
  • 网络anthropocentrism;anthropocentric;human-centered theory
  1. 国外当代环境伦理观点主要有人类中心论、动物权利论、生物中心论、生态中心论等,这些观点从不同的角度和倾向反映了对人和自然的关系的认识。

    There are several views on environmental ethics abroad , including anthropocentrism , animal rights , biocentrism , ecocentrism .

  2. 罗尔斯顿在反对“人类中心论”和“生物中心论”的基础上提出了“生态中心论”的自然价值论,它充分地体现了人类在其中的地位以及人类与自然界的关系。

    While Holmes Rolston was against anthropocentrism and biocentrism , he brought forward ecocentrism which reflects the role of human and the relationship between human and the nature .

  3. 摘要人类中心论是近现代社会运行的基本原则。

    " Human oriented theory " is the basic principle of modern society .

  4. 后现代主义对人类中心论的批判

    Post-modernism 's criticism of " human oriented theory "

  5. 超越人类中心论标杆管理的局限性

    Transcending Mind and Nature The Limits of Benchmarking

  6. 人类中心论形成的生态基础

    The Ecological Basis for the Evolution of the Theory of Humanity Being the Center

  7. 新人类中心论与现代环境伦理

    Nen - Human-Centrism and Modern Environmental Ethics

  8. 人类中心论与民胞物与说

    Anthropocentrism and the Theory of Min-Bao-Wu-Yu

  9. 人类中心论与现时代的生态危机有着直接的关系。

    The article argues that the anthropocentrism is linked to the ecological crisis of our modern times .

  10. 流行美学的人化自然论的自然美观存在着人类中心论的偏失。

    Natural beauty found in the humanization of nature in today 's aesthetics takes the sides of human-centralism .

  11. 将非人类中心论划分为生态伦理与科学哲学两种基本类型,对其理论错误从三个方面进行了剖析;

    This thesis divides the non-homocentric theory into two basic types : the ecological ethics and the scientific philosophy .

  12. 持怀疑态度的人类中心论者也许认为,艺术家只是将自己微妙而富于思想的敏感性投射到马匹的美丽形式上。

    A skeptical anthropocentrism would argue that the artist is simply projecting his own refined and thoughtful sensibility on the horses'beautiful forms .

  13. 在思考和处理这二重关系时,人类中心论、天人合一观都能给我们有价值的启示。

    In dealing with these relations , humancenteralism and the philosophy of establishing a harmony between man and nature are of great referential value .

  14. 工业化过度发展造成日益严峻的环境问题不容置疑,作为工业化发展观理论基础的近代人类中心论观念受到责难也无可厚非。

    We can give no cause for much criticism of the reprimand of anthropocentrism which is the basis for the theory of industrial development .

  15. 在对人与自然的关系中,人类中心论主张自然是人的一部分,自然中心论强调人是自然的一部分。

    On the relationship between man and nature , human-centralism claims nature is the part of man , stressing man is part of nature .

  16. 自然是否具有内在价值是当代环境伦理学研究中人类中心论与非人类中心论争论的焦点。

    Whether the nature has its intrinsic value is the focus of the debate between human-centralism and non human-centralism in the contemporary environmental ethnics studies .

  17. 在此基础之上总结出人类中心论的思想基础、思维方式以及基本立场。我认为这三方面不可分割,是对人类中心论现代反思的完整解读。

    On this basis , I conclude three inseparable aspects : ideological basis , ways of thinking and basic standpoint of " human-centered theory " .

  18. 应该承认,作为一种环境伦理学理论,人类中心论是必要的,但又是不充分的。

    We have to admit that as part of the theories of environmental ethics , human centered theory is necessary , though it is not sufficient .

  19. 伴随着从人类中心论到生态中心论的伦理变革,人类道德共同体和权利主体的范围从人扩展至非人类存在物。

    Following the ethical transition from human center to ecology center , the community of human moral and subject extent of right expand to non human being .

  20. 他们关于马克思的生态学价值观却提出了“人类中心论”、“生态中心论”和“人类生态学”的指认。

    They have put forward such view as " human-center theory "," ecology-center theory " and " human ecology " about the worth view of Marx ecology .

  21. 前言:“人类中心论”与“非人类中心论”之辩,存在共同的前提性错误:将不同逻辑层面上的问题置于同一层面,试图得出非此即彼的结论。

    There is a premise mistake in anthropocentrism and non-anthropocentrism debating , that is putting the logics in different layers on the same page and attempting to obtain yes or no conclusion .

  22. 人类中心论认为,人只对人负有直接的道德义务,人对环境的义务只是对人的一种间接义务。

    Abstract Human centered theory holds that it is for man alone that human beings have direct and moral responsibility . Man 's duty to protect the environment is but an indirect one .

  23. 人类中心论否定自然的独立价值,这种思想导致了对自然资源的滥用,使生态系统恶化。

    The anthropocentrism denied the values of the zoology , or denied the independence of its values . These thoughts leads to abuse of the natural resources and the deterioration of the ecology .

  24. 因为,我们现在提倡的行政伦理都是在人类中心论的理念下总结出的伦理规范,即只有有利于人类的利益增长和获取有利的伦理,才是我们应遵守的伦理。

    Because the ethics-advocated are summed up according to the " human-centered " concept summed up . We abide by the ethical that is only conducive to the growth and access of human interests .

  25. 世纪之交,环境问题已从社会生活问题的边缘走向中心,引起人们对自己的主体地位、理性观念深刻的反思。笔者认为,断定人类中心论是环境恶化的主要思想根源,论证依据显得单薄。

    The environmental problem , as a current social issue , is edging into the center , which has resulted in the public 's introspection of their central status and the rationality of their conceptual ideas .

  26. 传统的西方史学常常强调人类中心论和欧洲中心论,而把诸如女性、少数族裔和动物等他者排除在历史的视野之外,呈现出一元论的特征。

    The conventional Western History often underscores Anthropocentrism and Eurocentrism , excluding the Others such as the female , the racial minority and the animal out of the vision of historical writing , displaying the feature of monism .

  27. 然而,在传统发展理念支配下,发展的标志要受制于人类中心论和物本主义论,由此造成人与自然矛盾的加剧。

    But under the dominance of traditional idea of development , the sign of development is controlled by human-centred theory and the theory of taking objects as the basis , thus aggravating the contradiction between man and nature .

  28. 主要从市场的成本分摊性、人类中心论、科技异化以及政治对致毁性技术应用的加速作用分别对上述四种根源及特征进行了深入分析。

    Thesis analyses deeply the above mentioned four sources and their characteristics respectively from the aspects of cost distribution , human egoism , scientific and technological alienation and the accelerating role of politics for the use of disaster causing technology .

  29. 研究结论:四象医学的建构因素是古代自然哲学的阴阳四象论(四元构造)、儒家性理学的人类中心论、中医学理论与临床实践经验以及朝鲜民族自身的防病治病经验;

    Conclusion : Constitution factors of " si xiang " medicine is Yi Yang " si xiang " theory of ancient natural philosophy , humankind center theory of Confucianism , prevent and treat experience of Chinese medical theory and clinical practice and Korean medicine .

  30. 人类中心论站在传统伦理学的立场,认为人只对人自身(包括其后代)负有道德义务,人对其外的自然存在物的义务,只是人对人的一种间接义务。

    From the perspective of traditional ethics , the anthropocentrism believes that the human kind only take moral responsibility for themselves ( including their off-springs ), that their responsibility for the things in natural existence is just a kind of indirect responsibility among human beings .