
  1. 那你答应明天给我打电话了?

    So you promise to phone me tomorrow ?

  2. 那你答应让我试镜了?

    So you 'll let me audition ?

  3. 那家伙答应让她上封面。

    The guy promised her a cover .

  4. 那你能答应我最后的请求吗?

    Bob : So can you agree with my last request ?

  5. 汤姆还在写那本他答应写的书吗?

    Is Tom still working on the new book that he promised ?

  6. 那就别答应逃跑吧

    Then don 't do it . Run away .

  7. 那你为什么答应我的请求?

    Why 'd you say yes to me ?

  8. 那你能答应我,

    Well , then can you promise me that

  9. 那你干嘛答应他你会买?

    Then why did you say you would ?

  10. 那本已经答应的二手商店?

    Which would have sold the cap ?

  11. 女孩眼巴巴地盼望父亲带她去旅行,那是他答应过的。

    The girl has been looking forward to travelling with his farther for his father has promised that .

  12. 那农夫因答应其先父决不卖业而受到约束。

    The farmer is laid under restraint by a promise he made his father , mever to sell the homestead .

  13. “那我就答应你吧,”思嘉回答说,同时看一眼威尔,觉得对他有了进一步的了解,也感到有些惊讶。

    " Oh , well , I promise ," and then she looked at him with a new understanding and some amazement .

  14. 如果这场婚姻对于结束你们的家族和卡布利特家族彼此间的仇恨有所帮助,那我会答应帮助你。

    If this marriage will help your family and the Capulets to end their hate for each other , then I will agree to help you .

  15. promise:允诺,保证那你能答应我,当你一个人在那的时候。auction:拍卖million:一百万dollar:美元如果他们把你拍卖了,千万不能少于一百万?system:(人体内数个器官组成的)系统;

    Dan : Well , then can you promise me that when you 're up there being yourself as they auction you off , that you won 't go for anything less than a million dollars ? -

  16. 所以我想那意味著她答应啰!

    Trish : So I guess that means she said yes !

  17. 那你为什么不答应他呢,太太?我想人们不会觉得这有什么错的。

    ' Then why don 't you promise , ma'am ? I don 't think people would think it wrong .

  18. 深草丛中的某个地方有一台正在生锈的割草机,那就是我曾答应某日要修理的割草机。

    Buried somewhere in deep grass there is a rusting lawn mower which I have promised to repair one day .

  19. 因为那是她当众答应了的。国王派来了马车,公主和小裁缝坐上去,要一起到教堂举行婚礼。

    So then there was nothing more she could say , because she 'd publicly promised to marry him ; and the king sent for a carriage to take her and the tailor to church to be married .

  20. 那好,那你答应我们的线索在哪呢?

    All right , so where 's that trace you promised us ?