
  • 网络artificial world
  1. 信息流(InformationFlow)理论,也称为通道理论(ChannelTheory),是一种通用的规则理论,能应用到自然界的生物、物理系统和人工世界的计算系统内在的分布式信息的交流中。

    Information Flow theory , also called Channel Theory , is a general theory of regularity that applies to the distributed information inherent in both natural world of biological and physical systems and the artificial world of computational systems .

  2. 《重要的东西:探索塑造人工世界不可思议的材料》(StuffMatters:ExploringtheMarvelousMaterialsthatShapeOurMan-MadeWorld)。

    STUFF MATTERS : Exploring the Marvelous Materials That Shape Our Man-Made World .

  3. 至少我心目中的人工智能世界应该是梦幻而奇趣的!

    At least , the world of artificial intelligence in my mind should be dream and Qi Qu !

  4. 我心中的人工智能世界是一个神奇的、充满奇幻色彩的世界。

    The world of artificial intelligence in my heart is a and magical , fills with the world of odd unreal colour .

  5. 然而(违规)消息传出后,人工智能世界议论纷纷,很多行业尖端的专家询问事件的细节。

    Since the issue emerged , the AI world has been buzzing , with many leading experts asking for details about what happened .

  6. 我觉得人工智能世界应该是让机器人来到我们生活中,但我觉得不应该让他们有着情感,因为无论怎么说,必竟他门不是真人。

    I feel that the world of artificial intelligence should be to let robot arrive us to live , but I feel that should not let them have feelings , because no matter how to say surely actually his door do not be real person .

  7. 我们生活在一个越来越依赖人工智能的世界里。

    We are living in a world that depends more and more on AI .

  8. 桉树人工林是世界上纤维和木材产品的重要来源之一。

    Eucalyptus artifical forests are one of the important source of fibre and timber production in the world .

  9. 鳄类的人工饲养在世界上是一种新型产业,它有二种饲养方式,但都必须具备种群、食物、资金和技术四个基本要素。

    Crocodilian farming is a relatively new industry in the world , there are two ways of crocodilian farming which must contain the four principal resources of stock , food , money and technique .

  10. 洛杉矶时间(9月4日)凌晨2时33分,SpaceX、特斯拉和BoringCompany的CEO马斯克在推特上发表了关于人工智能或引发世界末日的言论,显然他对这一前景感到十分担忧。

    The prospect clearly weighs heavily on Musk 's mind , since the SpaceX , Tesla and Boring Company chief tweeted at 2.33am Los Angeles time about how AI could lead to the end of the world .

  11. 潜流人工湿地已在世界各国研究应用。

    Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetlands has been on application in every country .

  12. 中国人工造林面积居世界首位。

    China 's afforested area comes first in the world .

  13. 大力发展人工用材林是世界各国历来采取的缓解木材不足的重要措施。

    To develop timber plantation intensively is an important measurements to assuage the wood deficiency in the world .

  14. 桉树人工林在全世界的发展迅速,没有比在中国南部地区更需要一种新的木材和木纤维产品的需求。

    There is rapid expansion of eucalypt plantations throughout the world and none more so than in southern China where there is an burgeoning demand for wood and wood fiber products .

  15. 创办者希望,学生们发展的技能——人和机器的协作、批判性的思考、说话和写作技能、数据管理等等——将能和一个充斥着人工智能的自动化世界的需求接轨。

    The skills students develop , the founders hope , will more closely align with what an AI-infused , automated world demands : collaboration between people and machines , critical thinking , speaking and writing skills , and data management , to name just a few things .

  16. 作为阿拉伯湾贸易和旅游的中心,近年来,迪拜已经见证了一系列重要工程的落成完工,在其海岸上修建了三座棕榈形状的小岛,和一群人工小岛,形似世界地图。

    Dubai , the Gulf Arab trade and tourism hub , has embarked on a series of mega-projects ( 4 ) in recent years , developing three palm-shaped ( 5 ) islands off its coast and a cluster of ( 6 ) man-made islands shaped like a map of the world .

  17. 1990年第二届人工生命会议上,他播放了和同事迈克尔•利特曼(2)一起制作的相当重要的人工生命世界的别出心裁的录像,迷倒了在场观看的250位严肃的科学家。

    He broke up250 serious scientists at the1990 Second Artificial Life Conference with a wickedly funny video of a rather important artificial life world he and colleague Michael Littman had made .