
  • 网络Formation of Man
  1. 人的形成不仅是自然界演化的结果,更是与人自身的实践活动是一个同构而互定的过程;

    The formation of man is a process of natural formation and fixation between the nature and man 's practice activity as well as the result of the evolution of the nature .

  2. 交往在人的形成中的作用及其保证

    The Effect of Communication in the Development of Human Beings and Its Guarantee

  3. 它是人类奋斗的核心潜在力之一,且对人的形成和定义具有重要促成意义。

    It has been one of the essential underlying forces of human endeavor and has contributed much to the making and definition of what is human .

  4. 本文从劳动在人的形成和发展中的作用谈起,对劳动教育的意义和任务以及内容和实施作了比较全面的论述。

    Proceeding from the function of labour in the formation and development of human beings , this paper gives a fairly comprehensive discussion about the labour education in terms of its significance and tasks , and content and implementation .

  5. 民族文化是一个民族生存、发展的根基,教育对人的形成和发展具有深刻而长远的影响,而民族文化的传承又是教育的重要内容和手段。

    National cultures are the roots of survival and development of a nation . Education is of profound significance to the formation and development of human beings , while inheritance of national cultures is an important content and method of education .

  6. 这样,实践、交往以及人的发展形成不可分割的整体。

    So , practice , communication and human development form an indivisible whole .

  7. 八德意志人国家的形成

    Chapter VIII the formation of the state among Germans

  8. 按照人格文化论的观点,孝道能对中国人的人格形成产生影响。

    According to the viewpoint of culture theory , the filial piety has influence on Chinese personality .

  9. 传统的办法构建的皮肤替代物是基于将人的角质形成细胞种在将人的成纤维细胞复合的非人的胶原蛋白的三维膜片上。

    Traditional methods to generate HSEs are based on the seeding of human keratinocytes onto three-dimensional human fibroblast-populated non-human collagen matrices .

  10. 人的需要形成人的行为动机和行为目标,写作活动是满足人的需要的一个重要手段和途径。

    Needs of man explain people 's acting motives and aims , writing activities is a means to meet man 's needs .

  11. 组织结构对企业犹如人的骨骼形成人体一样,作用重大,组织结构支撑着企业的框架和运转流程。

    Organization structure is very important to enterprises . As if the bones were human formation , organization structure underpins enterprise framework .

  12. 本文旨在通过对马克思人学的形成过程及基本内容的阐发,系统地说明了马克思人学的当代价值。

    This article aims at illustrating the contemporary value by explaining the founding course and the basic substance of the Marxist Human Study .

  13. 审美共通感在长期实践中积淀于人类潜意识并作用于人的感官形成了审美普遍性知识。

    Accumulating in the human 's subconscious and effecting on the human 's senses , the aesthetic sensus communis become the aesthetical popular knowledge .

  14. 对代建人声誉的形成、声誉评价、声誉激励作用的实现做了系统的研究,建立了代建人声誉评价指标体系。

    This dissertation made a systematical study on the formation , evaluation and function of reputation and established the evaluation index system of reputation .

  15. 法律人群体的形成,中国法律人的血统的接续研究也成为法制事业复兴的重要内容。

    The formation of groups of the legal persons , and subsequent research of descent of legal persons of China has also become an important aspect of rehabilitation .

  16. 靖西壮族仪式剪纸艺术、信仰、仪式,三者通过人的运作形成了靖西壮族独特的民间信仰体系,相互依托,相互印证。

    The ritual paper-cutting , the belief and ritual of the Zhuang in Jingxi forms a folk belief system of their own , which supports and confirms each other .

  17. 在工作中表明自己的野心,尤其当你的野心和其他人的利益形成直接冲突时,会让你的同事和公司认为你很自私,对他人漠不关心。

    Announcing your ambitions at work when they are in direct conflict with other people 's interests comes across as selfish and indifferent to those you work with and the company as a whole .

  18. 目的将多孔β磷酸三钙和重组人的骨形成蛋白2复合物,植入小鼠肌肉内,观察复合物的骨诱导能力和早期降解行为。

    Objective Porous β tricalcium phosphate ( TCP ) were combined with recombinant human bone morphogenetic proteins 2 ( rhBMP 2 ) . The composites were implanted into the muscles of the thigh of mice .

  19. 其次,从法律文化传统、法律理念和诉讼制度等方面对两大法系鉴定人制度的形成进行了分析,说明了上述差异存在的原因。

    Secondly , from a legal and cultural tradition , legal concepts and litigation system and so on Two Schools appraiser on the formation of a system analysis shows that the reasons for the difference .

  20. 遗传因素是人的素质形成和发展的自然基础和潜在因素,环境和教育则有着决定性的影响,但最终要通过个体能动性的社会实践,实践对人的素质起最终的决定作用。

    Heredity is the natural and potential factor . Environment and education play decisive role . But finally both of them can be realized through the social practice of individual initiative , because practice has decisive influence on the formation of man 's quality .

  21. 我国党政机关选人用人制度的形成发展从时间上大致可以分为三个阶段,即建国前期探索阶段、建国初期的发展阶段、改革开放以来的恢复规范阶段。

    The developing process of selecting and appointing person is possible to divide into three stages from the time , since before founding of country explored the stage , the early years of the new nation development stage , the reform and open policy restoration standard stage .

  22. 此外,内部人控制的形成滋生了腐败现象,这一方面损害了公司企业和国家的利益,另一方面也严重破坏了公众对国有企业持有的信心和对相关管理层人员的信任。

    Moreover , the insider control brings about the corruption , which not only damages the benefit of the corporate and the country , but also destroys the confidence the public to the country-owned corporate and the trust the public to the managers in the country-owned corporate .

  23. 结论(1)NCS在人子宫内膜的形成与孕激素无直接关系;

    Conclusions ( 1 ) Progesterone is not dispensable for NCS formation in human endometrium .

  24. 人的自我发展形成每个人独特的生涯。

    Self-development leads to a unique career for each individual .

  25. 多数人将泡沫的形成归咎于过剩的流动性。

    Most blame excess liquidity for the bubble .

  26. 人的道德境界形成的社会基础是人类的社会实践活动。

    Social practical activities of human are the social basis for forming the moral state of human .

  27. 山西人经商风气的形成,与山西人观念的改变关系直接。

    The change in conception of the person who lives in Shanxi directly affects the form of the business atmosphere .

  28. 雅诺马马人的传统,形成了自然与精神,认为世界是统一的力量;

    The Yanomami people 's traditions are shaped by the belief that the natural and spiritual world are a unified force ;

  29. 阿切尔一直认为机遇和环境对人的命运的形成起着很小的作用。

    Archer had always been inclined to think that chance and circumstance played a small part in shaping people 's lots .

  30. 英美法刑事被告人作证制度的形成深受边沁功利主义思想的影响。

    The formation of the system in which the accused is a witness in common law is greatly influenced by Benthamism .