
  1. 饲粮中分别添加10mg/kg、50mg/kg的那西肽对猪的胴体品质和猪肉品质没有不良影响;

    There wasn 't any adverse effect on characteristics and quality of carcass when added 10mg / kg and 50mg / kg nosiheptide to diet .

  2. 那西肽(Nosiheptide)对肉仔鸡免疫功能的影响

    Effects of Nosiheptide on Immunity Function in Broilers

  3. 该模型能较好地反映那西肽的分批发酵过程。

    The model was able to reflect the batch fermentation nosiheptide process .

  4. 因此,对那西肽发酵工艺进行深入研究具有重要意义。

    Therefore , the process of nosiheptide fermentation depth research and is very great significance .

  5. 那西肽发酵技术的研究

    Study on Fermentation Technology of Nosiheptide

  6. 作者论述了那西肽的理化特性、促进动物生长的机理、安全性评价及其在仔猪和育肥猪生产上的应用。

    The finding , physical characteristic , security of nosiheptide , and its application in piglets and fattening pigs production are showed in the article .

  7. 沃尔玛公司和家得宝公司担心供应链可能因劳资谈判破裂而中断,如果谈判破裂那西海岸的港口将被关闭。

    Companies from Walmart to Home Depot are worried about potential disruptions in the supply chain if ongoing labour talks should break down which could lead to a shutdown on west coast ports .

  8. 本论文在评述链霉菌育种方法的基础上,主要研究了那西肽产生菌活跃链霉菌的育种及发酵技术,继续提高高产活跃链霉菌的发酵单位,并尝试用基因工程的方法育种。

    Based on the former work , the main works are focused on the breeding and fermentation technology of nosiheptide , getting high production strains , and using genetic methods to get better strains .

  9. 结果表明:那西肽可显著提高生长肥育猪的采食量和日增重(P<005),但是对料重比的改善作用不明显;

    The result showed that nosiheptide increased feed intake and daily gain of growing-finishing pigs ( P < 0.05 ), but without significant difference on feed / gain among the groups ( P > 0.05 ) .

  10. 在一些头痛药物中发现的化合物(阿斯匹林、非那西酊和咖啡因)。我们不象有些人那样,丑化斯大林,毁灭斯大林,而是按照实际情况办事。

    A drug combination found in some over-the-counter headache remedies ( Aspirin and Phenacetin and Caffeine ) . Unlike some people who have tried to defame and destroy Stalin , we are acting in accordance with objective reality .

  11. 本试验分两期进行,分别研究了不同剂量那西肽对断乳仔猪和生长肥育猪的作用效果及在部分组织器官中的残留,并初步探讨了那西肽对肠道菌群和肠粘膜形态的影响。

    Two experiments were conducted to study the effect of the different supplement level of nosiheptide on performance , residues in partial organs and tissues , intestinal bacteria population and intestinal mucosa form in weaned piglets and growing-finishing pigs .

  12. 几乎没人还记得要看看那西北方是否还有哈雷彗星和它那邪恶的尾巴的踪迹一天晚上,威尔鲍温给爸爸打来电话,说查理,我很失落很担心。

    Very few remembered to look toward the northwest to see whether the comet and its wicked tail were still around One evening , Will Bowen called dad on the telephone and said , Charley , I 'm downhearted and blue .