
jīnɡ shén bìnɡ yī shenɡ
  • psychiatrist;alienist;psychiater
  1. 一位同事竭力劝福克纳去看精神病医生,但他拒绝了。

    A colleague urged him to see a psychiatrist , but Faulkner refused .

  2. 终于,他宣称书已写好并把它拿到精神病医生那里。医生急切地大声朗读起来:

    Finally , he pronounced it completed and brought the book to his psychiatrist , who eagerly began reading it aloud :

  3. 精神病医生首先是作为医生接受培训的。

    Psychiatrists initially train as doctors

  4. 听笑话学英语:Psychiatrist精神病医生杰瑞去看精神病医生。

    Jerry went to a psychiatrist .

  5. 杂志还透露说,这位女演员与她身为精神病医生的女同伴侣在BlueHeron餐馆的天井举行了20分钟的婚礼仪式,而当天出席的客人仅为21名亲朋好友。

    The actress and Lara , a psychiatrist , wed on the patio of the Blue Heron restaurant , during a 20-minute ceremony attended by 21 guests .

  6. 上海同济大学的张旭东(ZhaoXudong)说,中国只有两万名精神病医生。

    ZhaoXudong , of Tongji University , in Shanghai , has said there are just 20000 psychiatrists in the country .

  7. 英国囚犯代言团体reprieve去年安排了一名精神病医生出席在乌鲁木齐进行的开庭审理。

    Reprieve , the UK prisoner advocacy group , arranged for a psychiatrist to attend the trial in Urumqi last year .

  8. 精神病医生NedHallowell说这种悲伤的感觉是很真实的。

    Dr. Ned Hallowell , a psychiatrist , said those feelings of sadness and loss are real .

  9. VikramPatel是一位精神病医生,还是伦敦卫生学与热带医学学院的高级讲师。

    Vikram Patel is a psychiatrist and senior lecturer at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine .

  10. 明天,你们会去见doran医生,他是儿童精神病医生。

    Tomorrow , you 'll see Dr doran , the child psychiatrist .

  11. 我真的觉得和一个精神病医生说这个很愚蠢。

    I feel really stupid saying this stuff to a psychiatrist .

  12. 去看精神病医生吧,请离孩子远一点。

    Go to a psychiatrist and leave children alone , please .

  13. 你知道精神病医生都有极高的自杀率吗

    You know the suicide rate for psychiatrists is extremely high ?

  14. 然后,是眼尖的精神病医生看到了飞鸟。

    Next to spy a bird flying was the sharp-eyed psychiatrist .

  15. 一个道德高尚的精神病医生。

    A distinguished alienist who 's a staunchly moral man .

  16. 那位精神病医生鼓励她详细谈谈她的问题。

    The psychiatrist encouraged her to talk over her problems .

  17. 精神病医生:是什么让你认为你有自卑情结?

    Psychiatrist : What makes you think you have an inferiority complex ?

  18. 她三个月前开始看精神病医生的。

    She began to see a psychiatrist three months ago .

  19. 而纪者建议这些人去看精神病医生。

    Journalists in their turn recommended such people visiting psychiatrists .

  20. 你是不是让沃尔特帮你找个精神病医生?

    Did you ask Walter to get you a shrink ?

  21. 精神病医生斯蒂芬·伯奇是研究清醒做梦的专家。

    Psychiatrist Stephen LaBerge is an expert on lucid dreaming .

  22. 他去看了精神病医生,设法理清她的问题。

    She went to a psychiatrist to try to sort out her problems .

  23. 这里有人曾经想过成为精神病医生?

    Did anyone here dream of becoming a psychiatrist ?

  24. 精神病医生?那么你可以开仙纳克斯药方了。

    A psychiatrist , huh ? So you could write a xanax prescription .

  25. 我们希望你可以找精神病医生谈一谈。

    We want you to speak to a psychiatrist .

  26. 指导教师很快安排她去看精神病医生。

    Within hours , he had arranged for her to see a psychiatrist .

  27. 最近,我从一位精神病医生那里拿来一张妄想狂症状的单子。

    I took a list of the traits of paranoia from a psychiatrist recently .

  28. 我每月去看一次精神病医生。

    I see a psychiatrist once a month .

  29. 父母带我去看精神病医生。他说,我患了抑郁症。

    My parents brought me to a psychiatrist , who said I was depressed .

  30. 不要花钱再请精神病医生了!她需要的是纪律,不是心理治疗!

    Not paying for another shrink ! She needs discipline , not more therapy .