
dài zǒnɡ tǒng
  • acting president
  1. 同年12月叶利钦总统去职,普京成为代总统。

    When Yeltsin stepped down that December , Putin became the acting president .

  2. 一九四九年一月二十二日,李宗仁以代总统的身份,发表了一个声明。

    On January 22 , 1949 , Li Tsung-jen issued a statement in his capacity as " acting president " .

  3. 7年后,在仅仅当了4年得克萨斯州州长之后,乔治w已在尝试成为美国历史上首位“第二代总统”了。

    Seven years later , after only four years as governor of texas , George W.Is trying to become the first second generation American president in history .

  4. 巴西代总统米歇尔•特梅尔已承诺将全力提供财政支持。

    Interim President Michel Temer has promised significant financial help .

  5. 乌克兰代总统表示,袭击者试图掌控这个城镇,但是政府军成功地进行了防御。

    The country 's acting president says the attackers were trying to seize the town , but troops successfully defended it .

  6. 尼日利亚代总统乔纳森已宣布,尼日利亚将为亚拉杜瓦的去世举行7天全国哀悼,各地降半旗志哀。

    The acting president Jonathan has announced the seven-day national mourning for the death of Yar'Adua , mourning over their flags .

  7. 不过,代总统班达逐渐缩小了差距,与此同时,开始清点来自农村地区选票,班达在那里有大量的支持者。

    However , acting president Rupiah Banda gradually gained ground as results began to come in from rural areas where his support is greatest .

  8. 尼日利亚总统亚拉杜瓦病逝之后,代总统古德勒克·乔纳森宣誓就职。

    Nigeria 's acting President Goodluck Jonathan has been sworn in as head of state following the death of President Umaru Yar'Adua after a long illness .

  9. 群众对那些逃之夭夭的统治者毫无感情,他们冲进李宗仁代总统的住宅,把东西抢个精光。

    So little affection did the crowds have for their departed rulers that they rushed to the house of President Li Tsung-jen and stripped it bare .

  10. 总统去世后,代总统应该全面履行总统和武装部队总司令的职责。

    After the death of President , the acting president should fully implement the duties of the president and commander in chief of the armed forces .

  11. 赞比亚反对党领袖萨塔以微弱的优势领先于对手代总统班达,与此同时,周四举行的总统选举的选票清点工作继续进行。

    In Zambia , opposition leader Michel Sata is maintaining a slim lead over rival , Acting President Rupiah Banda , as vote tabulation continues from Thursday 's presidential election .

  12. 他的副总统乔纳森2月在争议中就职为“代总统”,但所有的关于到底权力如何归属的问题直到亚拉杜瓦总统于5月5日去世时才得以排除。

    Mr Jonathan , his vice-president , had been controversially installed as " acting president " in February , but all doubt as to who was in control was removed only when Mr Yar ' Adua died on May5th .

  13. 而经过拉夫桑贾尼和哈塔米两代务实主义总统治理后,伊朗也越来越意识到实力外交的重要性和国际政治的现实性。

    After the regime of Rafsanjani and Khatami , Iran recognizes the importance of power diplomacy and the reality of the international politics more and more .