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  1. 吉姆平常在哪儿吸烟?&在公交车上。

    Where does Jim usually smoke ? & In the bus .

  2. 你估计平常在街上购买一件衣服的全过程需要多少时间?

    Hong long time approximately do you buy a cloth on the street ?

  3. 您平常在吃什么药?

    What kind of medicine do you regularly take ?

  4. 你平常在生活中会弹任何乐器么?是不是手鼓呢?

    Doyou play any instrument in daily life ?

  5. 海盐可能比你平常在店里卖的盐更咸。

    Sea salt may taste saltier than the stuff you usually buy in shops .

  6. 平常在你做出承诺前,你想要知道你正处理的事确切地发生了什么。

    Ordinarily before you commit you 'd want to know exactly what you 're dealing with .

  7. 不过,在我讲话期间,泰迪熊的有益影响并不是决定性的证据,因为大家平常在听人讲话时通常都很有礼貌。

    However , their helpful influence during my speech was not decisive , as people tend to listen quite politely anyway .

  8. 价格可能比你平常在其他地方付的多一些,但差异也不是很大。

    It may cost a little more than you 'd usually pay somewhere else , but the price difference isn 't huge .

  9. 好了,大伙儿,你们就装作随意交谈,就像平常在咖啡店里那样,明白吗?

    Okay , folks , you 're just having a normal conversation , a typical day in a coffee shop , all right ?

  10. 他指出,那些报道中的灰鲸比那些平常在北极的灰鲸走得更接近北方,也许得益于那些有薄冰的环境。

    He points to reports that grey whales have been seen getting farther north than usual into the Arctic , probably helped by the low-ice conditions .

  11. 首先,我们采取了广告公司提出的不雇佣演员的建议,就像我们平常在广告中做的那样。

    Woman : Firstly , it seems we were right to take the advice of the advertising agency and not to employ actors , as we normally do in our ads.

  12. 双鱼座也对官僚机构的规则,所以你会发现你比平常在这类机构,而木星幸运在这个领域是你的生活。

    Pisces also rules over bureaucracies , so you could find you are luckier than usual within these types of organizations while Jupiter is in this area of your life .

  13. 你游水时的感觉和平常在游泳池,在水库,在京密引水渠里的感觉一样好,轻松又容易。

    As you swam , you felt the same pleasure you felt when swimming in any pool or reservoir , or in the Miyun-Beijing Canal ; you were relaxed and not at all strained .

  14. 无论逢年过节、喜忧大典还是平常在田间地头、街头巷尾,无时没有戏的演唱、戏的表演。

    No matter when festivals and ceremonies of happiness and sadness are , and in which the fields and streets and lanes they are , you can see the performance and hear the singing .

  15. 虽然他一定知道,在这帮出尔反尔的恶魔当中,自己的性命系于一发之上,他却似乎毫不在意,唠唠叨叨地和他的病人们闲聊,就像他平常在某个恬静的英国家庭出诊一样。

    He seemed under no apprehension , though he must have known that his life , among these treacherous demons , depended on a hair ; and he rattled on to his patients as if he were paying an ordinary professional visit in a quiet English family .

  16. 像平常那样在头发上抹上洗发液。

    Lather your hair as normal

  17. 平常我在我父母面前从没有穿成这样的。

    I don 't normally dress like this around my parents .

  18. 哦,他跟平常一样在医院里。

    Oh , he was at the hospital like always .

  19. 他们平常主要在家看电视和给我做饭。

    They usually mainly watch TV and cook for me .

  20. 他平常待在书房里就是为了要图个悠闲清净。

    In his library he had been always sure of leisure and tranquillity ;

  21. 平常我在车库里穿随意的衣服。

    I usually wear casual dresses in the garage .

  22. 跟平常一样在他陷入沉思之前他把双臂交叉起来,低下了头。

    He folded his arms and lowered down his head as usual before he was in deep thought .

  23. 这些事可能你平常只在书上才会读到。

    It might put something you had only ever read about into the personal context of your parent .

  24. 这跟你平常会在杂志里读到的评论文章不同。

    It is not meant to be a critical review like the ones you 'd find in a magazine .

  25. 请指明你们平常都在哪儿用餐啊?也是时候我们应该将一些预算花费在公司员工身上了。

    Please indicate where do you have dinner ? We should spend our budget on our HCC personal as well .

  26. 接下来的那个星期,有一天苔丝正像平常那样在地里干活儿,亚历克·德伯看她来了。

    One day the following week when Tess was working in the fields as usual , Alec d'Urberville came to see her .

  27. 这种影响使得我积极参加平常多数在户外进行的锻炼。

    As a result of the influence , I try to follow an active exercise routine taking place mostly in the outdoors .

  28. 虽然丹尼尔目前财力雄厚,但小两口这周依然穿着平常服装在街头漫步。

    Despite Radcliffe 's hefty bank balance the couple enjoyed an low-key stroll earlier this week and both were dressed in casual clothing .

  29. 在中国,平常无论在哪里吃饭、打尖,你若向店家要碗白开水,他总是会痛快答应的,没有谁会为给你倒杯白开水而跟你要钱。

    In China , when eating in restaurants , if you ask for a glass of hot water , and it is always provided for free .

  30. 当我去各地旅游的时候,我会挤时间出来和平常只在邮件和电话中联系的朋友见见面,喝杯咖啡,或一起吃顿午餐。

    When I travel , I try to find time for a cup of coffee or lunch with people I 've only met via email or the phone .