
  1. 所以,老子倡导人们贵柔。

    Thus Lao Zi advises people to venerate softness .

  2. 《老子》中通过阐述“道”的运动,反映出了明显的尚阴贵柔思想。

    The book of Laozi reflects an concept of venerating Yin and softness through expounding the movement of " Dao " .

  3. “守阴贵柔”不仅是智者的生存之道,而且更多地启迪着弱势群体在当下对生存之道的优化选择。

    Guarding Yin should set store by being gentle and flexible is more than a wise man 's way , but inspires the present disadvantaged group of people to make possibly optimized choice .

  4. 在小说中萨拉在力量不及封建势力的情况下,否定了强胜于弱的偏见,采取了以退为进和贵柔的策略。

    In the condition of being inferior to the feudal influence , Sarah negates the prejudice against the weak and struggles against feudal influence by adopting the strategy of retreating in order to proceed and venerating softness .