
  • 网络artificial consciousness
  1. 人工意识是否可能

    Is Artificial Consciousness Possible

  2. 提出了从面向人工意识系统,建立全局知识库以及建立通用自然语言的数学模型等3个方面着手的新思路。

    A new idea is brough forth that consists of artificial consciousness , construction of global knowledge base and mathematical model of natural language .

  3. 1993年,圣地亚哥州立大学(SanDiegoStateUniversity)的数学教授,弗诺·文奇(VernorVinge)提出了技术奇点(singularity)的概念——在未来,计算机网络通过先进的人工智能获得了意识,并可以与人类直接连接来帮助其进化。

    In 1993 , Vernor Vinge , a math professor at San Diego State University , proposed what he called the singularity -- a time at which computer networks may become self-aware through advanced AI , and interfaces between people and computers help humankind evolve .

  4. 人工情感主要是情感计算方面的研究,人工心理包括人工情感、人工意识以及认知与情绪的人工数字化技术。

    The research of artificial emotion is primarily involved in effective computing ; artificial psychology includes artificial emotion , artificial consciousness and the artificial digital technology of cognition and emotion .