
  • 网络Center right;Centre-right
  1. 《焦点》杂志的政治立场可以称为中间偏右。

    The political slant at Focus can be described as centre-right

  2. A国是由右翼或中间偏右分子所统治的:财政保守主义、自由贸易和私立养老保险制度漏出了马脚。

    Country A is governed from the right or centre-right : fiscal conservatism , free trade and private pensions give the game away .

  3. 社论将总统概括为“中间偏右的传统主义者”。

    The editorial summarized the president as'a center-right traditionalist ' .

  4. 但麦凯恩应该牢牢坚守极左立场,而不是中间偏右路线。

    But McCain should be hammering on the far left versus centre-right argument .

  5. 在政治上同属中间偏右的欧盟领导人上周对萨马拉斯施加压力,但遭到抵制。

    Fellow centre-right EU leaders last week put pressure on him . He resisted .

  6. 像其他欧洲国家一样,近年来,中间偏右的法国政府一直镇压非法移民活动。

    As in several other European countries , the center-right French government has illegal immigration in recent years .

  7. 欧洲中央银行行长,以及中间偏右以及左派政客已呼吁加强监管。

    European Central bankers , and center-right as well as leftist politicians have been calling for tighter regulation .

  8. 中间偏右的加拿大保守党自2006年上台后,明确表态不会遵守加拿大对于《京都议定书》所作的承诺。

    The right-of-center Conservatives took power in 2006 and made it clear they would not stick to Canada 's Kyoto commitments .

  9. 中间偏右的看守政府上星期没能通过信任投票,从而开始了新一轮的争吵和施压。

    A right-of-centre caretaker government failed to gain a confidence vote last week , starting a new round of bickering and arm-twisting .

  10. 这一消息进一步增加了人们对法国经济的担忧。法国中间偏右的萨尔科齐政府正在努力推动一些艰难的经济改革。

    The new financial blow adds to the economic worries in France , where the center-right government hopes to push through tough reforms .

  11. 但是匈牙利中间偏右的主要反对党青年民主联盟-匈牙利公民联盟对政府接受金融援助计划提出批评,说此举可能使匈牙利的主权受到损害。

    But Hungary 's main center-right opposition party , Fidesz , has criticized the government for accepting the financial rescue package , saying it could compromise the country 's sovereignty .

  12. 德国总理默克尔也将她的政治资本投注于这场表决。因为有一些属于她中间偏右联合政党的政界人士,对于扩大援助基金的做法感到怀疑。

    German Chancellor Angela Merkel also staked political capital in the vote , since a number of politicians from her center-right coalition have been skeptical about expanding the bailout fund .

  13. 我们党内不但有喜欢左的,也有不少喜欢右的,或者中间偏右,都是不好的。

    In our Party there are people who prefer to be on the " Left ", and then there are also quite a few who prefer to be on the Right or to take a position right of centre .

  14. 她的观点是中间偏左还是偏右?

    Are her views to the left or right of the centre ?

  15. 但西方中间偏左和中间偏右政府的政治计划遇到了更大的挑战。

    But an even bigger challenge has been posed to the political projects of western governments of the centre left and centre right .