
  • 网络Positioning theory;localization theory
  1. 思想政治教育定位论刍议

    A primary study of the role location for ideological education

  2. 包装机械产品设计定位论

    Localization of Design in the Design of Packing Machine

  3. 校对定位论

    On the location of proofreading Elementary discussion about proofreading

  4. 中国高校广告类本科教学产业细分定位论

    Theory of undergraduate teaching subject breakdown Positioning of advertising program category at University in China

  5. 高校学报定位论

    On the Orientation of University Journal

  6. 当前时间知觉的脑机制的研究结果出现了定位论和非定位论的研究趋向。

    Orientation and non-orientation have been the two results of time perception mechanism research in brain .

  7. 思想政治教育定位论的研究大致包括:研究的必然性、思想政治教育定位的基本理论和基本思路。

    It mainly contains : the necessity of research , the basic theory and the basic thinking way of the orientation of ideological and political education .

  8. 支持定位论的证据主要集中在小脑高级功能区运动计时特异化作用及基底神经节分泌的多巴胺对时间知觉的作用;

    Of the two results , orientation was mainly proved by the only effect of cerebellum superior subregions on motor timing and the effect of dopamine secreted by basal ganglia on time perception .

  9. 支持非定位论的证据主要集中在脑损伤、脑成像研究中关于多个脑区整合作用机制以及多种神经递质在计时中的作用。

    On the other side , the research of non-orientation is mainly about how the integrated mechanism of several brain regions and several neurotransmitters do for timing in brain lesions and imaging researches .

  10. 品牌识别最初是建立在美国著名营销大师里斯和特劳特的市场定位论基础之上研究出的针对市场营销的重要分支理论。

    Brand identity is founded on the basis of Market Positioning theory set by famous America business master Al Ries , Jack Trout , and acts as an important branch theory aiming at Marketing .

  11. 随着市场的日益成熟和消费者观念的变化,市场营销的理论已有不少突破,定位论在实践中得到不断丰富和发展。

    With the ripeness of market and change of consumer idea day by day , theory of marketing in various fields has broken through and positioning theory has been enriched and developed constantly in practice .

  12. 对导致这一现象的理论解释主要分成四派,他们分别是:人民币汇率低估论、基于要素禀赋的国际分工定位论、储蓄&投资缺口论、和全球经济失衡引致论。

    The leading theory to explain this phenomenon is divided into four main faction They are : theory of RMB exchange underevaluation , theory of orientation of international division of labor , two-gap theory and global imbalance theory .

  13. 该专著的流变论、定位论、范式论等以崭新的理论视角总结唐宋词发展变化规律,描述了它运行的轨迹。

    Wang sums up the development regular of Ci poems of the Tang and Song Dynasty , and describes its track from some new angles such as " Alteration Theory "," Location Theory ", and " Model Theory " etc.

  14. 对大众型大学定位研究论大众型大学的教育公平使命

    On Educational Equity Missions of Mass University Institutional Organization of a Research-Type University

  15. 民间审计在环境审计中的定位分析论环境行政非强制性管理手段

    Non - governmental Audit in the Environmental Audit The Non - coercive Means of Environmental Administration

  16. 定位包装论&关于产品包装的新思维

    A Discussion on Packing Orientation

  17. GPS卫星导航定位系统初探论测度的正则性

    Discussion on GPS on the regularity of measure

  18. 基于供应商门槛的采购物资定位模型研究论品牌定位的形成机制

    Study of Purchasing Positioning Model On Building Model of Brand Positioning

  19. 其原因,可能与中医治疗的定位、辨证论治的准确性,也与选方用药的经验有密切关系。

    The reasons may be , in addition to the accuracy of differential treatment , closely related to the orientation of traditional Chinese medicine .

  20. GPS静态绝对定位方程的相对论修正

    Relativistic Correction of the Static Absolute Position Equation of the GPS

  21. 人支气管干细胞的定位及性状解析论人的个性

    Location of Human Bronchial Stem Cell and Analysis of Its Characteristic

  22. 找准定位培育特色&论高职高专学报面临的2个重要问题

    Orientation and feature : two issues for college journals

  23. 社会思潮的发展与美学研究的定位&重读马克思论美的规律

    Social Tide 's Development and Orientation of Aesthetic Research & on Marx 's Law of Beauty

  24. 要建构大学生的社会角色首要的任务是教育和引导他们进行角色学习,解决他们面临的角色转换与角色定位等问题。论施工监督中的质量控制

    The main task of social role construction of university students is to advocate the role studies among the students for a role conversion and orientation . The role of quality in construction supervision

  25. 通过对参与人之间关系的不同定位,运用博弈论方法,对每种冲突给出了相应的博弈模型。

    Every corresponding kind model of the Game Theory for every kind of conflict is brought up on the basis of orientation of the different relationship of the participants in the channel and application of the Game Theory .

  26. 论我国刑法分则规范的完善&以总分则之关系的合理定位为切入点论行政刑法规范的适用与罪刑法定原则

    On the Perfection in the Specific Provisions of Criminal Law & In perspective of the reasoning relation between general provisions and specific provisions ; On Relationship between Norm of Administrative Criminal Law and Principle of a Legally Prescribed Punishment for a Specified Crime