
  • 网络Communication-effect Research
  1. 意识阈限下信息刺激的传播效果研究&基于ERP的实验研究

    An ERP Experimental Research on the Effect of Subliminal Messages

  2. 广播在公共危机事件中的传播效果研究

    Research on Communication Effects of the Radio Broadcasting in Public Crises

  3. 神经科学的方法值得在广告传播效果研究中运用。

    Neuroscience is worthy of applying in the study of advertising effectiveness .

  4. 认识建构与传播效果研究的复杂性

    Complexity of Research on Cognition Construction and Communication Effect

  5. 中国英语媒体传播效果研究

    On the Effectiveness of the English - Language Media in the Chinese Mainland

  6. 恐惧诉求广告传播效果研究及其应用启示

    The Communication Effects of Fear Advertising and Its Implication

  7. 第三人效应理论:传播效果研究的新视角

    The Third-person effect Theory : a New Angle of View in Communication Effect Research

  8. 典型报道的传播效果研究

    The Analysis of Communication Effect of Model Report

  9. 传播效果研究

    On the Effectiveness of Mass Media

  10. 农村科普宣传栏传播效果研究&以山东省烟台市农村科普宣传栏为例

    Study on the Effects of Rural Popular Science Gallery & Take Shandong Yantai as an Example

  11. 户外广告及传播效果研究

    Outdoor Advertising and Effects Research

  12. 新时期英语广告语谚语模因的复制与传播效果研究

    A Study of Copy of Meme of English Advertising Proverbs and Its Communicating Effect under New Era

  13. 本研究是关于大众传播效果研究的历史考察。

    This study is focused on the intellectual history of the research of effects of mass communication .

  14. 当代西方广播电视体制商业模式研究影视作品中植入式广告传播效果研究

    On The Commercial Pattern of the Broadcasting Institution in the Contemporary West ; The Empirical Study of Product Placement Advertisements Evaluation at Movies and TV Series

  15. 现阶段,沉默的螺旋与反沉默的螺旋在某些特定条件下的矛盾共存,仍然对当前的传播效果研究有重要的参考意义。

    Currently , the Spiral of Silence and Anti Spiral of Silence are both effective under certain circumstances , and this will still provide important reference on the study of communication effects .

  16. 第三人效果作为传播效果研究的一部分,其提出和验证对完善传播理论、指导社会实践、解决社会问题,有着不可替代的作用。

    As one part of the effect research in communication , the third-person effect plays a irreplaceable role in making the theory of communication perfect , guiding the social practice , settling the social problem and so on .

  17. 开篇绪论,介绍了开展新疆卫视传播效果研究的背景、意义、研究现状以及传播效果研究的主要理念等问题,接着是调查样本框的建立和抽样等问题的说明。

    Begins with the introduction , refers the research background significance , research status and problems such as communication effect research of the main idea on Xinxiang Satellite TV , followed by a sample of frame establishing and sampling .

  18. 作为大众传播效果研究的一个重要方面,第三人效果的提出改变了以往对传播效果研究的方向,它更多地是从受传者,而并非传播者的角度来研究大众传播效果。

    As one of the essential facet for researching the effect of mass communication , the proposal of the third-person effect substantially changes the traditional research field of communication effects , as it more focus on the research of audiences rather than communicators .

  19. 选择性心理是受众普遍的心理现象,涵盖选择性注意、选择性理解和选择性记忆三个环节,是20世纪初传播效果研究史上的一个重要发现。

    Selective psychology is the general psychological phenomenon of audiences , which is an important discovery for the history of the study in the communication effect at the beginning of the 20th century . It contains three parts & selective attention , selective perception and selective memory .

  20. 课堂传播效果研究是课堂传播研究乃至整个教育传播研究领域的重要课题,但目前对这一课题研究的成果甚少,如能在这一领域有所突破,则具有一定的理论价值。

    The study on classroom communication effect is an important topic of classroom communication study or even education communication field , though there are few research results as yet . Therefore , if the paper has breakthrough in this way , it will have the certain theory value .

  21. 系统管理HBV感染孕产妇对阻止母婴传播效果的研究

    Study on effects of system management of hepatitis B virus infected pregnant women on maternal-neonatal transmission blocking

  22. 中英互译信息传播效果的研究

    Study of Efficiency of Informational Transmission in Translation between Chinese and English

  23. 我国医学领域开放存取型学术期刊传播效果实证研究

    Empirical Research on Communication Effects of Domestic Medicine Academic Open Access Journals

  24. 关于传播效果的研究理论也有了一定的成就。

    Some achievements have also been made on the research of communication effect .

  25. 体育媒介分层与传播效果的研究

    On the Sport Media Grading and Dissemination Effects

  26. 但是有关中国英语媒体传播效果的研究并不多。

    However , the specialized research on the effectivity of the media is relatively rare .

  27. 这是一项关于明星代言人电视广告传播效果的研究。

    This thesis is about a research on disseminator influence of star spokesman in TV advertisement .

  28. 中国电视购物传播效果实证研究&基于高知人群的视角

    An Empirical Study of the Communication Effect of TV Shopping in China & From the Perspective of Senior Intellectuals

  29. 而涵化理论,作为大众传播学效果研究中的一个重要理论,近三十年来持续影响着人们对于以电视为代表的大众传媒的认识。

    Cultivation theory , one of the important communication effects theories , continuously affects the recognition of the mass media , especially television in the last thirty years .

  30. 使用与满足模式的提出为传播学效果研究提供了一个新的视角,即传播关系中有一个活跃的接受者。

    The proposal of the employing and satisfying model has provided a new angle of view for making researches in communicative effects , that is , there exists an active receiver in the communication relation .