
  • 网络the people's choice;the people’s choice
  1. 我们尊重XXX人民的选择。

    We respect the choice of the XXX people .

  2. 党的执政地位是历史和人民的选择。

    The ruling status of the CCP was the right choice of the history and the whole Chinese .

  3. 党成为中国特色社会主义事业的核心,是历史的必然、人民的选择。

    Taking the party as the core of Chinese characteristic socialism cause is a historical and inevitable choice .

  4. 中欧友谊和合作是时代的选择,是中欧18亿人民的选择。

    China-Europe friendship and cooperation is the choice made by the times and by the 1.8 billion Chinese and Europeans .

  5. 俄罗斯政府表示尊重该地区人民的选择,呼吁展开政治对话。

    The Russian government says it will respect the choice of people in the region , and is calling for political dialogue .

  6. 外交部发言人马晓旭称“中国尊重利比亚人民的选择”。

    " China respects the choice of the Libyan people ," Ma Zhaoxu , spokesman for the ministry , said in a statement .

  7. 与此同时,中国星期一表示“尊重利比亚人民的选择”,希望利比亚局势尽快恢复稳定。

    Meanwhile , China said Monday it " respects the choice of the Libyan people " and hopes stability returns to the country quickly .

  8. 此前,非国大曾发表声明,要求国际社会尊重津巴布韦人民的选择,帮助他们渡过难关。

    Before this , ANC has released a statement requesting international community to respect the choice of the people of Zimbabwe and help them through any difficulties .

  9. 卡梅伦重申,政府必须“接受”英国人民的选择结果,并且“展开行动、执行命令”。

    The PM reiterated his position that the Government must ' accept the result ' the British people had given and ' get on and deliver it ' .

  10. 我们认为任何国家都要走适合自己国情的发展道路,我们尊重各国人民的选择。

    We believe that all countries can identify their own development paths which are suited to their national conditions , and we respect the choices made by people of other countries .

  11. 同样,我们认为任何国家都要走适合自己国情的发展道路,我们尊重各国人民的选择。

    We believe that all countries need to pursue their own development paths which are suited to their national conditions and we respect the choices made by the people of other countries .

  12. 这不是历史的必然性所致,而是人民的选择;也不是因为我们把自己看作是受上帝垂爱的国家,而是上帝自己的意愿。

    Not because history runs on the wheels of inevitability ; it is human choices that move events . Not because we consider ourselves a chosen nation ; God moves and chooses as he wills .

  13. 走社会主义道路是中国人民的正确选择

    Socialist Road is the Correct Selection Made by the Chinese People

  14. 马克思主义&中国人民的必然选择

    Marxism & the Inevitable Choice for the Chinese

  15. 保护与发展她,是迪庆各族人民的自觉选择。

    The conservation and development of Shangri-la is the conscious selection of the people in Diqing .

  16. 文官统率军队得以确保国家的价值体系、各项建制和政策是出自人民的自由选择,而不是军方的意志。

    Civilian control assures that a country 's values , institutions , and policies are the free choices of the people rather than the military .

  17. 中国特色政党制度是符合中国国情的社会主义特色政党制度,它的形成是历史和中国人民的必然选择。

    The political system with Chinese characteristics is the socialist political party system accorded with Chinese national situation whose formation is historical and inevitable choice for the Chinese .

  18. 这是麦迪逊对共和体制与治理疆域之间的关系做出的新的解释。它在一定程度上解决了困扰当时美国人民的政体选择的政治难题。

    This is Madison 's new interpretation of the relationship between republicanism and governing territory , which solved the political dilemma of the choice of government system , puzzled the Americans at that time to some extend .

  19. 借鉴美国社会保障体系建立的曲折经历与经验,那么,改革原有的国家保障制、积极主动地建立社会保障制,是我国人民的正确选择,也是社会主义优越性的具体体现。

    If we learn from American , then it would be our correct choice , and also be the specific embody of the goodness of socialism to reform our old national security system and to construct social security system actively .

  20. 主要论述了选题的意图和研究意义,介绍了目前国内外对此命题的研究现状,并提出本文的研究方法及特色。二、中巴友好关系是中巴两国人民的共同选择。

    The author discusses the intention research significance about the main topics , introduces the current domestic and international research on this topic , and put forward the research methods and characteristics of the article . Secondly , China-Pakistan friendly relations are the common choice of the two peoples .

  21. 阿富汗局势已发生重大变化,我们尊重阿富汗人民的意愿和选择。

    We respect the will and choice of the Afghan people . The war in Afghanistan has been dragging on for over 40 years .

  22. 为了实现货币政策目标,在外汇储备持续增加和公开市场操作工具严重缺乏的情况下,央行票据成了人民银行的现实选择。

    In order to achieve the objectives of monetary policy , central bank bills become a choice based on the reality .

  23. 我们想要一个人民可以自由的选择、犯错、持有宽容及同情心的社会。

    We want a society where people are free to make choices , to make mistakes , to be generous and compassionate .

  24. 走可持续的发展道路已成为世界上多数国家政府和人民的共同战略选择,可持续发展成为人类共同的历史性课题。

    The approach of sustainable development has become the common strategic choice of governments and people on the planet , and sustainable development is a common historic task facing human beings .

  25. 为了维护美国人民的利益,克里选择放弃似乎是一个明智的决定,尤其是在看到布什在这次选举中以350万张普选票的优势胜出后。

    That retreat looks a wise decision for America 's sake-particularly seeing that this time Mr Bush won the national popular vote by3.5m .

  26. 随着经济的发展、人们闲暇时间的增多和生活观念的改变,21世纪的我国正迈入休闲的门槛,体育以无可比拟的参与价值成为我国人民休闲时的重要选择。

    With the development of economy , people have more leisure time and the concept of lifestyle is changing . In the 21 century , China is toward to the door of leisure activity . Sports as the popular activity become an important selection in people 's leisure time .

  27. 人民共和国:中国人民的历史性选择

    The People 's Republic : A Historical Choice by the Chinese people