
dài biǎo
  • representative;represent;on behalf of;delegate;designate;in name of;deputy;stand for;proxy;envoy;deputize;exemplify;exponent;symbolise;surrogate
代表 [dài biǎo]
  • (1) [delegate;representative;deputy;exponent]

  • (2) 代替个人或集体发表意见或担任工作的人

  • 人民代表

  • (3) 能显示同一类事物共同特征的人或事物

  • 代表人物

  • 代表作

  • (4) 某种质量或抽象概念的典型体现

  • 在闪语族中,阿拉伯语是活语言中的主要代表

  • (1) [represent;in name of;on behalf of]∶代替执行任务、行使权利

  • 他代表教育界发言

  • (2) [deputize]∶担任代表

  • 缺少能代表君主的王子

  • (3) [designate]∶代替某人

  • 从这些名字就联想到他们所代表的人

  • (4) [exemplify]∶阐明,展示

  • 他的作品代表了那个时代的风尚

代表[dài biǎo]
  1. 全国人大代表、中国中医科学院院长张伯礼

    Zhang Boli , NPC deputy and president of the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences

  2. 袁江华,河南省鹤壁市财政局官员、全国人大代表

    Yuan Jianghua , an official with the Hebi Finance Bureau in Henan province and an NPC deputy

  3. 他们招待五十多位代表吃了一餐美味佳肴。

    They served a wonderful meal to more than fifty delegates .

  4. 副总统代表总统出席了这次庆典。

    The President was represented at the ceremony by the Vice-President .

  5. 我们的代表随时准备帮助你。

    Our representatives are ready to help you at all times .

  6. 我们的出口商在国际贸易展览会上代表我们的国家参展。

    Our exporters keep the flag flying at international trade exhibitions .

  7. 谈判代表们在主要问题上的意见大致相同。

    The negotiators were in broad agreement on the main issues .

  8. 这次比赛吸引了代表8个不同国家的500多名参赛者。

    The competition attracted over 500 contestants representing 8 different countries .

  9. 这个国家由民选代表统治。

    The country is governed by elected representatives of the people .

  10. 销售代表前往日本推销本公司的最新产品。

    Representatives went to Japan to pitch the company 's newest products .

  11. 她已获得奥运代表队的队员资格。

    She has won a place in the Olympic team .

  12. 图表中的每一种颜色都代表一个不同的部门。

    Each colour on the chart represents a different department .

  13. 地图上颜色深的部分代表什么?

    What do the shaded areas on the map represent ?

  14. 英国政坛的右派是以保守党为代表的。

    The Right in British politics is represented by the Conservative Party .

  15. 这幅画不是他在那个时期的代表作。

    The painting is not representative of his work of the period .

  16. 谁将在此案中代表王国政府出庭?

    Who 's appearing for the Crown in this case ?

  17. 你的代理人将须代表你在表格上签字。

    Your proxy will need to sign the form on your behalf .

  18. 这个国家的代表都被列为会议的观察员。

    Representatives from the country were included as observers at the conference .

  19. 此次会议有来自56个国家的代表出席。

    The conference was attended by delegates from 56 countries .

  20. 调查覆盖了有代表性的一些学校。

    The survey covers a representative sample of schools .

  21. 最大的会议代表团来自美国。

    The largest contingent was from the United States .

  22. 一位律师被指定为这个孩子的代表律师。

    A lawyer was appointed to represent the child .

  23. 她做她丈夫的代表。

    She is acting as proxy for her husband .

  24. 他的菜肴代表了意大利烹饪的最高峰。

    His food exemplifies Italian cooking at its best .

  25. 她被指派代表我们发言。

    She was nominated to speak on our behalf .

  26. 由当地居民组成的强大的代表团在那里阻止通过这项提案。

    A strong contingent of local residents were there to block the proposal .

  27. 他最近的表现使他得以入选英格兰代表队。

    His recent form has earned him a call-up to the England squad .

  28. 代表们受到款待,吃了一餐美味佳肴。

    The delegates were served with a wonderful meal .

  29. 工会谈判代表拖延着,以期达成较优厚的薪酬协议。

    The union negotiators are holding out for a more generous pay settlement .

  30. 商界高层的女性代表不足。

    Women are under-represented at senior levels in business .