry , have a good breeding prospect , but no information on effects of the cold stress on the physiological and biochemical and immune function index has been reported in details .

  23. 本文通过对创作歌曲《贵妃醉酒》表演风格、演唱技巧的分析研究,深刻感受到,二度创作是声乐表演艺术真实性和创造性的协调统一,是声音技巧和表演艺术的高度融合。

    By analyzing the performing style and singing skills of the creative vocal The Drunken Beauty , the author deeply understands that the second creation is coordination of authenticity and creation of vocal performance arts and a well combination of voice skills and performance .