
  • 网络concept of talent;view of talent;Talent
  1. 第四部分是儒家人才观的现代意义。

    The fourth part is the modern meaning of the Confucian concept of talent .

  2. 提出解决问题的对策在于完善远程教育管理制度、树立新型的人才观、教学观,加强网络资源建设和师资队伍培训等。

    The countermeasure was put forward , which was to consummate the management system , set the new view of talent and teaching , enhance network resource construction and teachers training and so on .

  3. 为此,伴随加入WTO的进程,我国高等教育的教育观、教学观、人才观必须创新。

    Therefore , we must innovate our viewpoints on education , pedagogy , and talented personnel , along with our efforts to enter the WTO .

  4. 中国古代人才观的启示

    Enlightenment of Talents ' View in the Ancient Times of China

  5. 新中国人才观发展三阶段论

    Three Stages of the Development of Talent Outlook in New China

  6. 新中国国家人才观的演进路线及基本特征

    The evolution and basic characteristic of new national talented person concept

  7. 基于新人才观的企业人才资源战略研究

    Enterprise Human Resource Strategy Research Based on New Human Resource Sight

  8. 首先,要树立创造型人才观;

    First , the concept of creative talents must be established .

  9. 以科学的人才观促进企业发展

    Promoting Enterprise Development According to the Scientific View of Talented People

  10. 科学人才观指导下的地学人才培养

    The Cultivation of Geoscientific Talent Under the Guidance of Scientific Talent View

  11. 科学人才观下的中学自主学习教育模式研究

    Scientific Talent Ideology and Independent Teaching Mode in Middle School

  12. 试论高等教育发展趋势对人才观的影响

    Attempt at Impact of Higher Education Development Trend on Human Talent View

  13. 树立适应新形势新任务要求的科学人才观

    The New View on Talents to Meet the New Situation and Task

  14. 新世纪人才观与高等教育改革探索

    The Outlook of Talents and Higher Educational Reform in the New Century

  15. 树立科学的人才观推动企业持续发展

    Establishing the Scientific Talent Concept to Prompt the Sustainable Development of Enterprise

  16. 科学人才观下的企业人才战略

    The Talent Strategy of Enterprises from the Scientific Perspective

  17. 关于复合型出版人才观的思考

    Thinking on The Concept of " Compound Talents "

  18. 从现代人才观析体育院校学生就业

    Contemporary Conception on a talented and employment of student in physical educational institutions

  19. 消极影响主要表现在人才观和知识观上;

    The negative influence shows on talent 's view and knowledge view mainly ;

  20. 对期刊编辑人才观的新诠释

    New Explanation of View on Talent of Periodical Editors

  21. 因此,必须正确地理解科学人才观,明确树立人才观的大背景,牢固树立科学人才观。

    So we should reach a correct understanding of scientific concept of talents .

  22. 以科学人才观指导女性人才资源的开发使用

    Exploration and Employment of Female Human Resources Guided by View of Scientific Talents

  23. 简论我国新闻人才观的变迁

    The Changes of News Talents ' Concept in China

  24. 试论我国市场经济的人才观

    On the Talent Concept in China 's Market Economy

  25. 科学人才观及其实践着重点

    Scientific View of Talents and the priority of Practise

  26. 简而言之,人才观进入了企业生活的最核心。

    In short , the ideology entered the very core of corporate life .

  27. 高等教育大众化背景下,树立高职高专食品专业人才观

    Establish right Food specialty talent perspectives in the background of mass higher education

  28. 论张謇的外聘人才观

    On Zhang Jian 's Viewpoint of Introducing Outside Talent

  29. 新型人才观下高校学生就业能力的提升

    Analysis of the Development of Abilities of University Student under the New Talents Notion

  30. 论科学人才观与人才强国战略

    On the Scientific View of Talented Person View and the Strategies of Strengthening China