
  • 网络Lean thinking;LeanThinking
  1. RomanPichler,管理顾问,精益思想和Scrum专家。

    Roman Pichler works as a management consultant specialized in Lean Thinking and Scrum .

  2. 就像精益思想,TOC让我的思想多元化,让我对系统的自然属性有了更加深刻的理解。

    Like Lean thinking , TOC colors my thinking about any system and gives me greater insight into the natural properties of systems .

  3. 办公室的绿色植物能够提升15%的工作量,也挑战了精益思想(Leanphilosophy)管理学的理念:朴素整洁的建筑最有利于集中注意力。

    Greenery in offices boosts work output by 15 percent , and challenges ' the lean philosophy ' which holds that stark , uncluttered buildings are best for concentration .

  4. 办公室的绿色植物能够提升15%的工作量,也挑战了“精益思想”(Leanphilosophy)管理学的理念:朴素整洁的建筑最有利于集中注意力。

    Greenery in offices boosts work output by 15 percent , and challenges ' the lean philosophy " which holds that stark , uncluttered buildings are best for concentration .

  5. 然后本文介绍了基于精益思想的博世生产系统BPS的实施策略、实施模型、实施步骤和评价体系。

    After that it introduces BPS implementation strategy , phases , steps and assessment .

  6. 基于精益思想的供电故障抢修模式研究

    Research on Electric Fault In-Time-Repairing Model Based on Lean Production Concept

  7. 基于精益思想的汽车模块化供应链的构建与评价

    Constitution and Appraisement the Modularized Supply Chain Based on Lean Thinking

  8. 基于精益思想的医院放射检查流程改善研究

    A Study on Lean Thinking Process Flow Improvement for Radiation Department

  9. 与精益思想相融的企业文化;

    The enterprise culture should be amalgamation with the lean thinking .

  10. 基于精益思想的企业绿色制造的研究

    Research on Green Manufacturing Based upon Lean Thinking in Enterprise

  11. 精益思想在大型工程项目管理模式中的应用研究

    The Study of Leaning Thinking Applying in Large-scale Construction Modes

  12. 基于精益思想的山东半岛农产品物流体系构建

    Constructing Agricultural Products Logistics System in Shandong Peninsula Based on Lean Thinking

  13. 基于精益思想的物流联盟伙伴选择和业务配额

    Partner Selection and Task Assignment in Logistics Alliance Based on Lean Philosophy

  14. “传递支付”是一种优化全局的精益思想吗?

    Is paying-it-forward a Lean idea that optimizes the whole ?

  15. 基于精益思想及其方法的企业流程再造研究

    A Study of Business Process Re-engineering Based on Lean Thinking and Its Methods

  16. 本篇研究论文在许多方面对精益思想进行了分析。

    Lean Thinking has been analyzed under many aspects .

  17. 精益思想在建设工程项目计划与控制中的应用

    Lean Concepts Applied to Construction Project Planning and Control

  18. 精益思想已经进入了敏捷领域的核心。

    Lean thinking has started to move to the center of the agile universe .

  19. 精益思想代表的是团队协同合作的理念,而不是命令&控制思维模式。

    Lean means focusing on teamwork and collaboration rather than having a command-and-control mentality .

  20. 基于精益思想的企业价值系统研究

    Enterprise Value System Based on Lean Thinking

  21. 第二章对国外服务运作的相关理论文献进行研究,使服务运作理论与精益思想体系相结合。

    The second chapter investigates foreign scholars ' theories related to service operation and lean thinking ;

  22. 第五章在具体的服务型企业中应用精益思想,建立精益服务体系,进行实证性研究。

    The fifth chapter applies lean service theory in a concrete case study of service enterprises .

  23. 关于精益思想,论文阐释了精益思想的含义及其所体现的5项基本原则,即定义价值、识别价值流、流动、顾客拉动和尽善尽美,在此基础上阐述了精益思想的产生、发展和延伸。

    Value , value stream , flow , pull and perfection are the five principles of lean thinking .

  24. 通过导入精益思想和实施技术方法,逐步形成和完善了S公司精益生产体系。

    According to the lean thinking and solution , the lean production system was established in S company .

  25. 第五,让精益思想融入团队建设中,减少浪费。

    The fifth , Lean thought should melt into establishment teamwork , which will promote to reduce waste .

  26. 运用目标成本法,定义目标成本;运用精益思想,控制中后期开发成本。

    Through target cost method to define the target ; Through Lean method to control middle development cost .

  27. 只不过是基于精益思想的实践集&或者我有时所说的精益科学。

    This is merely a set of practices based on Lean-Thinking-or Lean Science as I sometimes call it .

  28. 日本和美国的管理专家在20世纪的后50年一直在推动和发展精益思想。

    Japanese and American management Specialists developed the ideas and methods over the latter half of the last century .

  29. 基于此,本文运用精益思想来分析讨论我国农产品冷链物流的发展。

    Based on it , the paper analyzes the development of agricultural cold chain logistics by use of lean thinking .

  30. 当今它的精益思想对企业的发展还有着举足轻重的作用。

    Nowadays , the thought of lean production is playing a more and more important role in the enterprise development .