
  1. 在蒙特利当地的一户平常人家。

    With a warm family at Monterrey in Mexico .

  2. 宴会烹调法通常与日常饮食相距甚远,不过有一种特殊的菜肴却让宫廷式精致从紫禁城走进了平常人家:北京烤鸭。

    Banquet cookery is normally far removed from everyday food , but one imperial delicacy in particular made the leap from the Forbidden City into the mainstream : Peking duck .

  3. 真见鬼!刚过了半小时,正巧一个平常以挨家挨户给人家拍摄婴儿照片为生的摄影师上门来推销生意,他按响了门铃。

    Half an hour later , just by chance , a door-to-door baby photographer rang the doorbell , hoping to make a sale .